Westminster Community Primary School Reception Welcome Meeting
The Early Years Foundation Stage allows children to learn through curiosity, play and exploration. It supports children in becoming independent. It keeps children healthy and safe. There are four principles which underpin effective practice in the care, development and learning of young children. There are seven areas of learning. What is the EYFS?
Principles Children learn and develop in different ways and at different rates Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable and self assured. A Unique Child Enabling Environments The environment plays a key role in supporting a child’s development where experiences respond to their individual needs. Children learn to be strong and independent from a base of secure relationships with parents/carers and teachers. Positive relationships Learning and Development
The Areas of Learning are split into 2: Prime Areas Specific Areas The Areas of Learning Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and Language Development Physical Development LiteracyMathematicsUnderstanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Prime Areas
Specific Areas
Playing and Exploring – engagement. Finding out and exploring Using what they know in their play Being willing to have a go Active Learning – motivation Being involved and concentrating Keep on trying Enjoying achieving what they set out to do Creating and Thinking critically – thinking Having their own ideas Using what they already know to learn new things Choosing ways to do things and finding new ways Characteristics of Effective Learning
Prime and Specific areas as well as the Characteristics are assessed throughout the EYFS. Parents to contribute to Learning Journey’s. 2Simple and a book. Learning Journey Wall. Early Excellence Baseline this academic year. Assessment
Kind, caring, friendly and calm atmosphere. Group work – large and small (adult initiated) Child initiated play. Continuous access to the outdoor area. How do we learn?
Child Initiated Learning
Sharing books together – all members of the family Talk about characters, settings, predicting what might happen. Read others text e.g. newspapers, road signs, Kindles, IPad. Rhyming words Writing lists Saying the phonetic alphabet as well as letter names. Literacy
Counting aloud Number rhymes Problem solving – jigsaws Numbers in the environment Shapes in the environment Patterns Mathematics
Being independent Using the toilet by themselves Dressing and undressing independently – attempting buttons and zips Taking turns Interacting with others Being resilient Being School Ready
BOYS Black or grey trousers. White polo top or shirt Navy blue Westminster cardigan or jumper. Black or grey shorts can be worn after the Easter holidays. Uniform GIRLS Black or grey skirt, trousers or pinafore. White polo top or shirt. Navy blue Westminster cardigan or jumper. Navy summer dresses can be worn after the Easter holidays.
PE Kit: Black shorts Black PE pumps Royal blue Westminster PE top. Please put this in a ruck sack rather than a drawstring bag. Uniform ALL uniform needs to be CLEARLY labelled with your child’s name.
Home visits Visits to Nursery School Visits Whole class to start straight away – no staggered intake. Transition
This is a chance for your child to visit our school for the afternoon. They can familiarise themselves with the environment. They can get to know key adults. School Visits Afternoon visits to school: Wednesday 3 rd June, 10 th June, 17 th June, 24 th June, 1 st July Wednesday 8 th July to stay in school all day. (9:15-2:45)
A friendly visit minute visit. A reminder of key adults Time for any questions, queries or worries you have. A chance for your child to talk to us. We can help with any paper work PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD’S BIRTH CERTIFICATE OR PASSPORT READY FOR US TO SEE. Home Visits Home Visits: Friday 4 th June and Tuesday 9 th June
We do not have a staggered intake. Key adults will complete the baseline of the class. TERM STARTS ON Wednesday 2 nd September Doors open at 8:45. Please be on time! We look forward to seeing you then. September 2015
Thank you for your time. If you have any questions please ask a member of staff. Before you leave please book a Home Visit. Remember to take your welcome pack. Thank you