Click on the hat to start Rules
5 d 1 a a A A n n N N score A physical limit on the quantity of a good that can be imported into a country. Click on the hat to show next card 2 Quota Press space bar to reveal answer
knHV hyEO dqLZ moBS ezCU cvDP axFW fsKQ jtJX gpIR lwMN brGT iuAY The Magic Card – Data tables for Game activity 2 2 Separate into 4 teams – spades, diamonds, clubs and hearts Each team will be given 13 playing cards to match their team suit. Separate these cards as equally as possible amongst the team members The aim of this game is for your team to have the highest points score You score points by defining the term shown on screen The person making the definition will be chosen by the magician’s hat – whoever holds the card shown has to define the term on screen There should be 6 possible terms per team If someone gets an answer wrong, the point goes to the next team (order being spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts and back round again) Rules
To complete this activity you will need this PowerPoint file and a packet of cards. Separate your class into 4 groups – call them Spades, Diamonds, Hearts and Clubs. Distribute cards to each group and follow ‘Rules’. Increase scores by clicking on the appropriate card in the bottom left corner of the screen. The person making the definition will be chosen by the magician’s hat – whoever holds the card shown has to define the term on screen There should be 6 possible terms per team If someone gets an answer wrong, the point goes to the next team (order being spades, diamonds, clubs, hearts and back round again) Tutor notes