SharePoint for Managing Projects David Totten, SharePoint Consultant
About the Speaker Swimming and Roller Skating PMP, REP, MCTS SharePoint SharePoint Consulting David Totten,
Overview Define SharePoint Review Course Objectives Describe potential cost savings when utilizing SharePoint Demonstrate project management capabilities of SharePoint Summary
Objectives - 1 Identify common problems in Managing Projects > No Matter what Organization you work for there are common problems faced by all PMs Meetings Wars
Objectives - 2 Demonstrate how SharePoint can help Project Managers overcome various communication problems compilingreminding
Objectives - 3 Describe how SharePoint can enhance Co Workers project communication initiatives CMSAccountability
Common Problems Poor document management > A lot of project related documents are kept on people local computer systems Inefficient status reporting >visual web based reports Poorly conducted meeting >successful meetings = successful projects Gaps in change control management No template reuse Inefficient communication >How much time on ….. Send 50 s a day Gaps in Requirement Gathering
What is SharePoint Web Based System CMSCentralization Key Components v2007 WSSMOSS Key Components v2010 SharePoint Foundation server 2010 SharePoint 2010 Server Integrates with systems Access Database Oracle Database SAP free
Site Structure and Hierarchy Site collection Subsites Top-level sites Site Administration Templates Reporting visibility for Senior Mgt UrL Links – budget dept. UrL Links – Audit dept. Calendar – Budget dept. Calendar – Audit dept. Project(x)Project(y)Project(z)
BT Financial Groups- 40 PMs Result PMs save 3 hrs a weekResulting in 5000hrsSavings of 490K Solution automating the process of extracting information from other systems and populating this data into forms Problem take the manual processes out of chasing people for information and copying it from other systems
BT Financial Groups- 40 PMs Result Resulting in 420hrs per yearSavings of 50K Solution Meta data search and versioning Problem searching for documentsphoning contributors updating and consolidating multiple spreadsheets maintaining older versions of spreadsheets for auditing purposes
Architecture - 2 web servers -2 MS SQL Database Servers
Document Management Capabilities VersioningMeta DataSecurityWorkflowsSearch Approve / Reject Audit Capabilities
Document Management
Centralization Template for Structure and Order Historical Snapshot Time Mgt Cross Training Road Map Decisions Requirements Validation
Meetings Accountability Updated and goes out Cross Training Road Map Decisions Requirements Validation
Change Mgt - Workflows Serial workflows Parallel workflows Document Retention Electronic Signatures Example – Vacation / Conference Room Calendar Problem – long response time
Status Reporting Report Visibility for Executive Management JohnCarol
Reporting Project Closure
Reporting -WebEx -NetMeeting-GoTo Meeting
Gathering Requirements Document Work Space Project Based on DocSOPProposal, RFP Discussion Boards WarsMessage ThreadsRFPs and SOPs, ProposalReduced Paper Trail WIKIs Hawaiian term for "quick"— online destination where users can freely create or edit Web page content Lessons Learned, FAQs
Gathering Requirements Yearly Reviews -Ethics Docs - HR Policys
Project Closure Task Capabilities TemplatesSurveys
Project Closure Task
Summary Document management > Many projects based on getting a document out Status reporting >visual web based reports and it compliments WebEx and GoTo Meeting Meetings Mgt >successful meetings = successful projects Change control management Template reuse Project Communication >How much time on ….. Send 50 s a day Requirement Gathering
Summary Cost Savings - BT Financial Groups- 40 PMs Result PMs save 3 hrs a weekResulting in 5000hrsSavings of 490K Solution automating the process of extracting information from other systems and populating this data into forms Problem take the manual processes out of chasing people for information and copying it from other systems
Other Capabilities Capabilities PMORegulatory ComplianceInventory MgtConfiguration Mgt Nov 5, 6