Now Presenting: the Traveling Standards Show Producers: Ashley Cramer, Nikki Rogers, Jamie Wuennemann ED417-01
Characters and Setting Grade: 3 rd Grade: 3 rd Subject: Let’s Explore Historical Places, Coast to Coast! Subject: Let’s Explore Historical Places, Coast to Coast! Objectives: Objectives: Students will learn about local, state, and national historical places Students will learn about local, state, and national historical places Students will gain an appreciation for the study of historical places Students will gain an appreciation for the study of historical places Students will gain an understanding of historical happenings when they can make connections with the places around them and events throughout history Students will gain an understanding of historical happenings when they can make connections with the places around them and events throughout history
The Plot: Standards Exploration Ohio Academic Content Standards: Ohio Academic Content Standards: History History Benchmarks and Indicators Benchmarks and Indicators Activities Activities People in Societies People in Societies Benchmarks and Indicators Benchmarks and Indicators Activities Activities Geography Geography Benchmarks and Indicators Benchmarks and Indicators Activities Activities Economics Economics Benchmarks and Indicators Benchmarks and Indicators Activities Activities Government Government Benchmarks and Indicators Benchmarks and Indicators Activities Activities Citizenship, Rights, and Responsibilities Citizenship, Rights, and Responsibilities Benchmarks and Indicators Benchmarks and Indicators Activities Activities Social Studies Skills and Methods Social Studies Skills and Methods Benchmarks and Indicators Benchmarks and Indicators Activities Activities Websites Websites
Act I, Scene I: History Standard History- students use materials drawn from the diversity of human experience to analyze and interpret significant events, patterns and themes in the history of Ohio, the United States and the world. History- students use materials drawn from the diversity of human experience to analyze and interpret significant events, patterns and themes in the history of Ohio, the United States and the world.
Act I, Scene II: History Benchmark and Indicator Benchmark C- explain how new developments lead to the growth of the United States Benchmark C- explain how new developments lead to the growth of the United States Indicator 3- describe changes in the community over time including changes in: businesses, agriculture, physical features, employment, education, transportation, technology, religion, and recreation Indicator 3- describe changes in the community over time including changes in: businesses, agriculture, physical features, employment, education, transportation, technology, religion, and recreation
Act I, Scene III: History Activities Activity 1- students will make a timeline Activity 1- students will make a timeline Activity 2- students will take a field trip to the USAF Museum Activity 2- students will take a field trip to the USAF Museum Activity 3- students will watch film on the change of aviation (Charlie Brown Wright Brother’s) Activity 3- students will watch film on the change of aviation (Charlie Brown Wright Brother’s) Activity 4- guest speaker from the local historical society teaches the class Activity 4- guest speaker from the local historical society teaches the class Activity 5- students will create and perform a play based on the changes of transportation Activity 5- students will create and perform a play based on the changes of transportation
Act II, Scene I: People In Societies Standard People in Societies- students use knowledge of perspectives, practices, and products of culture, ethnic, and social groups to analyze the impact of their commonality and diversity within local, national, regional, and global settings People in Societies- students use knowledge of perspectives, practices, and products of culture, ethnic, and social groups to analyze the impact of their commonality and diversity within local, national, regional, and global settings
Act II, Scene II: People in Societies Benchmark and Indicator Benchmark B- explain the reasons people from various cultural groups come to North America and the consequences of their interactions with each other Benchmark B- explain the reasons people from various cultural groups come to North America and the consequences of their interactions with each other Indicator 3- describe settlement patterns of various cultural groups within the local community Indicator 3- describe settlement patterns of various cultural groups within the local community
Act II, Scene III: Activities Activity 1- students will take a field trip to the Underground Railroad (Springboro) or to Carillon Park Activity 1- students will take a field trip to the Underground Railroad (Springboro) or to Carillon Park Activity 2- students will trace the settlement history of Dayton Activity 2- students will trace the settlement history of Dayton Activity 3- students will create a brochure to entice people to settle in Dayton by providing information on the cities history Activity 3- students will create a brochure to entice people to settle in Dayton by providing information on the cities history Activity 4- students will map out the course of the settlers who traveled to Dayton Activity 4- students will map out the course of the settlers who traveled to Dayton Activity 5- students will create a song about the early settlers of Dayton Activity 5- students will create a song about the early settlers of Dayton
Act III, Scene I: Geography Standard Geography- students use knowledge of geographic locations, patterns and processes to show that interrelationship between the physical environment and human activity, and to explain the interactions that occur in an increasingly interdependent world Geography- students use knowledge of geographic locations, patterns and processes to show that interrelationship between the physical environment and human activity, and to explain the interactions that occur in an increasingly interdependent world
Act III, Scene II: Geography Benchmark and Indicators Benchmark A- use map elements or coordinates to locate physical and human features of North America Benchmark A- use map elements or coordinates to locate physical and human features of North America Indicator 1- use political maps, physical maps, and aerial photographs to ask and answer questions about the local community Indicator 1- use political maps, physical maps, and aerial photographs to ask and answer questions about the local community Indicator 3 (grade 3)- read and interpret maps by using the map title, map key, direction indicator and symbols to answer questions about the local community Indicator 3 (grade 3)- read and interpret maps by using the map title, map key, direction indicator and symbols to answer questions about the local community
Act III, Scene III: Activities Activity 1- students will determine the settlement dates of Ohio counties and record settlement dates on a map of the counties Activity 1- students will determine the settlement dates of Ohio counties and record settlement dates on a map of the counties Activity 2- using the map of settlement dates, students will create a bar graph or a timeline of the chronology of dates Activity 2- using the map of settlement dates, students will create a bar graph or a timeline of the chronology of dates Activity 3- using a map, students will determine the distance from the school to local historical sites Activity 3- using a map, students will determine the distance from the school to local historical sites Activity 4- students will create a set of directions using a map to tell other students how to get to one of the studied historical places Activity 4- students will create a set of directions using a map to tell other students how to get to one of the studied historical places Activity 5- students will use a map to mark all historical site studied Activity 5- students will use a map to mark all historical site studied
Act IV: Economics Standard Economics- students use economic reasoning skills and knowledge of major economic concepts, issues and systems in order to make informed choices as producers, consumers, savers, investors, workers and citizens in a interdependent world Economics- students use economic reasoning skills and knowledge of major economic concepts, issues and systems in order to make informed choices as producers, consumers, savers, investors, workers and citizens in a interdependent world
Act IV, Scene II: Economics Benchmarks and Indicators Benchmark B - explain why entrepreneurship, capital goods, technology, specialization and division of labor are important in the production of goods and services Benchmark B - explain why entrepreneurship, capital goods, technology, specialization and division of labor are important in the production of goods and services Indicator 2 - identify people who purchase goods and services as consumers and people who make goods or provide services as producers Indicator 2 - identify people who purchase goods and services as consumers and people who make goods or provide services as producers Benchmark C- explain how competition effects producers and consumers in a market economy and why specialization facilitates trade Benchmark C- explain how competition effects producers and consumers in a market economy and why specialization facilitates trade Indicator 6- explain how the local community is an example of a market where buyers and sellers exchange goods and services Indicator 6- explain how the local community is an example of a market where buyers and sellers exchange goods and services
Activity IV, Scene III: Activities Activity 1- when creating the brochure to entice someone to travel to a historical place, students must find out the air travel cost to get there Activity 1- when creating the brochure to entice someone to travel to a historical place, students must find out the air travel cost to get there Activity 2- using the previous study of the Pony Express, students will discover what the price used to be to send a letter Activity 2- using the previous study of the Pony Express, students will discover what the price used to be to send a letter Activity 3- students will plan budget of how much a trip to a national historical place would cost Activity 3- students will plan budget of how much a trip to a national historical place would cost Activity 4- after the study of the Ohio Village, students can compare the similarities and difference between owning a store then and owning a store now Activity 4- after the study of the Ohio Village, students can compare the similarities and difference between owning a store then and owning a store now Activity 5- students can compare travel prices (example: air travel, train travel, etc.) to travel to one of the national places studied Activity 5- students can compare travel prices (example: air travel, train travel, etc.) to travel to one of the national places studied
Act V, Scene I: Government Standard Government- students use knowledge of the purposes, structures, and processes or political systems at the local, state, national and international levels to understand that people create systems of government as structures of power and authority to provide order, maintain stability and promote the general welfare Government- students use knowledge of the purposes, structures, and processes or political systems at the local, state, national and international levels to understand that people create systems of government as structures of power and authority to provide order, maintain stability and promote the general welfare
Act V, Scene II: Government Benchmark and Indicator Benchmark A- identify the responsibilities of the branches of the U.S. government and explain why they are necessary Benchmark A- identify the responsibilities of the branches of the U.S. government and explain why they are necessary Indicator 3- identify the location of local government buildings and explain the functions of government that are carried out there Indicator 3- identify the location of local government buildings and explain the functions of government that are carried out there
Act V, Scene III: Activities Activity 1- students will write a letter to the personnel at the State House to find out information about what the workers do Activity 1- students will write a letter to the personnel at the State House to find out information about what the workers do Activity 2- when the letter is answered, students can create a simulation of what a day at the State House is like Activity 2- when the letter is answered, students can create a simulation of what a day at the State House is like Activity 3- after learning about places like the Ohio Village and Carillon park, students can learn about what the government was like during that time period Activity 3- after learning about places like the Ohio Village and Carillon park, students can learn about what the government was like during that time period Activity 4- students will locate other historical government sites in Ohio Activity 4- students will locate other historical government sites in Ohio Activity 5- students will locate government embassies in other countries and investigate the history of them Activity 5- students will locate government embassies in other countries and investigate the history of them
Act VI, Scene I- Citizenship, Rights, and Responsibilities Standard Citizenship, Rights, and Responsibilities- students use knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in order to examine and evaluate civic ideas and to participate in community life in the American democratic system Citizenship, Rights, and Responsibilities- students use knowledge of the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in order to examine and evaluate civic ideas and to participate in community life in the American democratic system
Act VI, Scene II- Benchmark and Indicator Benchmark B- identify rights and responsibilities of citizenship in the United States that are important for preserving democratic government Benchmark B- identify rights and responsibilities of citizenship in the United States that are important for preserving democratic government Indicator 3- describe the responsibilities of citizenship with emphasis on: voting, obeying laws, respecting the rights of others, being informed about current issues and paying taxes Indicator 3- describe the responsibilities of citizenship with emphasis on: voting, obeying laws, respecting the rights of others, being informed about current issues and paying taxes
Act VI, Scene III: Activities Activity 1- after the study of the State House and the Capitol Building, have students study the history of voting Activity 1- after the study of the State House and the Capitol Building, have students study the history of voting Activity 2- after the study of the Ohio Village, have students study what the laws were like during that time period Activity 2- after the study of the Ohio Village, have students study what the laws were like during that time period Activity 3- after learning about the laws during that time period, students can write an amendment to the laws during that time Activity 3- after learning about the laws during that time period, students can write an amendment to the laws during that time Activity 4- after the study of the USAF Museum, students can write a persuasive essay determining if requiring military service as a U.S. citizen was positive or negative Activity 4- after the study of the USAF Museum, students can write a persuasive essay determining if requiring military service as a U.S. citizen was positive or negative Activity 5- after the study of the Pony Express, students can determine how the Pony Express changed the speed of information travel in the U.S. and how this progression allowed U.S. citizens to be more informed about issues (local, state, national, international) Activity 5- after the study of the Pony Express, students can determine how the Pony Express changed the speed of information travel in the U.S. and how this progression allowed U.S. citizens to be more informed about issues (local, state, national, international)
Act VII, Scene I: Social Studies Skills and Methods Standard Social Studies Skills and Methods- students collect, organize, evaluate and synthesize information from multiple sources to draw logical conclusions. Students communicate this information using appropriate social studies terminology in oral, written, or multimedia form and apply what they have learned to societal issues in simulated or real world settings Social Studies Skills and Methods- students collect, organize, evaluate and synthesize information from multiple sources to draw logical conclusions. Students communicate this information using appropriate social studies terminology in oral, written, or multimedia form and apply what they have learned to societal issues in simulated or real world settings
Act VII, Scene II: Benchmark and Indicator Benchmark C- communicate social studies information using graphs or tables Benchmark C- communicate social studies information using graphs or tables Indicator 5- communicate information using pictographs and bar graphs Indicator 5- communicate information using pictographs and bar graphs
Act VII, Scene III: Activities Activity 1- after teaching another class about a historical place, the other class can vote on the teaching performance of the students and track the votes on a graph Activity 1- after teaching another class about a historical place, the other class can vote on the teaching performance of the students and track the votes on a graph Activity 2- students can create a pictograph depicting the class’s favorite historical place that was studied Activity 2- students can create a pictograph depicting the class’s favorite historical place that was studied Activity 3- students can create a bar graph based on the pricing of travel that was determined in a previous activity Activity 3- students can create a bar graph based on the pricing of travel that was determined in a previous activity Activity 4- students can take a poll with teachers and students in other grades to determine favorite historical places, and record information in a graph Activity 4- students can take a poll with teachers and students in other grades to determine favorite historical places, and record information in a graph Activity 5- students can create a bar graph to determine which historical place has the farthest distance from Dayton Activity 5- students can create a bar graph to determine which historical place has the farthest distance from Dayton
Credits Websites: Websites: The History Place The History Place The History Place The History Place Ohio Historical Society Ohio Historical Society Ohio Historical Society Ohio Historical Society Ohio Kids Ohio Kids Ohio Kids Ohio Kids City of Dayton City of Dayton City of Dayton City of Dayton Fact Monster Fact Monster Fact Monster Fact Monster