Teacher: Mrs. D’Anna Room: 242/225 Address: Office: 252 Tutoring Schedule: 4 th period everyday Room 243 Class: Living Environment
Fill Out Index Cards Please Print—Be very neat! Please Print—Be very neat! Full Name Full Name Homeroom Number Homeroom Number Parents/Guardian Names Parents/Guardian Names Home Telephone Number Home Telephone Number Write your Lab Day and period! Write your Lab Day and period!
Rules of the Class –Please be respectful and cooperate with your classmates. –Please be responsible for all your work. –Please follow all routines and procedures. –Please listen while the teacher is speaking. –Please respect school property. –Please keep all cell phones and ipods turned off and out of sight. –NO EATING OR DRINKING IN CLASS UNLESS YOU ARE IN 5 TH OR 6 TH PERIOD AND YOU HAD LAB.
Grading Policy Tests, Quizzes, Labs & Projects 90% Tests, Quizzes, Labs & Projects 90% –Two projects per term –Six New York Times article summaries per term –If you are absent for a test, you must show a note from home explaining the reason for your absence. Make up tests are only given if you have a note. –Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. (In the event of an absence, a missed quiz may be dropped if it was unannounced). –Missing labs = cannot sit for the Regents exam Homework 10% Homework 10% –Assignments posted on SITHS web site & smart board –Homework Rubric posted on SITHS web site –One day late = automatic “Low Performance” grade –More than one day late or plagiarized = automatic zero –If absent, hand in the day you return to school –Graded class work projects (see HW rubric) –Attendance and class participation are mandatory.
High Performance (3 points) The student has written BOTH questions AND answers throughout the assignment. All required questions are answered, and most answers are correct. Short answers are thorough, and the student gives evidence to support his/her answers. All answers are written in complete sentences, and the handwriting is legible. Average Performance (2 points) The student has written only the answers. Some questions are correct while others are incorrect. Some questions supported with evidence and examples, so are not. Low Performance (1 point) The assignment is incomplete OR most answers are incorrect. Short answers are not thorough or supported with evidence. The answers are not in complete sentences, or the questions are not included, or the handwriting is illegible. Zero Points Any homework handed in that is the result of plagiarism or homework copied from another student. Homework Scoring Rubric
General Course Information Grades are cummulative Grades are cummulative No extra credit No extra credit Plagiarism or copying work from another student will result in an automatic zero and a phone call home. Plagiarism or copying work from another student will result in an automatic zero and a phone call home. Please read (carefully) the academic honesty policy! Please read (carefully) the academic honesty policy!
How Do you study for this class? Take notes using the booklet with the slides during class Take notes using the booklet with the slides during class Spend 15 minutes each night looking over the notes you took in class that day. Rewrite them if necessary Spend 15 minutes each night looking over the notes you took in class that day. Rewrite them if necessary One week before the test start looking over your notes for minutes a night and read the corresponding textbook chapters for further reference One week before the test start looking over your notes for minutes a night and read the corresponding textbook chapters for further reference Jot down any questions that you may have Jot down any questions that you may have Bring those questions to the tutoring center if necessary Bring those questions to the tutoring center if necessary A day or two before the test work on review questions A day or two before the test work on review questions
Reminders HW: Bring in signed contracts tomorrow! HW: Bring in signed contracts tomorrow! Power Point slides posted on SITHS web site Power Point slides posted on SITHS web site Questions? Questions?