Welcome to Pine Lake Health and Fitness
¶ Grading ¶ Absences, Make-ups & Injuries ¸ Curriculum-PE & Health Í Typical day Topics:
Teachers: Sue Swanson Sue Swanson Roy Cress Roy Cress Steve Amoroso Steve Amoroso Kim Parcher Kim Parcher Shanda Jaye Shanda Jaye Jolene Anderson Jolene Anderson Chris Miske Carolyn Booth Ken Abraham Angela Hardy Jeff Jewell
1. Grading: A. Participation=75% (Level 4 system) A. Participation=75% (Level 4 system) B. Written tests=25% B. Written tests=25%
A. Participation 75%- There are points available each day for student controlled behaviors such as: Effort, Attitude, Sportsmanship, Attention and Preparedness. 75%- There are points available each day for student controlled behaviors such as: Effort, Attitude, Sportsmanship, Attention and Preparedness.
Level 4: Challenges Self-4 points These students consistently show excellent levels of effort and caring regardless of ability. They seek extra help from the teacher and help and encourage others. They are motivated, responsible, prepared, supportive and attentive. These students consistently show excellent levels of effort and caring regardless of ability. They seek extra help from the teacher and help and encourage others. They are motivated, responsible, prepared, supportive and attentive.
Level 3: Self Directed-3 Points These students make good decisions and are responsible. They work without direct supervision and give a good effort. They are punctual and prepared. These students make good decisions and are responsible. They work without direct supervision and give a good effort. They are punctual and prepared.
Level 2:Selective Participation-2 Points These students show self-control, but they need reminders from time to time about keeping up on effort, staying on task or being attentive. They are not working to their full potential. These students show self-control, but they need reminders from time to time about keeping up on effort, staying on task or being attentive. They are not working to their full potential.
Level 1: Minimal Effort-1 Point These students may not fully participate in the day’s activities or show much effort for mastery or improvement. The control their behavior so they don’t interfere with another students education. They take undue amount of the teachers time. These students may not fully participate in the day’s activities or show much effort for mastery or improvement. The control their behavior so they don’t interfere with another students education. They take undue amount of the teachers time.
Level 0-Unacceptable- 0 Points These students are unmotivated, unprepared, or undisciplined. Their behavior includes discrediting or making fun or other students, intentionally interupting the learning process, misusing equipment, using profanity or being unsafe. These students are unmotivated, unprepared, or undisciplined. Their behavior includes discrediting or making fun or other students, intentionally interupting the learning process, misusing equipment, using profanity or being unsafe.
B. Written Tests 25%-study guide and test for comprehension. 25%-study guide and test for comprehension.
2. Absences & Injuries: Each time a student is not in class they have points they need to MAKE-UP. Each time a student is not in class they have points they need to MAKE-UP. If they are absent they can do a make up activity at home and turn in a make-up slip. If they are absent they can do a make up activity at home and turn in a make-up slip.
The Make-up Slip
Injuries or Illness: Students need to bring a note if they cannot fully participate in PE due to an injury or an illness. We will modify their activity if needed. If you feel they should not participate at all write that in your note. Students need to bring a note if they cannot fully participate in PE due to an injury or an illness. We will modify their activity if needed. If you feel they should not participate at all write that in your note.
3. Curriculum: Fall Fall Cardiovascular fitness Cardiovascular fitness Fitness Testing Fitness Testing Soccer Soccer Football games Football games Volleyball Volleyball
Curriculum Cont. Winter Winter Dance Dance Basketball Basketball Gymnastics Gymnastics Mat games Mat games Circus arts-6th Circus arts-6th Floor hockey-7th Floor hockey-7th Team handball-8th Team handball-8th
Curriculum: Spring Spring Track & field Track & field Fitness testing-7th & 8th Fitness testing-7th & 8th Lawn games Lawn games Softball Softball Pickleball Pickleball Badminton Badminton Lacrosse Lacrosse
All year curriculum Fitness activities Fitness activities Rock Wall Rock Wall Fitness Testing Fitness Testing
NEW HEALTH CURRICULUM All health has received new text books this year All health has received new text books this year Students have the ability to access the text online along with a lot of other activities. Students have the ability to access the text online along with a lot of other activities. 6/7- 6/
Health-6th Grade Each 6th grader will have 1 1/2 trimesters of PE, 1 trimester of health and 6 weeks of introduction to technology. Each 6th grader will have 1 1/2 trimesters of PE, 1 trimester of health and 6 weeks of introduction to technology.
Health-7th & 8th Each 7th & 8th grader will have 2 trimesters of PE and 1 trimester of health. Each 7th & 8th grader will have 2 trimesters of PE and 1 trimester of health.
Health Curriculum Nutrition Nutrition Drug Awareness Drug Awareness Safety & First Aid Safety & First Aid Wellness Wellness Human Growth-FLASH Human Growth-FLASH
4. Typical Day? Go to the appropriate locker room by end of passing time Go to the appropriate locker room by end of passing time Students get 10 minutes to get changed if they hussle to the locker room. Students get 10 minutes to get changed if they hussle to the locker room.
Lockers: A 15 by 15 locker and lock is assigned to each student. These combinations are to be kept confidential. A 15 by 15 locker and lock is assigned to each student. These combinations are to be kept confidential. Clothes should be taken home every Friday and brought back on Monday. Clothes should be taken home every Friday and brought back on Monday.
PE Uniform: Grey t-shirt with no logos Grey t-shirt with no logos Pine lake shirts available-$5.00/long sleeve $8.00 Pine lake shirts available-$5.00/long sleeve $8.00 Blue or black shorts Blue or black shorts Pine lake shorts available-$10.00 Pine lake shorts available-$10.00 Appropriate shoes & socks Appropriate shoes & socks Sweatshirts can be brought and put on after warm-ups. Sweatshirts can be brought and put on after warm-ups.
Oops I Forgot My Uniform! A loaner uniform is required to be worn if a student forgets their uniform. A loaner uniform is required to be worn if a student forgets their uniform. A student will get one free non-suit per trimester and thereafter a non-suit will result in a loss of points. A student will get one free non-suit per trimester and thereafter a non-suit will result in a loss of points.
Typical Day Cont. After changing students go to role line for role and warm-ups After changing students go to role line for role and warm-ups Then we share with them the activity for the day……. Then we share with them the activity for the day……. With 5 -7 minutes students are dismissed back to the lockerooms to get changed. With 5 -7 minutes students are dismissed back to the lockerooms to get changed.
Any Questions? Give us a call at school if you have any concerns or questions. We all have voice mail and . Communication is the key to a successful experience for your child.