Aston University and BAE Systems Impact arising from collaboration: A case study of BAE Systems and Aston Presenter: Prof. Peter Foote (C.Phys, F Inst.P), BAE Systems
Inventory of Aston / BAE Systems projects Some BAE Systems background 19 years of success – Some highlights The value of partnership Nearly 20 years of achievement…..together
Aston EEAP: young department, strong industry background, eager to make an impact in a new field BAE exploring new photonic based technologies to enhance product offerings 1992 First Contact……….Professor Ian Bennion Dept. of Electronic Engineering and Applied Physics
GIFTS (Grating in Fibre Transmission Systems) MAST (Maritime Application of Smart Technology) EMPIRE (EMbedded Photonic InfrastructuRE) CONSTRUCT (Composite Structural Health Monitoring Technologies) Integrated Wing Fuel parameter sensors Timeline of partnered programmes
University Partnerships In-house R&D Products / capability Technology Readiness Level Time Technology provider partnerships From invention to innovation
University Partnerships In-house R&D Products / capability Technology Readiness Level Time Technology provider partnerships From invention to innovation Spin-in
Optical fibre Bragg grating sensors being embedded in a 35-metre, carbon composite ‘Aerorig’ mast during construction. Demonstration of world’s first ‘smart mast’ in a luxury yacht made from composite materials. Project ‘MAST’ mid-1990s Pendennis Shipyards, Carbospars Ltd, BAE Systems Aston University, Egli Consultants
Large scale trail of structurally embedded optical fibre sensors in the super-yacht ‘Jacquelina’ built by Pendennis Full system implementation aboard the luxury yacht ‘Jacquelina’. Optical fibres emerge from foot of the rig
Sea-Trial 1: Tack 1 Optical fibre strain sensor data from multiplexed Bragg gratings embedded in Jacquelina’s mast. The data was recorded over the complete period of trials. The example shows an episode In the data record taken during a tack manoeuvre. The smart mast in action
Embedded fibre optic connectors for ‘smart structures’ Project EMPIRE designed and built fibre optic connectors for embedding in autoclave carbon fibre composite. Both edge and surface emitting connectors were designed and realised. Suitable for single and multimode fibres EMPIRE: BAE Systems, Deutsch Ltd, Aston University
Manufacturing Demonstrator for embedded fibre optic connectors Edge-Connector Surface Connector Surface connector
The value of partnership Laying the foundations. The early days – exciting new fibre optic technology - Aston grasped the lead. BAE System spotted potential for innovative sensors. Jointly we forged partnerships with other technology developers, users and government agencies to promote the potential. Implementing the technologies Transition from the laboratory to the real world. New partnerships formed resulting in spectacular demonstrations aboard luxury yachts and a leap in the evolution of optical sensing. Building the capability The Aston - BAE Systems partnership triggered the formation of new UK based businesses where none existed before. They are now supplying fibre optic sensor technology to the world. BAE Systems contracts-out over 75% of turnover – supplier industries are our life-blood.