T-THERMO-MECHANICAL MODEL FOR THE LC FORWARD TRACKER Ciemat, October 27 th, FPA2013ILC workshop D. Moya, I. Vila, Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC.


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Presentation transcript:

T-THERMO-MECHANICAL MODEL FOR THE LC FORWARD TRACKER Ciemat, October 27 th, FPA2013ILC workshop D. Moya, I. Vila, Instituto de Física de Cantabria (CSIC-UC ) M.A. de la torre, M. Frövel. Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeronautica (INTA ) M. A.Villarejo, M. Vos, I. Garcia, M. Perelló Instituto de Física Corpuscular (CSIC-UV )

Outline — Aim of Thermo-Mechanical Mock-up — First steps done: _ Aluminum BP manufactured _ Composite, foam and honeycomb defined and bought — Next Steps: _ Realistic and simple design for pixel and strips FTD _ Cooperation agreement with INTA _ Support structures manufacture — Mock-up expected for next year. workshop 27th October Ciemat 2

Aim of thermo-mechanical mock-up 3 workshop 27th October Ciemat — The aim is to manufacture realistic FTD system of the first 4 detectors (FTD 1- FTD2( pixels) + FTD3-FTD4(strips))in order to simulate real operation conditions of the subdetector, test different cooling techniques (dry air blowing, micro cooling channels…)and measure temperature distribution, induced vibrations and deformations.

Aim of thermo-mechanical mock-up 4 workshop 27th October Ciemat — The thermomechanical mock-up will allow to test FTD mounting strategy, cabling an cooling routing and design incompatibilities. Not enough space for FTD 1-2 if we want to route the cables and cooling from the service cylinder

Aim of thermo-mechanical mock-up 5 workshop 27th October Ciemat — Miguel Angel proposed to support FTD 2 from FTD3 with a conical mechanical support. Some mounting problems to be checked in the mock-up _ Half FTD 3 disk and Halt SIT mounted in halve service cylinder _ Then half FTD 2 will be attached to the half FTD 3 inner ring _ The BP is installed in between _ FTD3 and FTD2 second half positioned. FTD3 stiffness must be checked _ Half sit mounted _ Half service cylinder mounting

First steps towards the mock-up 6 workshop 27th October Ciemat — Aluminum beam-pipe manufactured by Utilmec: _ 5 parts ( the total beam-pipe was designed in 14 parts) _ It goes in Z from -426 mm to 1198 mm. ( From FTD 2 Z position in backward side to FTD 4 in Z of forward side).

Composite material for support structure 7 workshop 27th October Ciemat — From INTA proposed M55J/954-3 composite _ M55J is a high modulus fiber _ is a cyanate ester with low humidity absorption — Problems obtaining this material: _ One quotation from Hexcel : minimum quantity of 240 m2 at a cost of 240 USD/m2 ( 57,600 USD) — Other possibilities: _ HTM110 / M55J minimum quantity of 120 m €/m2 ( 35,000 €) — Final composite material: _ M55JB/CEM 100 ( epoxy instead of cyanate ester). 25 m2 to a cost of 125 €/m2 ( total cost 4000 € +2300€ for low quantity production)

Foam and Honeycomb 8 workshop 27th October Ciemat — Foam and a Honeycomb have been bought : _ PET FR 60 of 3 and 6 mm of thickness from Mel- Composites delivered yet to the INTA _ ECK-R 4.8 – 32 honeycomb from EURO-COMPOSITES with a thickness of 2 mm and 5 mm. Prepared to be sent

Strips support structure design 9 workshop 27th October Ciemat Petals support structure ( 4 sensors support) Half Support Disk ( 8 petals symmetrically supported)

Next steps — Pixels and Strips FTD-s support structure final design: _ A first design will be presented and discussed tomorrow at INTA:  The idea of the meeting is to converge to an easy manufacturable and realistic support structure design.  Make a first estimation of the manufacture cost and time (INTA).  Advance in the definition on the final IFIC- INTA, IFCA-INTA collaboration agreement. _ We expect to have the final design of the support structures and the collaboration agreement before the end of this year. 10 workshop 27th October Ciemat

Next steps — 2016 _ First half year: Manufacture support structures at INTA?? _ IFIC and IFCA will prepare each mock-up with fake silicon sensors, heaters ( to simulate expected heat dissipation), temperature sensors, …. _ Individual mock-up tests will be performed at IFCA and IFIC _ Finally two mock-ups will be integrated with the Beam pipe, fake Vertex, and Sit detectors and perhaps carbon fiber support-service cylinder. This mock-up will be loaded with the expected heat dissipation, and different cooling techniques (dry air blow, natural confection, cooling channels) will be tested in order to control detector temperature and deformations. 11 workshop 27th October Ciemat