Thermoelectric Power Pack for Next Generation Stove Andrew Phillips Colin McCune Lauren Cummings Xiaolong Zhang
Outline o Background o Stove Integration o Design Overview o Future Work o Questions
Background o 3 billion people use open fires and inefficient stoves regularly o Requires large amounts of fuel o Damage to ecosystem
Haiti o Deforestation o Soil erosion o Decrease in agricultural yields o Landslides o Running out of fuel o Need for more fuel-efficient stoves o Add oxygen to combustion process Haiti Dominican Republic
Need for Power o Haiti has a history of destructive earthquakes o No power grid and no landlines o Cell phones and radios for communication o Difficult to charge
Thermoelectric Generator (TEG) o Seebeck Effect: A temperature difference can be directly converted into a source of electricity o Heat from fire o Cool air from fan
Stove Integration Fan TEG
System Architecture o Maximum efficiency o Minimal cost o Simple to operate Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) Network Power Distribution
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) Network
Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) o Allows efficient power transfer from TEG to system Divide-by-2 Network Timing Circuit Boost Converter
MPPT Operation Open circuit TEG voltage (Purple) and the output of the divide-by-2 network (Red)
Power Distribution
o The battery must always have enough power to run the system during start- up o To prevent overdraw o First USB is disabled o Then fan is disconnected o To prevent overcharging o System will stop charging battery Battery Management
Future Work o Partnered with H.O.P.E. For Haiti o Stoves will be sent to Haiti for testing o Future iterations will focus on o Increasing efficiency o Lowering system cost o Increasing durability
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