歐盟法與生命文化 ( 二 ) 第二單元 Legal and legislative crisis in EU and Asia : analysis and reform models? 授課教師: Dr. Claudius Petzold 德國檢察官 1 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用 CC 「姓名標示-非 商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版授權釋出】創用 CC 「姓名標示-非 商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣 3.0 版
A. Studying abroad Why studying abroad? Wasting time and money? 2
A. Studying abroad A real new life experience!! Language Culture Strange experience 3
A. Studying abroad Cultural difference What is the meaning of culture? Different view of your own culture 4
A. Studying abroad Example Germany: 6 month to 1 year language course (fee) Bachelor to master (2 years, partly in English thinkable, no fee) PhD often possible (no fee, partly abroad possible) MBA? (Master of Business Administration/ 企業管理碩士 ) – often fee! 5
B.1. legislative crisis Which is the highest authority in a democratic state? ( 民主國家 / 機構 ) 6
B.1. legislative crisis / 國會 理論事實上 Art. 62: The Legislative Yuan shall be the highest legislative organ of the State, to be constituted of members elected by the people. It shall exercise legislative power on behalf of the people. 立法院為國家最高立法機關,由人民選舉之立法委員組織 之,代表人民行使立法權。 Art. 1: The Republic of China, founded on the Three Principles of the People, shall be a democratic republic of the people, to be governed by the people and for the people. 中華民國基於三民主義,為民有民治民享之民主共和國。 7
B.1 legislative crisis / 國會 Alienation 異化 / the feeling to be object of the government/globalization/lobbyism 8
B.1 legislative crisis / 國會 Reasons in Europe and Asia Power of the political parties Power of EU Power of the US The so called pressure by globalization Influence by the media Parliament as representative of big companies 9
B.2. legislative crisis Structural problems All or nothing principle (Taiwan and US) Welfare of the people or fuck the opposite party? Majority power (Germany) To many small parties – the problem of Israel 10
B.2. legislative crisis How do I get elected next time? How to I get the money needed for my campaign? Any other? Welfare of the people 11
B.2. legislative crisis As example: Yes, Israel has to fight against the terrorist (or Palestinians) but sorry, NOT my son! The German greens: Yes we DO need migration but my son should NOT go to a kindergarten with to many migrants! 12
B.2. legislative crisis Sorry, when there is the next election? Or Short term vs. long term Lobbyism or justified interests Big problems and small problems Berge kreisen und eine Maus wart geboren Lack of trust 13
B.3. Short term fixation In business Why buying shares? In politics? The tax reduction?! 14
B.4. legislative crisis/lobbyism ( 對政府官員等的)遊說 When has president Ma met the last time John Do? When has president Ma asked the last time John Do about his opinion about taxes? When has president Ma met the last time representatives from the business, financial sector or so called experts? 15
B.4. legislative crisis Political elite or family business? Berlusconi: An media mogul buys a government Bush Kennedy Lian 16
B.5. Globalization Die Macht des Faktischen! We can’t avoid it! The globalization requires that the riches do not pay taxes Wettbewerb des Systeme 17
B.5. Globalization More or less free trade More or less unlimited communication More or less free floating capital Information system, e-money instead of paper money 18
B.5. Globalization One upon a time Es war einmal … No phone No mobil No computer And (OH SCHRECK): No facebook! 19
B.5. Globalization Race to the bottom, or the investors runs away? who has the lowest taxes? Who has the weakest environmental protection? Who has the weakest labor law? Who has the lowest consumer protection law? 20
B.5. Globalization National decisions have limited effects 21
B.5. Globalization Results: Privatization of profit, socialising of costs Until 2007: We are NOT German, we are an international group! 2007 – 2010: As a German company, Germany HAS to protect us! 22
B.6. Decisions are not made for the people? Tax on investment Better wages Small gap between rich and poor 23
B.6. Globalisation-ism Nationalism Communism Globalisation-ism 24
B.7. Changing world Aging population High unemployment Terrorism Global warming, Increasing world population Water Ressources as oil 25
B.8. Media influence What is the meaning of media/media freedom? Article 11: The people shall have freedom of speech, teaching, writing and publication. 人民有言論,講學,著作及出版之 自由。 Right or duty?? Gossip (money) or politics (responsibility) 26
B.8. Media influence ★ The US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013, released at Feb. 27, 2014 Pressure from China and from local businessmen had led to some self-censorship. Local academics and media activists alleged that self-censorship occurred due to influence by local businesses and the PRC. They pointed to a study released in April by a National Taiwan University professor, which found two of Taiwan's leading newspapers published more favorable news stories on visiting PRC officials than their competitors. In addition, they alleged that the state-run Central News Agency decided not to publish a news story about a Gallup poll that found Taiwan people were pessimistic about their daily life. (ps: speech and the press were generally free)
C Strategies Localization – back to the nation and the old time Back to moral and religion International cooperation 28
版權聲明 29 頁碼作品授權條件作者 / 來源 7 立法院為國家最高立法機關, 由人民選舉之立法委員組織 之,代表人民行使立法權。 中華民國基於三民主義,為 民有民治民享之民主共和國。 著作權法第 9 條 本作品屬公共領域之著作。 26 人民有言論,講學,著作及 出版之自由。 著作權法第 9 條 本作品屬公共領域之著作。 27 Pressure from China and from local businessmen had led to some self-censorship. William Lowther/Taipei times ( ont/archives/2014/03/01/ ) ont/archives/2014/03/01/ 瀏覽日期 2014/10/7 本作品依據著 作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用
版權聲明 30 頁碼作品授權條件作者 / 來源 27 Local academics and media activists alleged that self- censorship... were generally free BUREAU OF DEMOCRACY, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND LABOR/2011 Human Rights Reports: Taiwan ( pt/2013/eap/ htm#) pt/2013/eap/ htm# 瀏覽日期 2014/10/7 本作品依據 著作權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理 使用 1-30 本作品轉載自 Microsoft Office 2013 PowerPoint 設計主題範本, 依據 Microsoft 服務合約及著作 權法第 46 、 52 、 65 條合理使用。 Microsoft 服務合約