International Organisations Decision Making on a Global Scale
Learning Objectives To understand what Inter-governmental Organisations are and what they do To understand the impact of IGOs To assess the role of IGOs in promoting superpowers
International Organisations or Intergovernmental Organisations - IGOs Make key decisions about –World economy –Conflicts –Environmental issues Small number of key players on IGOs Often created by superpowers post war as a way to promote cooperation and reduce conflict Critics say created by superpowers for superpowers Some key IGOs include United Nations, NATO & Davos Group Who are likely to be the key players?
Power in IGOs Big overlap in membership of IGOs USA, EU dominate many – allows IGOs focus to follow their interests Often have a veto Lot of mutual support – has effect of a block vote USA and EU work together to promote or block policies they favour
United Nations Created 1945 Promote peace and cooperation Headquarters in New York Annual budget $1.8 billion 16 specialised agencies with headquarters in France, Italy Canada & Switzerland Logo
The UN General Assembly The core institution of the UN Each country represented there by their ambassador Discuss international issues to try to resolve conflict by political means One member one vote Decisions made by simple majority Debate issues such as international conflicts, disarmament, human rights, refugee issues etc Decisions are NOT legally binding but they have the weight of international opinion
UK at the UN Who is the UK ambassador to the UN? Sir John Sawers – until November 2009
The UN Security Council Under UN Charter the Security Council has the main responsibility to maintain international peace and security USA, UK, France, China & Russia – 5 Permanent members of 15 nation council 10 others rotate on a 2 year cycle The General Assembly make recommendations but the security council can direct nations to take action 1.It can apply sanctions 2.Send countries to The International Court 3.Send peace keeping troops They have a VETO – a right to reject resolutions. To be effective ALL must agree How can the security council be seen to be a form of political imperialism?
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Who am I? What is my job?
UN Members and Paymasters Who pays most to fund the UN? What impact might that have? Greenland & Western Sahara among the few non UN members
UN Agencies Do you know the following UN agencies? FAO UNESCO WHO UNICEF
The UN at work
What is the IMF? The IMF (International Monetary Fund) formed in 1944 Stabilise currencies after WW2 Created by 44 rich countries to help those in debt Intended to prevent poverty & so limit the spread of communism In 2009 has 185 members
Not all members are equal The G20 have 70% of the votes The USA has 17% of votes as the biggest investor EU nations have 25% while BRICS have 9.7% Most of the poorest African nations have 1% between them How does the IMF work? Is it right that the BRIC nations have so little voting power?
IMF reflects US & EU interests Used £ to promote fight against communism But imposed conditions that led to LEDCs to have to cut health & education budgets so they could cut their debt Why do some people think the IMF is a tool of economic Imperialism?
The Davos Group or World Economic Forum (WEF) Swiss based non-profit making foundation ‘Entrepreneurship in the global public interest’ Focus business & profit Invitation only meeting Who goes? Business CEOs Academics Political Leaders IGO representatives The media
The Davos Group or WEF WEF is criticised by anti- globalisation campaigners They say capitalism = inequality Bono called it ‘fat cats in the snow’ Has no official status but attracts lots of publicity and Hollywood stars
Question Are IGOs a force for good or a method of Neo-colonialism?