1 Time-Frequency behaviour of medical diseases and their relation with solar activity Rosa Díaz-Sandoval Robert Erdelyi United Kingdom 2009
2 Cornélissen, Halberg et al (2002) find that periodicities in some diseases (e.g. myocardial infarction, ischemic strokes, hearth rate variability) are related with geomagnetic activity and Forbush decreases. Mendoza, Díaz-Sandoval (2004) found that myocardial infarctions increase as high as twice in presence of severe geomagnetic storms. Breus et al (2008) suggest that heliogeomagnetic rhythm may act as external synchronizers of biological rhythms. Cornélissen et al (2005) periodicities of 9.12, 13.62, days, 0.495, years in solar magnetic field days, 0.9, 10.8 years in sunspots. Baevsky et al (1998) Hearth rate variability in cosmonauts and magnetic storms Babayev et al (2007) EEG changes due to severe geomagnetic storms Antecedents
3 Ulmer et al (1995, 2002) periodicities in cell ions and proteins (K +, Ca 2+, Na +, Mg 2+, albumin, haemoglobin) in the presence of magnetic fields. In ions, weekly rhythms. Ritz et al (2004); Lohman et al (2007). Birds uses the magnetic field for orientation Kirshvink et al (1992) Ferromagnetic material in human brain tissues Henshaw et al (2008) disturbances in human circadian rhythm by low artificial fields (melatonin?) Persinger (2006) weak magnetic fields (nT) affect melatonin concentrations Davis and Lowell (2008) Ultraviolet radiation affects human life development Cherry (2003) Schumann resonances, possible mechanism? Searching the clues
4 Medical data
5 Myocardial infarction (heart attack) –Interruption of blood supply heart cells death –Commonly related with coronary artery blockage Cerebrovascular disease –Interruption of blood supply to the brain –Related with hypertension Hearth failure –Insufficient blood supply –Often undiagnosed (not a universally definition) –Sometimes related with hypertension Asthma –Airways narrowed breathing becomes difficult –Inflammation of the lungs
6 Myocardial infarction (MID) ICD9-410, ICD10 I cases 0 to 64 years cases 65 to 74 years cases 75 years cases Cerebrovascular disease (CVD) ICD , ICD10 I61-I cases 0 to 64 years cases 65 to 74 years cases 75 years cases Hearth failure (HF) ICD-9 428, ICD-10 I cases Asthma ICD-9 493, ICD-10 J45-J cases 0 to 74 years cases 75 years cases ICD9 ( )ICD10 ( )
7 MID 0-64MID MID 75 CVD 0-64CVD CVD 75 HFAsthma 0-74Asthma 75 3 Jan cases 31 Dec cases 1 Jan cases 6 Jan cases 6/01/97 58 cases 5/08/99 10 cases 17/01/97 10 cases 13 Jan Feb cases 2 Jan cases
8 MID 0-64 MID 65-74MID 75 CVD 0-64 CVD CVD 75 HFAsthma 0-74Asthma 75
9 MID 0-64 MID MID 75 CVD 0-64CVD 65-74CVD 75 HF Asthma 0-74Asthma 75
10 Wavelets Medical data
11 CVD 0-64 Discrete wavelet transform Algorithm based in Torrence and Compo [1998]
12 Average in time Scale average
13 CVD days 6-8 days days days days days
14 CVD days days days days
15 CVD 0-64
16 MID 0-64 MID MID 75 CVD 0-64CVD 65-74CVD 75 HF Asthma 0-74Asthma 75
17 3 – 4 days6 – 8 days 12 – 16 days 25 – 32 days 32 – 64 days
days days days days days701 – 800 days
19 Medical data and heliogeophysical proxies Cross wavelet and wavelet coherence analyses
20 Heliogeophysical proxies Solar cycle 23 Solar minimum, May 1996 Solar maximum, March 2000 AA maximum, May 2003 Ap maximum, June 2003
21 Cross wavelet and wavelet coherence
22 Sunspots and medical diseases crosswavelet and wavelet coincidences MID CVD HF Asthma
23 AA-index and medical diseases crosswavelet and wavelet coincidences MID CVD HF Asthma
24 Ap-index and medical diseases crosswavelet and wavelet coincidences MID CVD HF Asthma
25 Conclusions Main 1-year periodicity in all series An around years periodicity for all series except MID 0-64 and MID (FFT analysis) An around 1.5 years periodicity for HF and Asthma 75; 1.8 years for HF; and 2.05 years for CVD 65-74, CVD 75 and HF Polar plots from wavelet analysis revealed higher occurrence of cases when Earth is closer to Sun. –3-4 days band (all diseases) –6-8 days (all diseases except CVD groups) –32-64 days (MID 0-64, HF and Asthma groups) – days (MID 75, CVD groups, HF and Asthma groups) – days (HF which is the only disease in this band) Higher occurrence of cases when Earth is far away from the Sun. – days band (HF and Asthma 75 only diseases in this band) Apparently no preference for , and days bands
26 Conclusions For cross wavelet and wavelet coherence analyses of heliogeophysical proxies and medical diseases, most of the data reveal 1-year periodicity only around solar maximum. For sunspots and medical diseases, a days band appears for Asthma groups. AA / Ap and medical diseases cross wavelet and wavelet coherence analysis show an appearance of half year periodicity for most diseases (except MID groups and Asthma 75 for AA; and MID 75 and CVD 75 for Ap) close to solar maximum Appearance of days band after AA / Ap maxima (May-June 2003) for all groups except MID 0-64, MID 65-74, CVD 0-64 for AA and Ap comparison and Asthma 75 only for AA comparison
27 Perspectives Analysis of phase Which is the periodicities behaviour in diseases of South hemisphere? More solar cycles Study of transient phenomena
28 Thank you