Integrated Health Care Integrated primary and mental health care for individuals with severe mental illness (SMI) Judith Lloyd Storfjell, PhD, RN, FAAN Professor & Associate Dean, Executive Director, Institute for Healthcare Innovation, UIC CON Lucy Marion, PhD, RN, FAAN, FAANP Dean & Professor Georgia Health Sciences University Kathryn Christiansen, PhD, RN, FAAN Associate Professor, UIC CON Integrated Health Care
IHC Overview (1998 to present) Blending concepts & processes of both mental & physical health care in the context of SMI & co-morbid disease Psych APN faculty identified need Partner: Thresholds Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center APRNs (Family, Adult, Pediatric, Psych), Care Managers Healthcare home Evidence-based practice vs. practice-based evidence 4 Chicago locations FQHC
Challenges—a practice perspective Financial Start-up & expansion funding (grant dependency) Reimbursement FQHC implementation ‘complexities’ Systems/infrastructure development University, Medical Center, Thresholds, FQHC HR, hiring, competitive wages Clinic space Faculty time constraints Science vs. Business Data collection & analysis Researcher involvement