Working in partnership to achieve change
Director’s meeting Background Information Rationale for change What is co-production? Co-creating our community Actions undertaken by the Partnership/timescales Outcomes Discussion, Questions and Answers
Background Information NPT Homes own and manage 15 schemes (approx. 400 units)– age criteria 55+ All tenants living in a scheme receive some level of service 1 scheme manager per scheme Funding the service: – Supporting People Grant (support) – Service Charge (building) – NPT Homes commitment (offer document promise) – NPT Homes - shortfall
Rationale for Change Sticks High Risk Funding cuts SP eligibility changes Carrots! Build trust/relationships Citizen-led services Wider community links Use all assets
What is co-production? The process we worked through…. What is your perfect community? What strengths / assets can you/others bring? How can we work together to achieve your goals/ perfect community? What could the future service look like? What are your needs/what services are you eligible for?
Letting people know about the review! NPTCBC Supporting People Team Councillors (May 2015) Older persons Commissioner Office Scheme Managers Internal Departments Trade Unions Welsh Government Regulation team And ……
Tenants! 5 days were spent visiting all schemes over the period of 1 week in May 2015 to inform tenants about the review, invite them to become involved in any way they wanted and find out what mattered to them. We undertook a ‘post-it note’ exercise 438 comments were made about ‘what works well’ 388 comments were made about ‘what doesn’t work so well’
for our perfect community… I feel safe in my home & secure in the knowledge that people will be there if I need help. I have friends, good neighbours, and an active social life within and beyond our community. I am supported to live an independent life and my support needs are flexibly met. I feel I am part of a community – making a contribution and being appreciated for it. I live in an attractive, well-maintained environment, appropriate to my needs.
Then we did some to find out what & who could help us create our perfect community…
Scheme Manager survey - top 10 essential / desirable 1. Be on site all day 2. Organise events & activities 3. Help tenants settle in to scheme 4. Contact health professionals on behalf of tenants 5. Call on tenants to check on wellbeing 6. Remind tenants of upcoming appointments 7. Show new & prospective tenants around 8. Take rubbish out if tenants can't manage it 9. Book buses for outings & accompany tenants 10. Find contact details e.g. phone number for Council
Scheme Manager top 10 – who / what could help? C. Tenant-led with support from others A. SM only funding available D. alternative solution required B. SM + tenants in partnership
Sheltered Housing Service Model – version 1 Supporting People Commitment no charge for those eligible targeted on the basis of need safety & security support & independence Supporting People Commitment no charge for those eligible targeted on the basis of need safety & security support & independence Partnership Commitment tenant-led - all schemes safety, security, good environment support & independence belonging & contributing friendships & activities Partnership Commitment tenant-led - all schemes safety, security, good environment support & independence belonging & contributing friendships & activities Independent Living Commitment hours per day per scheme Independent Living Commitment hours per day per scheme Door entry / Security alarms Scheme Additional Services 3.5 hours pd - additional service charge staff-led focus: support & independence friendship & activities Additional Services 3.5 hours pd - additional service charge staff-led focus: support & independence friendship & activities
Sheltered Housing Service Model – final version Supporting People Commitment no charge for those eligible targeted on the basis of need safety & security support & independence Supporting People Commitment no charge for those eligible targeted on the basis of need safety & security support & independence Partnership Commitment tenant-led - all schemes safety, security, good environment support & independence belonging & contributing friendships & activities Partnership Commitment tenant-led - all schemes safety, security, good environment support & independence belonging & contributing friendships & activities Independent Living Commitment 3.25 – 3.5 hours per day per scheme Independent Living Commitment 3.25 – 3.5 hours per day per scheme Door entry / Security alarms Scheme AIMS. deal with the funding issues and changes in eligibility criteria. make use of all of our assets. help create a community we can all be proud to be part of
Feedback from tenants
Some of the Outcomes achieved… A co-designed service in 5 months / 4 meeting A new level of understanding amongst tenants of how services are funded and the need to make the most of all assets available Supporting People Contract extension A new approach to tenant empowerment activities – co- design of ASB policy and Community Regeneration Recognition of good practice: Public Health Wales
Discussion, Questions, Answer