Piedmont Region of Georgia Where we live!
Piedmont Region A piedmont is the area of the foot of mountains. Area of “rolling hills”
Climate Cool winters, and hot summers The Piedmont of Georgia occupies nearly one- third of the total land area of the state, and enjoys a variable climate with cool winters (57°F on average) and hot summers (89°F). Precipitation is greater in the north than in sourthern parts of the Piedmont, with spring, summer and winter receiving similar moderate amounts of rainfall and fall being somewhat drier.
Soil in this area…. “Red Georgia Clay”
Animals living here….. Raccoons can be found all over Georgia! They live in forests and coastal areas. With all of the changes in Georgia’s habitat raccoons have adapted to the environment. When people move in, habitats become smaller or disappear. Raccoons eats fruit, acorns and insects, vegetables from your garbage or thrown out dog food. The Great Horned Owl is the largest owl of the southern United States. Its "horns" are really small ears. It lives in wooded areas. It hunts during the night. It eats small mammals (especially rabbits and rodents), birds, some fish and insects The Timber Rattlesnake lives in forests. It eats rodents, rabbits, squirrels, but birds, and other snakes, lizards, and frogs may be eaten. Its predators are bobcats, coyotes, skunks, and snake- eating snakes. The White-tailed Deer is found in all habitats, from high mountain forests to coastal marshes. It is mainly found in areas a which have a mix of forest, old fields and active crop lands. The White-tailed Deer eats leaves, buds, twigs, acorns, fruits, and mushrooms. The Opossum is nocturnal. It is also an omnivore. An opossums diet includes, fruits, berries, insects, crayfish, small rodents, carrion (dead animal flesh), and even human garbage.
Plants living here…. When the first Georgia settlers arrived they cleared the land for farming. The most common crop grown at the time was cotton. The absence of trees and overfarming led to erosion. This caused the valuable topsoil to wash away and leave the famous Georgia Red Clay. Pine trees grow well in the Georgia Red Clay. Unlike most trees they don't need as much water or sunlight to survive. Today farmers grow pine trees and sell the wood. Other trees that are common in the Piedmont region are the oak tree and the hickory tree.
Rivers of the Piedmont There are two main rivers of the Piedmont region - the Flint River and theChattahoochee River.