Module2 Developing and Developed Countries Vocabulary & Introduction
1.hunger 2.income 3.poverty 4.human 5.development 6.index
measure treasure,pleasure goal one goal expectancy expect position site educate education figure figure sticks household family
Homeless homesick endless Charity chart Crowded crowd throng Freeway express, highway Inhabitant inhabit inhabitable Similarity similar equality Unfortunate fortunately
location locate located tourism tour tourist transport transportation Industrial industry polluted pollute pollution smart cute vast numerous entertainment entertain exchange change
hunger (n.) hungry (adj.) A lot of children died of hunger in Africa. The old man died from cancer. I am hungry now,I want to eat a moon cake.
Income( 收入) outcome (结果 The people’s income increases fast in recent years. What was the outcome of your meeting?
poverty (n) poor (adj.) Africa is so poor, so the leaders from developed countries try to reduce poverty.
human =human being animal humans =human beings animals
develop,developing, developed, development The developed countries are discussing the development of the developing countries.
1. The cloth m_________ easily if it is spread on a table. 2. After the flood, thousands of people were reduced to going h_________. 3. The family lived on a small i_______. 4. Though he is a man of great wealth, he lives in p______ of happiness. 5. The public should be e_________ in how to use energy more effectively. 6. They had to stand for hours without changing p______. easures ungry ncome overty ducated osition 测一测
7. Many people were dismissed because the hotel was c_________. 8. This is a city of 100,000 i___________. 9. A cat has a lot of s_________ to a tiger. 10. U____________ for him, he missed the party last night. 11. Have you got a suitable l________ for a new house. 12. What do you think of London’s public t_________. 13. The p____________of the city has increased by 20%. rowded nhabitants imilarities nfortunately ocation ransport opulation
A Education Poverty Disease Hunger Income Developed country Developing country B When people have little money An illness When you do not have food, especially for a long period of time The money that you make The knowledge that you get at school or college A country that has a lot of business and industry A country that is poor and does not have much industry
年, 147 个国家领导人同意共同工作力争到 2015 年或早一 些时候减少贫困。 2. 处于末端的十个国家都是非洲国家, Sierra Leone 排在名单的 最后。 3. 英国位于第 13 位,而中国处于中间地位。 4. 报告表明我们取得了一些进步但是我们需要做更大的努力。 Homework 预习课文并找出下列句子,分析句子成分.