A right to food Beyond Foodbanks?
Welcome and purpose of event Niall Cooper, Director Church Action on Poverty
In association withand
No one in the UK should go hungry Government should do more to tackle food poverty.. In fact People have a right to food Together we can build a powerful food justice movement in the UK
The Right to Food Addressing Food Poverty in the UK: Charity, Rights and Welfare Dr Hannah Lambie-Mumford
The Right to Food “The right to adequate food is realised when every man, woman and child, alone or in community with others, have physical and economic access at all times to adequate food or means for its procurement.”
The Right to Food Why are you here? What excites you about it?
The Fabian Commission on Food and Poverty Geoff Tansey Chair of the Commission
Five Key principles 1. Access to nutritious, affordable & sustainable food 2. Foodbanks etc should become unnecessary 3. Decent work and social security are key to this 4. Break link low income = diet-related ill health 5. Food is too cheap: Food system is unsustainable
Key Recommendations (14 in all) 1. Coordinated action to realise the right to food 2. Measuring and tackling food insecurity 3. Incomes, low pay, benefits and Poverty Premium 4. Action on public health, sugar, advertising etc 5. Food access and local food action plans
How do these issues chime with what you are facing locally/nationally? Is there anything missing?
Right to Food / Beyond Foodbanks campaign? What kind of action are we up for taking together?
What kind of action? Giving voice to real experts Local food poverty partnerships World Food Day reports Coordinated local lobbying National lobby...?
Right to Food / Beyond Foodbanks campaign? What kind of action are we up for taking together?
What’s in a name? Right to food campaign Beyond the foodbank End Hunger Fast End Hunger Now Food Right
Next steps… 4 more events Partners meeting, 7 Jan Right to Food Sunday, 7 Feb Campaign launch??
Thank you and goodbye