BELLRINGER Take a copy of Getting Acquainted with Health (on top of projector) Find classmates who practice the behaviors listed on the sheet and have them sign it. Try and get as many signatures as possible. 5-7 MINUTES AFTER THE BELL TO COMPLETE
Follow up Questions Answer the following questions: Which behaviors were the easiest to find? – Why do you think they were easier? Which behaviors were most difficult? – Why do you think it was harder to find?
Statement of Objectives We know there are a variety of behaviors that make us healthier. By the end of the lesson, you will conclude we have some control over risks for communicable and chronic disease.
READ Hole In My Sidewalk
There’s A Hole In My Sidewalk (answer the following) 1.What do you think the hole represents? 2.How does the person “react” the first two times? 3.What changes in the attitude on the third time? 4.What does he/she do differently the 4 th time? 5.What is the importance of the choice made the 5 th time? 6.What parallels can you see between the person in this story and the choices some teens have made in life so far? 7.What can we learn from doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results?
Serious Health Risks for Youth These are behaviors that could lead to injury or illness (now or in the future): Unintentional Injuries Tobacco Use Alcohol & Other Drugs Sexual Activity Unhealthy dietary behaviors (poor diet) Physical Inactivity
Personal Health Choices The leading cause of death in the United States can be prevented, to a large extent, by improving personal health choices..
Before a high school student arrives at school each day, he or she has intentionally and/or inadvertently made dozens of decisions. Whether or not to take a shower Whether or not to eat breakfast Whether to ride the bus, ride with a friend, or drive themselves. Responsible decision making is crucial in living a healthy lifestyle and it requires skill and practice.
Decision Making Model 1.Identify the decision, which needs to be made 2.Gather relevant information from reliable sources 3.List possible choices 4.List positive/negative outcomes of each choice 5.Determine who could be affected by your choice 6.Determine who is influencing your choice 7.Decide which choices have the most positive (and least negative) outcomes 8.Act upon your choice 9.Evaluate the decision