GDS-2.0 Breakout Session Craig Donlon GHRSST-PO Presented at the GHRSST IX Workshop, Perros Guirrec, France, 9-13 th June 2008
Dashboard using RSS Draft Specification provided by A. Bingham (JPL) Produced file yyy.hdf.gz File yyy.hdf.gz placed on local FTP site( HYPERLINK "" and delivered to GHRSST GDAC Green 21/05/ :21:36
Preparations… 1. ISO metadata incorporated into each file header so there is no longer a need for MMR_FR xml files. 2. Filename conventions according to the recent consensus led by Ken Casey. 3. SSES according to the agreed Quality Level Scale led by Pierre LeBorgne in Orlando 4. Addition of 18 bytes for L2POptional (renamed from Experimental) fields and instrument specific (rather than generic) confidence and quality words agreed in Melbourne 5. Inclusion of Brightness temperatures in L2P experiential fields if appropriate. 6. Introduction of L3P description (collated and supercollated variants) led by Pierre LeBorgne 7 Reduced section on HRDDS file specification (based on download critera) led by D Poulter 8 Revised MDB section to be free of CORIOLIS database as presented by JF Piolle in Melbourne (JF Piolle) 9 Specification of RSS Error and operations log system and GHRSST-PP metrics dashboard based on specifications developed by JPL, NOAA and Met Office (C Donlon, A Bingham and K. Casey) 10. Specification of GMPE median SST format (extended L4 format) (J Stark) 11. Outline specification for L1P radiance data set product (L1b like) 12 To define L2P-core as satellite record. L2P_full has value-added ancillary records. L2P_full is what we want RDACs to provide. So, could I have from you by 28th April the following GDS-2.0 inputs 0. generic ISO (EU INSPIRE compliant) metadata header template for L1P, L2P, L3P & L4 data files (Casey/Donlon/Armstrong/Piolle) 1. L2P specification for GOES and MTSAT including L2Pcore definition, sources and SSES scheme (A. Harris) 2. L2P Specification for RSS AMSRE & TMI including L2Pcore definition, sources and SSES scheme (C. Gentemann) 3. L2P specification for AATSR including L2Pcore definition, sources and SSES scheme (G Corlett/ M Pritchard) 4. L2P specification for MSG SEVIRI & OSI-SAF METOP 1km including L2Pcore definition, sources and SSES scheme (P.LeBorgne) 5. L2P specification for MODIS including L2Pcore definition, sources and SSES scheme (B Evans) 6. L2P Specification for NAVO N18 AVHRR including L2Pcore definition, sources and SSES scheme (J Vazquez/B McKenzie) 7 L3P collated and L3P supercollated product specification including L2Pcore definition, sources and SSES scheme (based on L2P extension) P.LeBorgne 8 L4 and L4 GMPE median product including sources and SSES scheme (with extensions for anomaly fields) specification (J Stark) 9 HRDDS file product specification including netCDF, ASCII and others as appropriate (D. Poulter) 10 revised MMR interface description and preferred format/content description (including mandatory content) JF Piolle 11 Outline specification for L1P radiance data set product (L1b like) (Donlon and others)
Plan for the day Open session to review the GDS documentation and priorities. Want to discuss the GDAC <> SST-TAC –Excellent presentation and developments at the Po.DAAC since last year! Has been hard and challenging to work on GDS for everyone Have a session tomorrow evening for the SST- TAC group – extension of the GDS 2.0 discussions Have several documents on the Web already and these will be the basis of the session
Measurements of SST (netCDF CF1.3) Depth 10 m 1 mm 1 m 10 m SST skin – SST 10m (K) 1. Night-time (or strong winds) profile in red 2. Day time situation, strong solar radiation and light winds SSTskin SSTsubskin SSTdepth SSTfnd SSTint Satellite Infrared sensors ( T ~10s) Satellite Microwave Sensors ( T ~10+ s) Contact thermometers Ships/Buoys ( T ~minutes) Contact thermometers Ships/Buoys ( T ~hours) Can’t measure ( T <1s) Night-time (or strong winds) profile in red
Measurements of SST (netCDF CF1.3) Depth 10 m 1 mm 1 m 10 m SST skin – SST 10m (K) 1. Night-time (or strong winds) profile in red 2. Day time situation, strong solar radiation and light winds sea_surface_skin_temperature sea_surface_subskin_temperature sea_water_temperature (Attribute:depth) Sea_surface_foundation_temperature Night-time (or strong winds) profile in red surface_temperature
CF 1.3 Specification for SST standard names surface_temperature (SSTint) sea_water_temperature (SSTdepth) sea_surface_skin_temperature; K sea_surface_subskin_temperature; K sea_surface_foundation_temperature: K
GHRSST-PP R/GTS MISSION: To provide a new generation of integrated SST data products and services to operational and R&D communities World-class research and development GHRSST-PP Service areas Information/data flow User community feedback and input User Requirement User Community Performance Metrics (fitness for purpose) User specific Reference Baseline User Community Feedback User community requirements User Community Needs & Applications Infrastructure & Technical Capability Service Provision Application & Customer Support User Community Outreach & Development and Communication
Which system should we build?
GDS-v2.0 Rev 0.1 June 2008 Generate L2P data products (L2Pc -> L2P) Generate L4 analysed data products (e.g., SSTfnd) based on L2P data input. Satellite SST data Ingest & QC input data streams Auxiliary data Referenc e data fields Generate L3P data products Referenc e data fields Analysed L4 SST data products Rolling and long-term archive system Derive Single Sensor error statistics (SSES) Satellite and in situ MDB Single Sensor Error Statistics Generate MDB records MDB/SSES system MDB recor ds Diagnostics, metrics and GDS data product validation HR-DDS archive GDAC &RDAC L4 SST HR- DDS data granules L2P HR- DDS data granules Extract HR- DDS L2P granules User data access through LAS/DODS HR- DDS server Extract HR-DDS L4 SST granules HR-DDS system In situ data CDR SST data products Re-Analysis f L2P/L3P/L4 L3P SST data products Referenc e data fields L2P/L2Pc SST data products Metrics definition s GMPE SST ensemble products Generate GMPE products Referenc e data fields Main data flow HR-DDS data flow MDB/SSES data flow RAN data flow GMPE data flow Referenc e data fields Auxiliary data GMPE system RAN system
GDS v2.0 GHRSST Configuration Manual GHRSST Core Data Processing Specification Data Provider Interfaces GHRSST Users Manual GHRSST Scientific Library Operations Science & Engineering
GDS v2.0 GHRSST Configuration Manual GHRSST Core Data Processing Specification Ancillary field descriptions CF conventions Instrument descriptions netCDF documentation GHRSST Code Tables SSES definitions Code to read GHRSST data MDB system description HR-DDS system description Discovery catalogue manual Data access systems (sFTP, OPeNDAP etc) Interface Control Doc (ICD) Feedback GHRSST requirements How to access data How to use data Code and technical support Data Provider Interfaces GHRSST Scientific Library GHRSST Users Manual L2P Specification L3P Specification L4Specification GMPE L4+ Specification HRDDS Specification MDB Specification ICD Specification General Operations Incident procedures Change/release management Configuration management Problem management Review procedures Escalation procedures Operational event messages Dashboard and web portal GHRSST Metrics
Products L2P (Swath native, netCDF) L3P (Gridded, netCDF) L4 (Analysed, netCDF) L4+ GMPE (Multiple analysed, netCDF) –Also suitable for RAN? HR-DDS (L3P subset?) MDB (specific, time/location aggregated?) MMR (Standards based ISO19115, ISPIRE, FGDC)
Interface Control Documents Data Provider -> RDAC RDAC -> GDAC GDAC -> LTSRF RDAC -> HRDDS RDAC -> MDB User -> RDAC -> GDAC -> LTSRF -> HRDDS -> MDB
Format and structure Small working group in the back room tomorrow. Core group that need the GDS-2.0 Review informally the documentation provided on the Web Provide recommendations for the ST to endorse on GDS-2.0 (Wednesday) Develop a writing plan for the near future Develop ownership of documents