Конкурсная номинация: Рождественская история в начальной школе. Автор: ученик 2 «В» класса Ткаченко Лёва. Учитель: Кокуров Дмитрий Борисович. Школа: школа № 1825 Населенный пункт: г. Москва 2011
Anny likes Christmas and New Year. Many new toys, bright balls and gifts are in shops. Fir-tree are in all streets. Mum and Dad don’t buy new toys. “We have got many toys for Christmas Tree” – they say.
Anny’s sad. She wants new toys. She puts old toys into a box and takes the box to the forest.
Birds, a fox, a dog, a cat, a rabbit and a little bear see the toys. They calls Grandpa Frost and say: “The toys are sad!” Grandpa Frost touches the toys with his magic staff. The toys are new and bright! Anny, Mum and Dad are at home. They have not got toys for the fir-tree. Anny understand that she is wrong. She goes to the forest. She sees animals. They decorate a nice fir-tree with Anny’s toys. The toys are bright and sparkling. Anny asks: “Give me some toys, please”. And she sees Grandpa Frost. He says: “You understand your mistake. Take some toys and this little box and go home”.“
At home Anny opens a little box and see a gift from Grandpa Frost – rebuses. Anny’s family likes rebuses. Thank you, Grandpa Frost!
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