1 KCW Sunday School proudly presents…
2 KCW Sunday School proudly presents… A Christmas Musical for everyone…
3 A K ING Is Coming to Town
4 Extra! Extra! A king is coming to our town!
5 ♫ Extra, Extra ♪ ♫ Extra, Extra ♪
6 Extra, extra, read all about it something big is going down ♫
7 Everybody’s talking everybody’s shouting A King is coming to town ♫
8 It’s gonna be the very best Christmas we’ve ever seen around here ♫
9 You’re all invited to the social event of the year ♫
10 We’re gonna have the ultimate party No one will be left out ♫
11 Rumor’s Mill is gonna get jump started We’re gonna rock the house ♫
12 Strike up the band (Joy to the world!) ♫
13 String up the lights (Go tell it on the mountain) ♫
14 It’s gonna be grand (Peace on earth) ♫
15 Big and bright! ♫
16 Extra, extra, read all about it something big is going down ♫
17 Everybody’s talking everybody’s shouting A King is coming to town ♫
18 It’s gonna be the very best Christmas we’ve ever seen around here ♫
19 Deck the halls with boughs of holly Fa la la la la la la la la ♫
20 Jingle bells, ji-jingle bells Ji-jingle all the way ♫
21 ‘Tis the season to be jolly Fa la la la la la la la la~ ♫
22 Extra, extra, read all about it Something big is going down ♫
23 Everybody’s talking, everybody’s shouting A king is coming to town ♫
24 It’s gonna be the very best Christmas we’ve ever seen around here ♫
25 You’re all invited to the social event of the year (Glo~ ria!) ♫
26 It’s gonna be the very best Christmas we’ve ever seen around here ♫
27 You’re all invited~! You’re all invited to the social even of the year ♫
28 Extra, extra Read all about it! ♫
30 Greta Van Popcorn here in the little town of Rumor’s Mill
31 where this morning the whole town seems to have gathered in the town square.
32 What sparked all the excitement?
33 A sign, posted anonymously, declaring that “A King Is Coming to Town!”
34 Just who is this king, no one seems to know, but that hasn’t stopped residents from getting ready for the upcoming events.
35 Excuse me sir, but what do you know about the king’s visit? Will it be today?
36 Hey Greta! Uh… nobody seems to know.
37 We just want to be ready cause that’s the kind of town Rumor’s Mill is.
38 If a king’s coming here, we’re gonna pull out all the stops to show him a good time, you know?
39 So… tell me, ma’am, what are you doing here to get the town ready?
40 Isn’t this just the most wonderful thing that’s ever happened in Rumor’s Mill!
41 Just imagine… a king coming to our little town. I mean, really… isn’t it just wonderful?
42 we’re all just pitching in to clean things up and decorate the square.
43 Can’t have the king feel like we’re not thrilled to have him, can we?
44 Greta, my name is Barbara Booster and I am president of the Chamber of Commerce.
45 I’m also the curator and number one fundraiser for the local art museum,
46 chairperson of the symphony committee, and well…
47 I sit on just about every important cultural organization in town, you know.
48 I don’t want to take ALL the credit, but I DO believe, it is thanks to the hard work of my many committees
49 that Rumor’s Mill has been selected for the king’s visit
50 This is bound to land us on the list of “Ten Best Towns in the Country,”
51 a goal that I have made my life’s work!
52 Uh.. thank you, Ms. Booster.
53 So far all I’m hearing is “the king is coming,” Does anyone know who this king is?
54 Go Rumor High Hawks! Wooooooo! No school! The king rocks!
55 Sheriff Badge! Sheriff Badge, are you coordinating security arrangements for the king and his people
56 or will that be left entirely to the sheriff’s office?
57 Greta, we have everything totally under control.
58 Our office will make sure the king is completely protected during his visit.
59 Crowd control, of course, is our number one concern, we will be checking everything that moves in this town.
60 Everything is totally under control.
61 There you have it. A king is coming to town…
62 who he is and when he will arrive remain a mystery.
63 But it looks like this little village is pulling out all the stops to make him feel at home.
64 I’m Greta Van Popcorn, live in Rumor’s Mill, USA
65 Do you have my speech ready?
66 I’ve got to have my speech ready to go when all the networks arrive.
67 How do I look? Do you think I should get a little more make-up before I go on the camera?
68 You look fine, your honor.
69 Your speech is right in your hand there, right where I put it when we left the office.
70 Hey Greta, I see you’re already on top of this story.
71 I’ve already been on air with it, Chip.
72 Just need you to fill in all the details.
73 What’s going on?
74 I can’t believe you haven’t issued a dozen press releases already.
75 We don’t know any more than you do.
76 The sheriff was the one who first discovered the poster.
77 He called the mayor’s office but before we could catch up with it
78 well… you know how Rumor’s Mill is. It was all over the town before the mayor finished his morning tan…
79 uh… that is, his morning briefing.
80 You ready? Let’s start taping.
81 Greta Van Popcorn here with Mayor Big Wheel of Rumor’s Mill.
82 Mayor Wheel, tell us what you’re doing to get the town ready the king’s arrival.
83 As mayor of this fine city, I am honored and thrilled
84 that we have been selected out of all the towns in the nation
85 to host the king and his entourage.
86 You know, Greta… I am man of humble beginnings. I grew up poor and worked my way through school…
87 but through diligence and dedication…
88 What plans are being made to entertain the king while he’s here?
89 Uh… uh… through diligence and dedication, hard work and perseverance,
90 I graduated from elementary school… then I entered high school…
91 Mayor, do you think taxes will have to be raised to pay for all the extra expenses involved in hosting a king?
92 Ah… yes, Greta… I mean… NO, Greta.
93 Uh… look… my office will have a statement for you later on that.
94 Right now I am late for a very important meeting of the town council.
95 ♫ Someone Special is Coming ♪
96 I’m feeling stressed, gotta take control and manage how this story’s told ♫
97 Can’t let it be misunderstood Just tmaking sure that my boss looks good ♫
98 The press can be such an awful pain when everyone’s wanting me to explain, ‘cause ♫
99 Someone special is coming, coming to my town I can’t wait to see this ♫
100 Someone special that’s coming ♫
101 And everyone’ is looking at me, saying “Who could it be?” ♫
102 I’m feeling stressed, gotta get the scoop I’m gonna have to dig and snoop ♫
103 Who, what, when, where, why and how I want this story and I want it now ♫
104 Why is this one so hard to get? I’ve got a deadline that must be met, ‘cause ♫
105 Someone special is coming, coming to my town I can’t wait to see this ♫
106 Someone special that’s coming And everyone’s looking at me ♫
107 I hope that we’re not being duped Don’t want to be left out of the loop ♫
108 I’m feeling tense; my nerves may go I want to hide. I just want to know, ‘cause ♫
109 Someone special is coming, coming to my town I can’t wait to see this ♫
110 Someone special that’s coming ♫
111 And everyone’ is looking at me, saying “Who could it be?” ♫
113 Uh… Miss Popcorn?
114 Hey, kids. Look, I’d love to give you an autograph,
115 but I just don’t have the time right now.
116 I’ve got to find out where this whole story actually started.
117 And if I do, I’m sure to get that network job I’ve been dreaming about!
118 Uh, Miss Popcorn. Sorry… but we didn’t want your autograph.
119 Oh, you didn’t. Oops. Well… what is it then?
120 You said you wanted to get to the bottom of this story, right?
121Absolutely. Do you two have any information that will help me?
122 We sure do.
124 Great. Let’s hear it. I’m all ears.
125 Are you rolling?
126 Greta Van Popcorn here where I’ve just been run over a mob of 50’s rock and rollers.
127 Let’s see if we can talk to one of them.
128 Excuse me, but can you explain to me why you’ve come to this town square dressed this way?
129 Hey… the king is coming to town! Yeah! We’re ready! Let’s party! Let’s get down!
130 We’re ready, king… Come on!
131 I don’t understand. What king are you talking about?
132 The king, Greta… the king of….
134 ♫ The King of Rock and Roll ♪
135 We’re gonna shake, rattle, and roll sing that music that’s got some soul ♫
136 ‘Cause the king of rock’n roll is coming to town Yeah, the king of rock’n roll is coming to town ♫
137 It’s gonna be good, it’s gonna be great Come on get ready to celebrate, because ♫
138 the king of rock’n roll is coming to town ♫
139 Bring all your friends and your sister Sue You can even bring your hound dog, too. ‘Cause ♫
140 the king of rock’n roll is coming to town Yeah, the king of rock’n roll is coming to town ♫
141 Tell everyone to spread the news Get all dressed up, in your blue suede shoes ♫
142 ‘Cause the king of rock’n roll is coming to town Yeah, the king of rock’n roll is coming to town ♫
143 It’s gonna be good, it’s gonna be great Come on get ready to celebrate, because ♫
144 king of rock’n roll is coming to town ♫
145 Ooo 0oo ooo ooo ooo Ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ♫
146 It’s not gonna be blue Christmas this year ‘cause we’re getting ready to party ‘round here ♫
147 ‘Cause the king of rock’n roll is coming to town Yeah, the king of rock’n roll is coming to town ♫
148 It’s gonna be good, it’s gonna be great Come on get ready to celebrate, because ♫
149 the king of rock’n roll is coming to town ♫
150 It’s gonna be good, it’s gonna be great Come on get ready to celebrate, because ♫
151 the king of rock’n roll is coming to town The king of rock’n roll is coming to town ♫
153 Mayor Wheel? What are you doing?
154 Mayor Wheel, does this mean that you and your group truly believe that…
155 He’s back! The King of Rock and Roll is coming back.
156 I’ve known all along that he wasn’t really dead,
157 and now he’s chosen our little town to make his come back, Greta!
158 Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
159 Well, there you have it folks.
160 Strange as it may seem, there are some who have pinned their hopes on the idea
161 that the king who’s coming to town is the long- departed King of Rock and Roll.
162 Who knows? Maybe they’re right. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
163 Yoo-hoo! Oh, Ms. Popcorn, I have a statement to make for the camera.
164 After much preparation and a lot of hard work, the Rumor’s Mill Museum is thrilled to announce
165 our latest exhibit which will be opening shortly.
166 A new exhibit?
167 Yes… the King Tut Exhibit will arrive at the museum.
168 Yes, friends, King Tut will at last make his appearance in our fair town. Isn’t this just marvelous?
169 ♪ Egyptian King ♪♪
170 He’s been dead for very long time but his tomb was an archeological find ♫
171 Now he’s coming with his jewels, silver, and gold a magnificent sight for us to behold ♫
172 Egyptian king is coming here. He’s gonna put us on the who’s who list. That’s very clear ♫
173 Egyptian king in his majesty is gonna give us a glimpse of his ancient royalty ♫
174 His wealth is known both far and wide and it’s never been matched though many have tried ♫
175 Yes, his story is surrounded by such mystique This Egyptian king is quite unique ♫
176 Egyptian king is coming here. He’s gonna put us on the who’s who list. That’s very clear ♫
177 Egyptian king in his majesty is gonna give us a glimpse of his ancient royalty ♫
178 Egyptian king is coming here. He’s gonna put us on the who’s who list. That’s very clear ♫
179 Egyptian king in his majesty is gonna give us a glimpse of his ancient royalty ♫
180 Come see the Egyptian king ♫
182 Well, I guess we can add another name of a king to the growing list of possibilities here in Rumor’s Mill.
183 As you’ve just heard, there are those who think King Tut, or at least the King Tut Exhibit, will be coming here.
184 Now, where are those kids I was talking to?
185 Hey kids, could we finish that conversation about the King now?
186 SURE.
187 Do not panic. Everything is under control. Everyone stay calm. The king is coming…
188 but there is nothing to fear.
189 What in the world is going on now? What are you people so afraid of?
190 Sheriff Badge? What’s all the hysteria about?
191 Greta, the situation is under control. There IS no panic.
192 Well look, I don’t know what you people are so afraid of.
193 I’ve just been informed that the king is not only coming, but he’s actually already here!
194 ♫ King of the Jungle ♫
195 Oh oh oh way oh. King of the jungle ♫
196 Better run and hide, things could really get scary This is a king that is big and hairy ♫
197 Oh oh oh way oh. King of the jungle ♫
198 The moon is full and the night is starry We’re getting ready for a big safari ♫
199 There’s no telling what he’s gonna do when the king of the jungle comes swinging through ♫
200 Oh oh oh way oh. King of the jungle
201 Better run and hide, things could really get scary This is a king that is big and hairy
202 Oh oh oh way oh. King of the jungle
203 King of the jungle
204 Everyon’s safaring looking scared and spunky searching for that funky monkey
205 King of the jungle, King of the jungle
206 Oh oh oh way oh. King of the jungle
207 Better run and hide, things could really get scary This is a king that is big and hairy
208 Oh oh oh way oh. King of the jungle
209 King of the jungle
211 People, people! I’ve got people posted at every road into town.
212 There is no giant ape on the loose. Just try to calm down!
213 But you said the king was already here!
214 That’s right. He is.
215 He’s here, but he’s just not the king you were expecting.
216 What? You mean, Elvis isn’t coming? He isn’t coming back at last?
217No! We want Elvis… we want Elvis…
218 Mr. Mayor… people… please.
219 What if I told you that it’s a king who is better than the King of Rock and Roll?
220 Then it IS King Tut! Our town has been honored at last!
221 We’re sure to make the Top Ten Towns list now!
222 Wrong again, Miss Booster.
223 What? No King Tut? No Top Ten list? But I’ve worked so hard!
224 But it’s even better than that. This king hasn’t been dead for thousands of years.
225 He’s alive! And you don’t have to work and work and work to have him show up.
226 Well if we don’t have to be afraid…
227 … and if we can really count on him to show up and stay…
228 … and if we don’t have to work and work, just hoping to finally see him…
230 Drew and Ellie… would you like to explain this to everyone?
231 Well, you see, we were reading in our Bibles the other day. In the book of Luke. Here’s what it says:
232 “And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks by night.”
233 “An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified”
234 “But the angel said to them,”
235 ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.’
236 ‘Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.’
237 ‘This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.’
238 “Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeard with the angel, praising God and saying,”
239 ‘Glory to the God in the highest, and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.’
240 “When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shpherds said to one another,”
241 ‘Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.’
242 “So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. (Luke 2:8-16)”
243 And then, in the book of Matthew it says:
244 When Jesus was born in Bethlehem during the reign of Herod the king,
245 some wise men from eastern lands arrived in Jerusalem asking,
246 ‘Where is the newborn king? We have seen his star and we want to worship him.’ (Matthew 2:1-2)
247 It just seemed to us that our town had forgotten all about the one King who is greater than every other King.
248 The King even kings worship!
249 So we mad these posters…
250 … and then we hung up just the first part… the one with the title of our story.
251 But before we could hang up the rest… …the people or Rumor’s Mill took it from there.
252 But, but, but… but we know all about THAT king.
253 Of course we do! Everyone knows all about Jesus being born.
254 Where’s the news in that?
255 I can’t believe you two kids got this whole town in an uproar over a story from the Bible
256 that we’ve already known all our lives!
257 No. Hold on just a second, Mr. Mayor.
258 It wasn’t Ellie and Drew’s fault. And besides… do we really know the story?
259 Or have we gotten so used to hearing it that we just think we do?
260 Right. Ellie and Drew, why don’t you tell us the story the way it hit you when you read it.
261 ♫ A King is Coming to Town ♪
262 Shepherds were out on a hillside watching their flocks by night ♫
263 when an angel of the Lord stood before them and their hearts were filled with fright ♫
264 But the angel said, “Don’t be afraid of me there’s a reason that God sent me down ♫
265 Good tidings of joy I bring to you A King is coming to town! ♫
266 Get up and go find your Promise Leave everything behind ♫
267 Sorrow and mourning are over It’s celebration time! ♫
268 Sin will not rule any longer God’s love and grace now abounds ♫
269 Things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been any more. A king is coming to town! ♫
270 If sin has taken you captive Or sorrow has locked you in chains ♫
271 If you’re fearful of facing tomorrow and all of the pain it may bring ♫
272 Let me tell you that I bring good news to you A decree has been sent through the land ♫
273 It’s jubilee, all prisoners are free The King has come with hope in His hand! ♫
274 Get up and go find your Promise Leave everything behind ♫
275 Sorrow and mourning are over It’s celebration time! ♫
276 Sin will not rule any longer God’s love and grace now abounds ♫
277 Things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been any more. A king is coming to town! ♫
278 Get up and go find your Promise Leave everything behind ♫
279 Sorrow and mourning are over It’s celebration time! ♫
280 Sin will not rule any longer God’s love and grace now abounds ♫
281 Things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been any more. A king is coming to town! ♫
282 Things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been. No, things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been. ♫
283 No, things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been any more. A King is coming to town! ♫
285 So you see, Mayor, Jesus is a King you don’t have to wait and hope and pray will show up.
286 Since He came to earth that first Christmas, you can count on Him to ALWAYS be with you!
287 And Barbara, you don’t have to just work and work and hope it’ll be enough to get to be with Jesus the King.
288 All you have to do is ask Him to come!
289 Mayor Wheel, I’m turning in my resignation.
290 But why, sheriff? Everything has turned out just fine, hasn’t it?
291 Sure, no thanks to me.
292 I was trying to keep everybody calm and I just ended up causing a state of panic instead.
293 No… I think I should quit.
294 But Sheriff Badge, you weren’t the only one who was confused. Everybody was.
295 The thing is, Miss Popcorn, if Jesus really is coming to town, or if He’s already here,
296 that’s still kind of frightening.
297 If he’s… what does the Bible say… Immanuel… God with Us… I mean… God?
298 In the flesh? Come on… that could be pretty scary, too. At least it is to me.
299 But Sheriff Badge, don’t you see. That’s the best part of this story.
300 It’s the best part of our posters too.
301 It’s not just who He was and is. It’s why and how He came that takes away all the scariness.
302 You don’t have to be afraid anymore, Sheriff. Jesus came because He wants you to know Him.
303 He wants everyone to know Him.
304 All we have to do is believe He’s who He says He is and ask Him to come and stay…
305 in our towns, in our homes, and best of all, in our hearts.
306 OK, let’s start rolling.
307 Greta Van Popcorn here in Rumor’s Mill, USA with a news alert.
308 Is a King coming to town? Is He already here?
309 Just who is this King that’s caused all the excitement?
310 Stay tuned. You won’t believe what you’re going to hear!
311 Get up and go find your Promise Leave everything behind ♫
312 Sorrow and mourning are over It’s celebration time! ♫
313 Sin will not rule any longer God’s love and grace now abounds ♫
314 Things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been any more. A king is coming to town! ♫
315 King of kings! Forever and ever! And Lord of lords! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♫
316 King of kings! Forever and ever! And Lord of lords! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! ♫
317 Things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been any more. A king is coming to town! ♫
318 Things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been. No, things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been. ♫
319 No, things aren’t gonna be the way that they’ve been any more. A King is coming to town! ♫
321 “Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Merry Christmas! Greta Van Popcorn Mayor Big Wheel Sheriff Badge Chip Barbara Booster DrewEllie Camera Person Citizens Acting Direction “Extra, Extra” “Someone Special’s Coming” “The King of Rock’n Roll” “Egyptian King” “King of the Jungle” “A King is Coming to Town” Choreography Stage Production Costumes Sound / Effects 모자 협찬 Direction Samantha Noh 노은재 (5 th ) Andrew Rim 임강 (3 rd ) Nina Jung 정애리 (5 th ) Elijah Kim 김성동 (4 th ) Kelly Noh 노은수 (3 rd ) John Kim 김효중 (2 nd ) Hanna Kim 김한나 (3 rd ) Tiffany Kwark 곽예은 (4 th ) Jenna Ryu 류윤정 (2 nd ) Eunice Chong 정유나 (3 rd ) Daniel Rim 임진 (2 nd ) Nathan Rim 임찬 (2 nd ) Tina Moon 문티나 KCW Sunday School 지도 : 김미선, 양대원 지도 : 김미선, 양대원 Pre-K, Kindergarten Vocal: 김지홍 & Lauren Kim Vocal: 김지홍 & Lauren Kim 지도 : 안현경 지도 : 안현경 1 st, 2 nd Grades, Andrew Rim 지도 : 김효선 지도 : 김효선 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th, 6 th Grade Girls 지도 : 김미선 지도 : 김미선Boys 지도 : 양대원 지도 : 양대원 KCW Sunday School Vocal: 김지홍 Vocal: 김지홍김미선이세희안현경임건박성양양대원 A K ING Is Coming to Town