Tourism Reinvestment In Promotion & Product Tourism Advertising & Development Grants Tourism Council of Frederick County, Inc.


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Presentation transcript:

Tourism Reinvestment In Promotion & Product Tourism Advertising & Development Grants Tourism Council of Frederick County, Inc.

TRIPP Program Workshop  A program through which TCFC partners with non-profit attractions and events to bring residents of other areas to visit Frederick County.  $200,000 allocated from the Tourism Council of Frederick County budget for FY17 TRIPP awards.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Increase the number of visitors to Frederick County and the amount of money they spend while visiting.  Increase overnight stays in Frederick County hotels, thereby replenishing and increasing the hotel tax revenue that is used to fund this program.  Enhance the overall attractiveness and marketability of Frederick County as a destination.

TRIPP Program Workshop Tourism Advertising Award  Placing advertising exposing non-local audiences to local non-profit attractions and events. Tourism Development Grant  Development of tourism product through non-profit attractions, events and activities.

TRIPP Program Workshop Group Overnight Incentive Program  Reimbursement of $10 per room night generated to organizations generating a quantity of overnight hotel stays. Unanticipated Opportunity Fund  Advertising or Development opportunities which could not have been anticipated prior to March 31.

TRIPP Program Workshop  $200,000 for FY17 to be allocated as follows: $ 20,000 combined for the Group Overnight Incentive Program and Unanticipated Opportunity Fund $126,000 for the Advertising Awards $ 54,000 for Development Grants

TRIPP Program Workshop Successful applicants…  Identify attributes of their attraction or event that would motivate residents of areas outside of Frederick County to visit/attend.  Demonstrate the ability to attract and measure visitors from outside of Frederick County. Ideas for measuring out of town visitors:  Ask for zip codes of attendees as they enter attraction/event.  Count out-of-state license plates at your site or event  Ask merchants to collect zip codes throughout the year  Have a raffle where participants must fill out a survey capturing demographics to enter  Post a map and have participants mark their hometown

TRIPP Program Workshop Tips for Success  At the end of the grant, the applicant should be able to measure successes tied to the funding and information about visitors.  Compared to last year, sales during the festival increased 20%  38% of attendees were from outside of Frederick County  90% of survey respondents spent over $50 at the event For Example

TRIPP Program Workshop  Complement TCFC’s goals of increasing the number of visitors, visitor spending and length- of-stay  Partner with other entities to achieve goals  Partners do not need to be non-profits  Partners cannot include hotel, motel or other lodging businesses located outside of Frederick County

TRIPP Program Workshop  FY 17 TRIPP Applications are due no later than 5pm, Thursday, March 31, 2016

Tourism Council of Frederick County Frederick County Hotel Occupancy– consistent peaks & valleys over multiple years If not promoting a year-round attraction, events that will drive overnight stays during nonpeak times have the next greatest appeal. %

TRIPP Program Workshop  Minimum request is $1,500 (total media schedule of $3,000)  Maximum request is $10,000* (total schedule of $20,000 or more).  *If submitting an all nonlocal media schedule maximum request is $20,000 (total schedule of $40,000)

TRIPP Program Workshop  Minimum request is $1,500 (total project of $3,000)  Maximum request is $15,000 (total project of $30,000 or more).

TRIPP Program Workshop  Advertising must run in FY17 (July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017).  Development Grant projects must begin in FY17. It is recognized that some projects may require more than a year to complete. Up to 24 months will be allowed, after which no TRIPP funds will be released for the project without TCFC approval of a timely written request for a project extension.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Cash match is dollar for dollar.  For Advertising Awards, match must be all cash.  For Development Grants, 25% of the match can be in-kind ( documented donations of goods or services for the project, but not staff or volunteer time).

TRIPP Program Workshop  $126,000 available for FY17 TRIPP Advertising awards.

TRIPP Program Workshop  One application to apply for either Advertising and/or Development Grants.  You may submit 2 separate applications (one Advertising and one Development) if your proposed projects are not closely related.  Applicants submitting for an Advertising award proposing an all nonlocal media schedule may apply for up to $20,000.

TRIPP Program Workshop  At least half of the media schedule budget must be placed with media outlets that can demonstrate at least half of their audience resides outside Frederick County.

TRIPP Program Workshop

TRIPP Program Workshop

TRIPP Program Workshop  TRIPP logo should occupy at least 10% of print ad space (or 2” minimum width, whichever is larger).  TRIPP logo incorporates State logo. Required logo size is based on the State requirement for minimum size of Maryland’s “crown logo” in ads using State marketing grant funds, which include TRIPP ads. Sample ad

TRIPP Program Workshop  Those awarded $10,000 or more may be subject to a minimum ad size and preapproval requirements to comply with State Tourism marketing grant guidelines.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Those awarded will be required to have a link on their website to using the graphic TCFC supplies.

TRIPP Program Workshop

TRIPP Program Workshop  Applicant places the ads. TCFC must directly pay the media outlet. The awardee will submit a Request for Payment form, media outlet invoice(s), proof of performance (actual size tear- sheet, radio spot audio file, etc.) and 50% of total invoice amount* as cash match to TCFC. * until TRIPP award is expended, then awardee pays match plus remainder.

TRIPP Program Workshop  It is important to properly submit request for payment (request for payment form, invoice, cash match and actual size tear sheet) to TCFC at least 10 days prior to the due date of the invoice.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Destination Development Grants are available to non-profit organizations (potentially in partnership with for-profit organizations) to assist with up to 50% of the cost of tourism projects in Frederick County, to include: exhibits, events, activities, festivals, conferences, or programs in order to develop new tourism products for TCFC to promote.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Funding in FY17 - The program has $54,000 to award TRIPP Destination Development Grants.

TRIPP Program Workshop  The preferred use of funds is for one- time or start-up project costs. Applicants proposing ongoing activities are encouraged to work toward becoming self-sustaining.  Create new reasons for residents of other areas to want to visit Frederick County. A new or enhanced attraction, exhibit, or a major event (those attracting at least 500 attendees).

TRIPP Program Workshop  Capital projects (construction, acquisition or renovation of fixed assets), particularly those that directly improve the visitor experience, will also be considered.

TRIPP Program Workshop  All printed materials printed with TRIPP Program funds must include the Tourism Council’s logo that is included in TRIPP agreements and the “For information…” phrase

TRIPP Program Workshop  Previous grants - Applicants must close out all projects awarded prior to FY15 on or before by the application deadline. No applicant can have more than two Product Development Grants open at one time.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Provides a cash incentive for local non- profit organizations and events that generate a quantity of overnight hotel stays in Frederick County during FY17.  At least ten hotel room nights must be sold within a single month as a result of the applicant’s efforts on behalf of visitors to their attraction or event.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Maximum cash payment to a single organization is $4,000 in a single calendar month, beginning with July, (May apply for additional funds in future months if funding remains in the incentive pool.)  First-come basis until the pool is depleted. If multiple organizations involved with the same tour group or room block submit for the same hotel room nights, the incentive will be shared among the organizations.  The General Manager or Sales Manager of the hotel(s) where the group stayed will need to sign certification documentation to validate that the room nights were sold and used, prior to the organization receiving the incentive payment.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Funds to be awarded in FY17 for marketing or development opportunities that could not have been anticipated at the time of the TRIPP application deadline.

TRIPP Program Workshop  Use FY17 Grant application.  Explain why the opportunity could not have been anticipated prior to the regular TRIPP program deadline.  Applications may be submitted after the regular TRIPP application deadline, for opportunities in FY17.

TRIPP Program Workshop  March 31 - Deadline for applications to be submitted to TCFC  First week in April - Copies of applications with scoring sheets distributed to Selection Committee  End of April - Committee meets for Selection Day  May 13 - TCFC Board consideration of recommendations  Week of May 16 - Announcement of TRIPP awards

Questions? Patsy Ensminger John Fieseler

TRIPP Program Workshop