Finding an Alternative Chapter 5
Nuclear Energy We can get energy from nuclear FISSION or FUSION Fission is the splitting of radioactive atoms, like uranium, into more stable elements. Down side: the waste that is produced is VERY dangerous and must be removed from the plant and stored until it loses its radioactivity Fusion is what happens on the Sun, where two atoms of an element are joined together to make more stable element. Down side: high amounts of heat are needed (1000’s of degrees) and it’s hard to do that unless you’re on the Sun!
Let’s Call on the Sun! Solar cells and solar collectors Solar cells are used in calculators and sometimes in houses to cut down on the electric bill Solar collectors can be produced and placed in “farms” to provide electricity for whole communities Down side: they are very expensive to make!
The Winds of Change Why do we have wind? Because of the uneven heating of the atmosphere by the Sun! Wind farms are located in areas of strong, steady winds and can generate huge amounts of electricity Down side: Wind can be undependable.
The Power of Water Deriving energy from falling water has been used since the Industrial Revolution It is inexpensive, produces little pollution, and is renewable Down side: Hydroelectric power can only be produced where there are large volumes of falling water. And, building dams can ruin forests and wildlife! Hoover Dam
It’s Getting Hot in Here! Geothermal energy is created when rainwater penetrates porous rock near a source of magma The results are natural vents called geysers If there are no geysers, wells can be drilled into the rock to tap into the energy from the steam Iceland uses it, as well as people who live near Yellowstone National Park (home of Old Faithful) Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park