10/23 & 26 DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: Settle Down INVIDUAL WORK: INVIDUAL WORK: Settle Down Follow-Up GROUP WORK: Technology & Urbanization PRESENT POSTERS: Technology & Urbanization
SETTLE DOWN! How do physical features influence where people move?How do physical features influence where people move?
ENGLISH COLONISTS in VIRGINIA Most early settlements in Virginia were located near the Chesapeake Bay so that colonists would be near supply ships to trade with as well as the rich soil and fresh water in the rivers that emptied out there.
GERMAN IMMIGRANTS in TEXAS German immigrants tended to settle near rivers so they would have water year round and could irrigate their crops. Some of the rivers also made trade easier.
FUR TRAPPERS in QUBEC Settlements in Quebec were mostly along the rivers, Hudson Bay, Gulf of St. Lawrence or rivers so people would have transportation to more populated areas for trading. They remained spread out because they relied so much on the wildlife and did not want to overhunt as people had in Europe.
FARMERS on the GREAT PLAINS Most pioneers on the Great Plains were attracted by the flat, fertile soil for farming. They also wanted to be located near fresh water and US Army Forts, so most were found near major rivers.
SPANISH MISSIONARIES in CALIFORNIA Missionaries in California stayed near the coast and were almost always within 1-2 days walk to another Mission for protection and trading.
NEW ENGLAND FISHERMEN Starting out many early settlements in New England were located near the Atlantic Ocean so the colonists would have access to supply ships from England (for trading) and be able to use their fishing skills.
SETTLE DOWN! Complete the wrap-up questions about SETTLEMENT FACTORS by yourself.Complete the wrap-up questions about SETTLEMENT FACTORS by yourself. If you need help, raise your handIf you need help, raise your hand
TECHNOLOGY & URBANIZATION Until about the 1800’s, it was mainly environmental settlement factors, such as access to fresh water, climate, determined where most people lived. Starting around the 1800’s and continuing to today, new inventions made it possible, and even attractive, to live in areas which had barely populated before. Describe how those new technologies influenced where/how people live (urban/ suburban/ rural, what part of the country, living standard, etc.).
5 th Groups Flor, Fernando, Mark Joseph, Monica, Diamond Jose, Francisco, Chris Marie, Elvis, Matthew Mary-Eleanor, Eduardo, Roberto A. Roberto O., Thomas, Jaydyn EJ, Stormy, Alicia Madi, Vance Luis, Karla, Lucy Drake, Jus, Julian
7 th Groups Diego, Osvaldo, Jose, Carlos Alan, Isac, Alexis U.R., Josue Tyler H., Alex C., Savannah, Elias Alex E., Heaven, Blake C. Hunter, Julio, Stephanie Trinidad, EJ, Marissa Tyler L., Miguel, Traci, Jordan E., Blake G., Joey, Rajah, Jordan H. Mary, Bethanie, Britney
SM GROUP PRESENTATIONS IN YOUR OWN WORDS... Describe the Technology Describe the impact of the Technology Describe how the Technology affected Migration, especially whether it increased or decreased Urbanization
RAILROAD How did the railroad influence where people live? How did the railroad influence where people live? faster travel across larger distances faster travel across larger distances Increased trade Increased trade Increased westward expansion Increased westward expansion
IRRIGATION How did irrigation influence where people live?How did irrigation influence where people live? farm where there wasn’t enough rainfall to grow crops farm where there wasn’t enough rainfall to grow crops Increased size/reliability of harvests Increased size/reliability of harvests
DAMS What advantage did large dams like the Hoover Dam and Grand Coolee Dam provide in developing the West? 1.Prevented Floods 2.Stored Water for Droughts 3.Generated Electricity MOVED FOLKS WEST!
REFRIGERATION How did refrigeration influence where people live?How did refrigeration influence where people live? –Farming further away from large cities and still get your farm goods to market. –Larger variety of goods to be available all across the country, all throughout the seasons
FACTORY ASSEMBLY LINES How did factory assembly lines influence where people live?How did factory assembly lines influence where people live? –Increased living standards by making goods cheaper –Large numbers of people immigrated to get jobs at big factories (such as in the “STEEL/ RUST BELT” of the United States)
AUTOMOBILE (& FREEWAYS) How did the automobile influence where people live?How did the automobile influence where people live? –People could live outside the city center (like downtown Austin) in SUBURBS (like Georgetown) and still commute to work. –This created URBAN SPRAWL – where a city keeps expanding on the edges (and usually shrinks in the center)
AIR CONDITIONING How did air conditioning influence where people live?How did air conditioning influence where people live? –People who would not have wanted to live in areas of the Southwest withy 100° + weather were now attracted to the “SUNBELT”
AUTOMATED FACTORIES How did automated factories influence American life?How did automated factories influence American life? –Fewer workers were needed in factories, so many factory workers lost their jobs. –Workers needed high levels of skills to get/keep a manufacturing job –which meant many people moved away from the “RUST BELT” – most went to the “SUN BELT “ in the south and west.
INTERNET How did the internet influence where people live?How did the internet influence where people live? –Increased efficiency in the ordering, manufacturing and distribution of goods - demand can more precisely be tracked in real time. –Frees some people to work from where ever they wish –The flip side of that is that some businesses find workers who will do the job for the lower pay, often outside of the USA.