ulster.ac.uk ‘Engaging with the HEAR to support the wider student experience at Ulster’ Sharon Milner 27 th April 2015
Background The HEAR at Ulster Challenges in implementing the HEAR Lessons learnt Partnership with Gradintel Future plans Agenda…
Background Department of Employment and Learning (DEL) in 2013 made it mandatory for all NI 3 rd level institutions to have adopted the HEAR by 2014 Ulster HEAR Pilot institution Full-time Ulster undergraduate students have a HEAR First cohort of students to receive a HEAR was July 2014
What does Ulster want our students to achieve? Ulster Graduate Qualities: subject-specific knowledge and skills informed by current research and professional/vocational practice flexibility, creativity and an entrepreneurial approach to problem solving self-confidence, global citizenship, ethical leadership, and a commitment to life-wide learning, professionalism and employability effective collaborative working, communication skills and the capacity for reflective practice, including the ability to give and receive feedback
What is the Ulster EDGE Award? Employability initiative launched Sept 2011 Open to full-time undergrad students Provides official recognition and evidence for activities outside students programme of study Taken in addition to degree Students have 4 years to complete the award. Students receive Award certificate with their degree at graduation
How do students achieve the EDGE? There are 3 steps to complete: 1.Register for the Ulster EDGE Award 2. Choose and complete activities (during the length of the degree programme) a) EDGE Award: complete 4 activities which are NOT all from the same category b) EDGE Excel: complete 6 activities across 3 categories (no separate registration) 3.Apply for the Award (in final year) once activities are completed a)Written application – Ulster EDGE Award b)Employer-led panel interview – Ulster EDGE Excel Award (Excel students eligible for Ulster EDGE Award Student of the Year)
Management of the HEAR Ulster HEAR Project Team Decide on structure of team and associated database HEAR Activities Approval Group Approve activities for inclusion in 6.1 of HEAR
HEAR 6.1 Protocols The achievement is verifiable and endorsed by the University. The opportunity to undertake the achievement is open to all students, in principle. Information is presented factually, not opinion-based. The role/achievement/outcome is defined by regulation (e.g. prizes, sabbatical officer). The role/achievement/position supports a University process and is verifiable. The achievement/role supports wider University policy and strategy.
Communication/engagement with academics Staff access student HEAR via Portal HEAR information available via dedicated HEAR webpage/Portal HEAR progress updates sent to staff biannually Internal seminars / employability conference HEAR Project Team Staff invited biannually to submit activities for inclusion in 6.1 to Hear Activities Approval Working Group
HEAR as a formative document Used in studies advice sessions Included as agenda item for Staff Student Consultative committee Included as agenda item at induction sessions for new and returning students
Staff Portal
HEAR available via portal An employability Award for F/T Undergraduate Students Provides official recognition and evidence for activities outside your programme of study Taken in addition to your degree You have up to 4 years to complete the award. You will receive it with your degree at graduation
Staff can preview student EDGE achievements
Management of 6.1 via HEAR database
Management via HEAR Database
Verifying activities
Communication with students Access student HEAR via Portal HEAR updates via Students Union (SU) magazine Student/class reps trained by SU re. the HEAR HEAR student leaflet created HEAR/EDGE drop-in clinic Staff/Student consultative committees Induction sessions for new and returning students HEAR contact created for student queries HEAR information in graduation folder
Student Portal
Section 6.1 Accredited Performance (currently available) CPPD Modules Work Placement Year Study Abroad year University and Departmental Prizes (to be added) Findlater Award in Social Studies Convocation Student of the Year Award Business and Professional Women UK Limited Travelling Scholarship McCrea Literary Award
Section 6.1 continued Ulster EDGE Award (partially available) Ulster EDGE/ Excel Award EDGE Award Student of the Year Additional Recognised Activities (to be added) National Governing Body Coaching Award Wine and Spirit Education Trust Level 1: Level 3 Students Union Sabbatical Officer Tutoring in Schools Millennium Volunteer Awards of Excellence Colour Awards
Challenges Limited resource Limited no of 6.1 activities added EDGE activities not listed HEAR contact set up and not used HEAR pdf transcript ed to all students but not sure of uptake. Lack of communication with employers
Successes Employability agenda of University and the EDGE Award on section 6.1 have helped promote engagement with the HEAR EDGE is now an embedded part of ‘Ulster’s Learning and Teaching: Implementation and Review Framework’ as an employability indicator First cohort of students to receive a HEAR was July 2014 (hardcopy and pdf ed)
Way forward Outsourced solution (GradIntel) Future communication via 360 system EDGE activities listed in HEAR to enable tracking Additional sections to be added Integration of 6.1 database activities into banner system Create awareness of HEAR with employers
Student console University Services - My HEAR
Student console University Services - Achievements
Future Plans Exploration of the employability features of new hosted solution, including: Facilities to promote its employability and alumni functions to students and graduates Matching service to connect opportunity providers with qualified candidates Online assessment centre
Student console Homepage
Student console Personal Profile - Personal
Student console Personal Profile - Education Higher Education
Student console Personal Profile - Statements
Student console My Vacancies
Student console Online Assessment Centre
Student console University Services - Careers
Student console University Services - Alumni
Student console University Services - Postgraduate study