National Conception Day: A Good Idea ?
Population Policies What types of population policies exist ?
Pro-natalist or Expansive
Anti-natalist or Restrictive /
Maintenance or Stability babies.1 +
Migration Policies l International Domestic
Eugenics Nazis-to-be-published-online.html
countries have pro-natalist policies 67 countries have anti-natalist policies 33 countries have maintenance policies
CountryType of PolicyYearsIncentives U.S.S.R.Pro-natalist Medals / respect RussiaPro-natalist2006 $10,000 for 2 nd & subsequent children monthly support $ Summary Sheet of Pro-natalist and Anti-natalist Policies Example:
Pro-natalist incentivesAnti-natalist incentives
Pro-natalist Anti-natalist CBRCDRRNI CBRCDRRNI Russia China Japan Egypt2552 Germany India Singapore940.5 Vietnam1771 Iran Indonesia France Ethiopia Australia Bolivia Newfoundland990 Nepal Quebec Philippines Niger Mali45153
Does where a country fits within the DT influence the type of population policy they implement ? Birth rates are plotted pro-natalist anti-natalist
Does where a country fits within the DT influence the type of population policy they implement ? (horizontal position is what is important) pro-natalist anti-natalist RNI x 10 is plotted
Pro-natalist or Expansive Policies
*Why would a country want a pro-natalist policy ? replaces those lost in war and civil unrest build up the military replace retiring folks in the workforce support the increasing number of seniors occupy parts of a country that are virtually empty help develop the resources of a state lead to economic growth increase majority/minority percentages gain more influence internationally
Examples: of Pro-natalist Policies Past and Present
U.S.S.R – 1992 awarded medals to women in order to encourage a high fertility rate. Why ?
Motherhood Medals Order of the Glory of Motherhood or Order of Maternal Glory Order of Mother Heroine 3 Categories of Medals were Presented
Motherhood Medals 5 children 8,000,000 awarded 2 nd Class 6 children 4,000,000 awarded 1 st Class
Order of Maternal Glory 7 children - 2,000,000 awarded 3 rd Class 8 children - 1,000,000 awarded 2 nd Class 1 st Class 9 children - 500,000 awarded
Order Mother Heroine 10 children 200,000 awarded
People’s Republic of Albania Order of Mother Heroine 10 children Medals for bearing, raising, & educating children
Albania Communist Order : Motherhood Glory Class IClass II Class III 9 children6 children 3 children
Germany Cross of Honor of the German Mother
Bronze 3 rd Class Mother’s Nazi Cross 4, 5 Silver 2 nd Class Mother’s Nazi Cross 6, 7 Gold 1 st Class Mother’s Nazi Cross 8 or more Diamond – 14 or more ?
German Mother’s Cross 14 children ? 17 diamonds
Hello, I just ran across your site with the rare diamond mothers cross. My grandmother was awarded this, she had 13 kids, 11 were boys. It was told to me by my father that it was given to her in his home town of Danzig. I had searched many times trying to find and information regarding this and all I found was the gold silver and bronze crosses. I thought maybe my dad was mistaken when he reported that hers had diamonds in it. I spoke with my dad and got a lot more information on how my grandmother received that cross. She was the only one in Danzig and was in the newspaper for it. My grandmothers name was Anna Noetzel Sirotzki, born Feb It was given in Danzig. Now known as Gdansk. If you are a war buff you know about Danzig. The 5 black cars came with the Nazi flags to my dads home, the address was Nr 5 Rammbau Strasse, Danzig. The 2 men presented it were of the Nazi party named, Gauleiter Forsterar and Senatsprasiden Arthur Greiser. They were the highest in charge in the City next to Hitler in Danzig and Poland. My dad said it was a huge presentation and party. The newspapers were there as well. This is why that cross is so important to my family. And why if I had the money I would buy it. To me it means the world. My father is so excited to finally have confirmation of the cross. He is now 81 yrs old and in poor health but his memory is sharp as a tack. I wish he had it but it is long gone and your is to much for me to ever afford. It is nice to see that it does desist. I guess I am wondering how you located this rare item? With this being part of my family hermitage I wish I had 5 grand. Sincerely, Monica W.
Bulgaria Medal for Maternity, 1st class 4 children Medal for Maternity, 2nd class 3 children
Bulgarian Order of Mother Glory (original version) Class I Class 2 Class 3 4, 5 children ? 6,7 children ? 8/9 children ?
Bulgarian Order of Mother Glory (newer version) Class I Class 2 Class 3
Mongolia Order of Maternal Glory : 1957 First Class Second Class 9 children 5 – 8 children
Mongolia Pro-natalist policy has been start and stop since 1957 until 1976 illegal to possess or use birth control family allowance paid 100 days + maternity leave 2 weeks paid trip to spa for new mothers if married and no children – special tax Medals and cash st Order 0f Glorious Motherhood + $ nd Order of Glorious Motherhood + $77.00
Russia Putin identified the demographic crisis 2011 boost the BR by 30% over the next 4 years & increase life expectancy ($54 billion ) 2012 Russia's long-standing demographic crisis, ….. could eventually turn the huge country into “a geopolitical 'void' whose fate would be decided by other powers” unless current trends are turned around.
Russia Recent incentives nd & subsequent babies - ~ $10,000 (pd. at age 3) - ~ $60.00 / month if more than 3 children - ~ $250 / month child’s ed. improve living conditions / mortgage mother’s retirement
more available daycare adjustable work schedules for women smart immigration policy – encourage expats to return home (cash, social benefits, jobs) -- encourage talented young foreigners to immigrate established a special system of pension for housewives as a separate class financial support for single mothers Russia Recent incentives continued
2008 Year of the Family
Russia Recent incentives continued July 8 new national holiday – Day of Family, Love, and Fidelity underpopulation-in-post-soviet-russia.html A 3 rd child means wealth will be tripled in the third millennium. earlier births stable families – reduce divorce rate, revive family values promote patriotism – babies for Russia “Give me Life Campaign” medals for long married couples with children (~ 25 years)
Princesses Masako & Aiko Japan
Government Incentives improved parental leave (1 66.7%) local govn’ts (rural) cash bonuses monthly allowance (~ 300/child) New Angel Plan (more available daycare & less working hours) free pre-natal care and deliveries Companies are urged to have family-friendly packages monthly payments ( Matsushita) shorter hours (Nippon Telegraph & Telephone) fertility treatments paid for (Canon) $400 (1 st ) - $40,000 (5 th ) (Softbank) $1000 – 1 st, $2000 – 2 nd, $20,300 for 3 rd + ( Koei Tecmo )
Stop the birth rate decline bra, babies support old people
Japan Labour force Women (cumulative causation) Immigration policy (Nation-state) Robotics
Their earlier anti-natalist policies worked so well, Singapore is now promoting births again Singapore
Child Development Credit & Baby Bonus Singapore CDC - Jan. 1, 2005 Dec. 31, $300 - $400 per child per year in CDA Baby Bonus Started in 2001 and modified since $4000 for 1 st & 2 nd child $6000 for 3 rd & 4 th child Born after Aug 17, 2008 matching contributions - parents/government Dec. 31 year child turns 6$ st & 2 nd (total or /yr. ?)$12,0003 rd & 4 th $18,0005 th & subsequent Born before Aug 17, 20 matching contributions for 2 nd – 4 th babies only
Singapore Social Development Unit 1984(started) 2006(changed) to improve the social networking between busy working individuals organize activities for its members
Social Development Unit “The Chemistry Guide: When Boy Meets Girl”, '' focusing on the overworked, the shy, and the "cosmetically challenged." The guide reminds hopeful singles that "Skin-care products are must-have investments" and "There's no bigger turnoff than a foul mouth, reeking with leftovers from lunch!" “ Dare to Date" 2 free publications /
Family Matters/Singapore government department Singapore
Singapore His and Her perfume Commissioned by Family Matters/Singapore
Singapore govn’t allowing more suggestive programming (TV and movies)
SDU = Social Development Unit or Singapore Criticisms Single, Desperate, and Ugly Social Engineering (eugenics ?)
ml Singapore Dr. Wei Siang Yu Dr. Love’s midnight talk show (bathtub tutorials) (rekindle the passion) Dr. Love’s Super Baby-Making Show (9 /10 couples - $100,000)
Australia Baby bonus - ~2004 “have one for your husband, one for your wife, and one for the country” $5000/child Family tax benefits
1967 – first anti-natalist policy 1979 – pro-natalist 1988 – anti-natalist 2006 – pro-natalist Anti-natalist or pro-natalist ? Iran Why ?
start of Islamic Revolution family planning program – western influence promotion of contraception by health officials banned procreation to bolster the ranks of “soldiers for Islam” (8 year war with Iraq) Ayatollah Khomeini
Khomeini’s pro-natalist policy resulted in GR of 3.2% Total fertility rate rose to 7
2006 “I am against saying that two children are enough. Our country has a lot of capacity. It has the capacity for many children to grow in it. It even has the capacity for 120 million people. Westerners have got problems. Because their population growth is negative, they are worried and fear that if our population increases, we will triumph over them.” Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
2006 encouraged more babies reduced working hours for women 70,000,000 increase to 120,000,000 July~ $980 at birth and ~ $98/yr. until 18 can be used at age 20 – marriage, educ., health, or house (Politics ? more sign. To poor, his supporters Nov. encourage citizens to marry and reproduce earlier 20 males 16/17 girls increase to 150,000,
Sub-state Level Pro-natalist Policies Ulyanovsk Oblast, Russia - Family Contact Day (Conception Day) sk/ Quebec, Canada Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Ulyanovsk Oblast, Russia - Family Contact Day (Conception Day) Grand Prize winners of “Give Birth to a Patriot on Russia’s Independence Day” Contest
Conception Day started Sept. 12, 2005 possible day off work to allow for conception / contests / displays if birth June 12 - win a prize TVs, washing machines, SUV Grand Prize to the parents judged to be the fittest
Quebec, Canada 1950s – very high total fertility rate*Why ? 1980s – one of the lowest in Canada Why ? Quebec government wanted to increase the TFR*Why ?
Quebec 1987 – 1992 $ 500 for each of 1 st 2 children $3000 for each subsequent child child care facilities improved & expanded tax free family allowance if 2 or more children interest free housing loans (up to $7000) 1992 – 1997 $ 500 for 1 st child $1000 for 2nd $6000 for each subsequent child other benefits remain the same 1997 program cancelled
couples who have a baby within 5 years of finishing university will get 1/2 their student loan paid off 2003 election Parti Quebecois’ platform involved population expansion Bernard Landry Quebec
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada out-migration * Why ? declining fertility
$1000 per birth or adopted baby improved maternity/paternity program improved daycare Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada
Anti-natalist Policies
Why would a country want an anti-natalist policy ? cannot afford to provide for them overpopulation concerns - limited available resources local, national, international SCALE allow more women in the workforce and boost economy repress a group of people separate policy for certain groups or different applications of the policy (see 2 nd last slide)
China 2 different programs in recent years Later, Longer, Fewer Policy 1971 One Child Policy 1979
What difference would it make when you got married ?
One Child Policy rewards start once 1 child contract is signed Rewards free medical care free daycare and schooling guaranteed job for child bonuses for parents extra maternity leave better housing bigger old age pension Penalties must repay financial benefits educational, medical benefits, & guaranteed jobs are withdrawn parents’ wages reduced
*How did the government persuade its citizens to cooperate ?
80,000 Family Planning Workers
Education Program
Peer pressure
Carry out family planning Implement the basic national policy
Clever and pretty healthy and lovely source:
How many missing girls are there in the under 20 categories ?
Little emperors Any social problems ?
China Birth Control Abortions Sterilization Eugenics
In recent years China has relaxed the rules, and in some cases have even started encouraging two children. (in some districts in certain situations) Why ? In many cases, parents are not taking advantage of this opportunity. *Why ?
lives/2011/10/12/gIQAjWn7bM_blog.html Philippines
the?commentId= %3AComment%3A &xg_source=activity&groupId= %3AGroup%3A Politics vs Religion Philippines
Politics vs Religion Philippines
India Wait until the 1st child is 3 before having your 2nd India vs. China
India s extremists want anti-Muslim family planning measure Ummah News ^India s extremists want anti-Muslim family planning measure Ummah News ^ | June India's Hindu extremist party, the VHP, has asked the government to enforce family planning measures on the Muslim population, saying its rapid increase is "detrimental" to Hindus in the country.
Annapolis Royal, N.S.Fort McMurray, Alb. Are there demographic problems here ? What type of population policies might be appropriate ?