Sotto PR Proposal Presented by McKenzie Worldwide: Megan McKenzie, President & CEO Kathleen Mazzocco, Vice President Brian Edwards, Account Director
Agenda Introductions, agency overview Sotto’s business goals, SWOT analysis Initial PR/AR program Local market outreach Vertical & customer programs Next steps
Agency Overview High touch, high-tech, boutique PR agency Mission: Helping build and sustain brands that people trust World-class experience with business, trade, vertical media and analysts Extensive experience working with companies at all phases of the adoption curve Track record Innovative thinking and creative implementation of ideas Results-oriented approach supports clients’ key business objectives Satisfied clients; long-term PR partnerships Budget flexibility, transparency and accountability
Past/Present Clients
Chasm-Based PR Strategies Innovators | Early Adopters | Early Majority | Late Majority | Laggards
Innovators PR Strategies Goal: Get off the ground Create solid foundation among technology enthusiasts Demonstrate success Educate influencers PR Approach Articulate technology breakthroughs, benefits Tech analyst focus Technical publications, bloggers Educate about the problem Duration: 3-6 months (or more)
Early Adopter PR Goal: Appeal to Visionaries Demonstrate dramatic competitive advantage via revolutionary breakthrough Highlight customer successes Build momentum PR Tactics Move to case-study approach – customer wins, results Announce new partnership deals Focus on business and vertical media Conduct market studies showing need/benefit Refine messaging Establish segment leaderships Build word of mouth campaigns Duration: 2-3 years
Early Majority PR Goals: Become established, credible, known Be seen as a clear leader Demonstrate superior performance, execution Product, market maturity PR Tactics Comprehensive PR program Regular tours, editorial boards Contributed articles Speaking engagements Competitive Full-scale product launches Engage on issues, define trends Duration: 3-5 years
On Main Street PR Goal: Manage perception, build brand Avoid being seen as evil Give company a face, personality Control messaging, protect brand PR Tactics Exert strong messaging discipline Maintain open relationship with influentials Continue to be proactive Own the discussion Use star power to move the bar Duration: 10 years +
Sotto S.W.O.T. Analysis InternalExternal Strengths Management, technical team Well-articulated business benefit Strong partner relationships Solid funding Opportunities Hit the SMB sweet spot Build perception as wireless innovator Generate buzz through partners Weaknesses New offering may be confusing Limited handset choices No track record, customer base No awareness or brand A start-up Threats Existing wireless contracts too hard to break Large operators put together similar offerings Technology bugs, failures Me too competitors
Messaging Architecture Business problem Message themes Communication goals Audiences Product Messages Customers Delivery Sound bites Audiences Event Message themes Market dataBenefitsOther proof points Other PR products & eventsTop stories Relevance Consistency Authenticity
Sotto “Innovators” PR Program Analyst relations Launch company/product Local market launches Top outlets in market Tech trade focus Reviews Technology dives Product upgrades, features Partner deals
Sotto “Visionaries” PR Program Line of business analysts Customer wins, case studies Business press Vertical media, analysts Local launches New media buzz campaigns
PR Tracking & Measurement Web-based dashboard to aggregate and measure coverage globally in real time On-demand tool (or Sotto- based solution) Analyze volume, tonality, messaging vs. competition Monthly roll-up reports Use to set goals and metrics Mobile alerts
Working Together Teamwork Consider us a key part of your core business team Close partnership + open dialogue = great PR results Weekly meetings, conference calls Monthly status reports Measuring results Map results to PR goals Quality versus quantity Track achievement of key messages in all coverage Monthly coverage analysis Quarterly PR review and meeting with executive team to establish new goals
Success Factors: What We Need From You Clearly identify goals, expectations Weekly meetings/conference calls with Rich Maganini, marketing team, global PR teams Provide MWW with Sotto marketing and business plans, research, etc. Provide MWW with timely access to long-term planning and anticipated events MWW to attend pivotal marketing/business meetings Timely access to spokespeople for media opportunities
Your Team Megan McKenzie Account champion, team lead Brian Edwards Technology stories, reviews program
Next Steps? We want to be your strategic PR partner!