“The Psalms are an anatomy of all the parts of the soul; for no one will find in himself a single feeling of which the image is not reflected in this mirror.” -- John Calvin
1 Praise the L ORD ! Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens! 2 Praise him for his mighty deeds; praise him according to his excellent greatness! 3 Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp!
4 Praise him with tambourine and dance; praise him with strings and pipe! 5 Praise him with sounding cymbals; praise him with loud clashing cymbals! 6 Let everything that has breath praise the L ORD ! Praise the L ORD ! -- Psalm 150
1. The where of praise: EVERYWHERE (v 1)
“God’s glory fills the universe; His praise must do no less” -- Derek Kidner
1. The where of praise: EVERYWHERE (v 1) 2. The why of praise: EVERY ACT & ATTRIBUTE OF GOD (v 2)
“Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; His greatness no one can fathom.” -- Psalm 145:3
“Unfortunately, God’s children rarely go beyond the boundaries of gratitude. I seldom hear anyone in worshipful prayer admiring and praising God for His eternal excellence. Many of us are strictly "Santa Claus" Christians. We think of God as putting up the Christmas tree and putting our gifts underneath.”
“That is only an elementary kind of love. We need to go on. We need to know the blessing of worshiping in the presence of God without thought of wanting to rush out again. We need to be delighted in the presence of utter, infinite excellence.” – A.W. Tozer
1. The where of praise: EVERYWHERE (v 1) 2. The why of praise: EVERY ACT & ATTRIBUTE OF GOD (v 2) 3. The how of praise: WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT (v 3-5)
“Let the clash of the loudest music be the Lord’s: let the joyful clang of the loftiest notes be all for Him. Praise has beaten the tambourine, swept the harp, and sounded the trumpet, and now for a last effort, awakening the most heavy of slumberers, and startling the most indifferent of onlookers, she dashes together the disks of brass, and with sounds both loud and high proclaims the glories of the Lord.” – Charles Spurgeon
“Everything would be transformed into a religious service: it would be holy, but a little dull.” (Brothers Karamazov)
1. The where of praise: EVERYWHERE (v 1) 2. The why of praise: EVERY ACT & ATTRIBUTE OF GOD (v 2) 3. The how of praise: WITH EVERYTHING YOU’VE GOT (v 3-5) 4. The who of praise: EVERYTHING THAT BREATHES (v 6)
This does not mean, and I am not saying, that we must all worship alike. The Holy Spirit does not operate by anyone's preconceived idea or formula. But this I know: when the Holy Spirit of God comes among us with His anointing, we become a worshiping people. This may be hard for some to admit, but when we are truly worshiping and adoring the God of all grace and of all love and of all mercy and of all truth, we may not be quiet enough to please everyone. -- A.W. Tozer
"God is defined in the act of worship far more precisely than he is defined by any theology." -- Roger Scruton
“’Let all breath praise him’: that is to say, all living beings. He gave them breath, let them breathe his praise. His name is in the Hebrew composed rather of breathings than of letters, to show that all breath comes from him: therefore let it be used for him. Join all ye living things in the eternal song. Be ye least or greatest, withhold not your praises. What a day will it be when all things in all places unite to glorify the one only living and true God!”
“This will be the final triumph of the church of God. Praise ye the LORD. Once more, Hallelujah! Thus is the Psalm rounded with the note of praise; and thus is the Book of Psalms ended by a glowing word of adoration. Reader, wilt not thou at this moment pause a while, and worship the Lord thy God? HALLELUJAH!” -- Charles Spurgeon