BITTEN NAILS Onychophagy means ____.
BLOOD The color red on the barber pole stands for ____.
LIQUID The soap that has the least amount of germs is ____.
SMOKING & STAINED FROM POLISH Nails turn yellow because ___
NITS Lice eggs are called ____.
10 There are ____ levels of hair color.
MADAME C.J. WALKER ____ was the first female millionaire in the United States.
LOTION To prevent a hangnail one should use___
DURING THE 19 TH CENTURY Ladies starting wearing fake nails ___.
VIDAL SASSOON In the 1960’s ______ introduced revolutionary geometric cuts.
7-10 A louse egg will hatch in about ___ days.
POINTED Weakest nail shape.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY When washing your hands, you should sing ___
BOOTH RENTAL The cosmetologist "rents" a space in the salon, for a monthly fee.
4.5 – 5.5 pH balanced shampoos range from ___ - ___ on the pH scale.
LUNULA The ____ is the half moon shape at the base of the nail.
MEN / WOMEN ____ nails grow faster than _____ nails.
2 YEARS You should renew your cosmetology license every ___.
BLEACH If you want to lift your hair color 6 shades lighter you must use ___________.
KERATIN Nails are made of protein called ___.
2 Only ____ % of the things people worry about actually happen.
THEY ARE NERVOUS People bite their nails because ____.
CROWS FEET Small wrinkles which radiate out from the eye are called ___.
ANCIENT CHINESE ____ invented nail polish.
VISIBLE AT YOUR WORK PLACE When employed you should keep your license ___.
MATRIX _____ is the part of the nail bed that is beneath the nail and contains nerves, lymph and blood vessels.
TEMPORARY ______ hair color last until you shampoo it out.
WATER / 7 ____ is neutral on the pH scale.
TONER A _____________ is used on dry skin to help remove any cleansing cream that may remain on the skin.
OVAL The ____________ shape face is the ideal face shape.
BACTERIA _____ are one-celled microorganisms also called germs or microbes.
FORMALDEHYDE The Brazilian Blow out is not good for you because it has ________ as an ingredient.
30 DAYS The life span of lice are about ____.
COLLAGEN _____ is the main component in connective tissue, skin and wound healing which provides connection and support to tissues.
WARM, DAMP Bacteria grow best in _________, __________ and dirty places.
6-8 You need at least __ - __ hours of sleep to prevent fatigue.
MAX FACTOR In 1908 ____________ moved to Los Angeles and began making and selling cosmetics to movie stars.
1500 You must accumulate _____ hours before being able to take your exam.
HAIR ______ is the fastest growing tissue in the body, second only to bone marrow.
CORTEX The second layer of hair is called the ______.
100,000 The average scalp has ____ hairs.
ONE-HALF Hair grows approximately ___ inch per month
MEDULLA Center layer of hair. Not every person has one.
ALOPECIA Another term for baldness
COMMISSION A percentage of the money made from the provision of services is given back to the cosmetologist as pay.
OIL Sebum means _____.
INFECTION CONTROL Efforts to prevent the spread of disease and kill certain or all microbes.
SUMMER / WINTER Nails grow faster in the __ than the ___.
BASE COAT Clear polish that is painted on the nail under the color polish to ensure a smooth finish and to prevent staining of the nail.
NON PATHOGENIC ___ are harmless, non-disease producing bacteria