OCU definition: eye
ocular (adj.) pertaining to the eyes. ocu (eye) + ar (pertaining to)
binoculars (n.) an optical instrument designed for simultaneous use by both eyes. bi (two) + ocu (eye)
Word play If binoculars are a device used by both eyes for magnification, what is a device for one eye only?
Answer A monocle is one of those single lenses that old-time British movie actors playing aristocratic roles sometimes wore. (mono=one)
ORTHO definition: straight, right, correct
orthotics (n.) a branch of medical science dealing with the support and bracing of weak or ineffective joints or muscles ortho (straight) + ics (study of)
orthodontics (n.) The branch of dentistry dealing with the straightening of irregular teeth. ortho (straight) + odon (having teeth) + ics (study of)
Word fun Several religions make a distinction between reformed and orthodox branches. Using your knowledge of the root ortho, what is the definition of an orthodox member of a religion?
Answer An orthodox member of a religion would be one who conforms to beliefs, attitudes, or modes of conduct that are (or originally were) generally approved or considered correct.
POLY definition: many
polygamy (n.) The condition or practice of having more than one spouse at one time. Poly (many) + gamy (marriage)
polytheistic (adj.) The doctrine of or belief in more than one god or in many gods. poly (many) + theism (believing in the existence of a god)
Word fun An ester is a compound produced by the reaction between an acid and an alcohol with the elimination of a molecule of water, as ethyl acetate, C4H8O2, or dimethyl sulfate, C2H6SO4. What is the name of a textile produced by such a reaction?
Answer polyester
PSEUDO definition: false
pseudoscience (n.) any of various methods, theories, or systems, as astrology, psychokinesis, or clairvoyance, considered as having no scientific basis. pseudo (false) + science
pseudointellectual (n.) a person exhibiting intellectual pretensions that have no basis in sound scholarship. pseudo(false) + intellectual)
Word play The noun and “quasi-adj.” (as the OED calls it) has been in English since the fourteenth century. Since the 1970s the adjective has been in vogue, stimulated by the growing list of standard words with pseudo- as prefix or combining form (pseudo-event, pseudonym, pseudoscience, etc.) Some language purists vigorously oppose its growing use and consider “pseudo-words” cliches, only to be used conversationally.
RECT definition: straight
rectangle (n.) A four-sided plane figure with four right angles. rect (straight) + angle
erect (adj.) Upright in position or posture. e (out of) + rect (straight)
Word play Using the definition of the root word rect, define the verb “rectify” (as in “to rectify a situation”).
Answer Rectify means to straighten out.
THE, THEO definition: god, a god
atheist (n.) One who disbelieves or denies the existence of God or gods. a (not, without) + the (god) + ist (person who practices)
theology (n.) The study of the nature of God and religious truth; theo (god) + logy (science of).
Word play Which president of the United States had a first name which means “Gift from God?”
Answer President Theodore Roosevelt made the name popular, and the teddy bear is named for him. Teodor (TAY-oh-dor) is the Spanish form of the name; Teodoro is Italian and Portuguese.
TRANS definition: across
transport (tr. v.) To carry from one place to another; convey. trans (across) + portare (to carry)
transatlantic (adj.) Crossing or reaching across the Atlantic: a transatlantic liner. trans (across) + Atlantic
Word play Using the meaning of the root trans, explain the derivation of the word transplant.
Answer Planting indicates placing seeds into the ground to grow. Trans means across. So transplanting implies moving a seedling or sprout across some distance and planting it in a new location.
URB definition: city
suburb (n.) A district lying immediately outside a city or town, especially a smaller residential community. sub (subordinate) + urb (city)
urban (adj.) Characteristic of or accustomed to cities; citified. urb (city) + an (suffix denoting place or person)
Word play Urban refers generally to cities and their characteristics, as in The environment was urban rather than rural or suburban. Urbane means “courteous, polished, refined” and is used to describe a person’s manners: He was an impressive, urbane sort of man. Today, are the manners of city people more refined than those of rural people?
VAC definition: empty
evacuate (v.) to remove persons from (a city, town, building, area, etc.) for reasons of safety. e (thoroughly) vac (empty) ate (verb stem)
vacuous (adj.) Without contents; empty. vac (empty) + ous (possessing)
Word play Using your knowledge of the root word vac, what is the real estate term for a parcel of land which is currently undeveloped?
Answer A vacant lot.
VIR definition: manliness
virile (adj.) Having or exhibiting masculine energy, forcefulness, or strength in a marked degree. vir (manliness) + ile (capability)
virago (n.) A woman regarded as noisy, scolding, or domineering. vir (manly) + ago (resembling)
Word play A brief look at the prefix vir may throw light on our social history. Is the quality of virtue limited to men? While most men don’t mind being described as virile, it is definitely negative for a woman to be considered a virago (a noisy, scolding, domineering woman) or to suffer from virilism (a female disorder that results in masculine features, including a deep voice).
URE definition: process, function
nature (n.) The forces and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world. nat (be born) + ure an (process or function )
signature (n.) the act of signing a document. signare (to mark) + ure (process, function)
Word play The word rapture comes from the Latin rapt (to carry away) and ure (process, function). When capitalized, the word Rapture has theological overtones: the experience, anticipated by some fundamentalist Christians, of meeting Christ midway in the air upon his return to earth. Which popular novelist has written a series of novels dealing with the Rapture?
Answer Tom Lehay deals with the Rapture in his “left-behind” series of novels.