Air pollution in other cities - and how to avoid it
Solingen km Peking
Peking (Beijing) on February 27th, 2014
Peking (Beijing) on February 25th, 2014 PM (fine dust particles): more than 400 μ / m³ for comparison the limit values of Europe: - PM (10) - fine dust particles of a size of 10 μ: - daily limit: 50 μ / m³ - yearly average value: 40 μ / m³ - PM (2,5) – fine dust particles of a size of 10 μ: yearly average value: 25 μ / m³ (20 μ / m³ for 2015)
Where do these high emissions come from? vehicles traffic (motor-brake-and tyre particles / raise of dust from the roads) power and heating stations ovens and heatings in houses metal and steel production agriculture
What is actually done against it? introduction of alarm levels (1/2/3) for air pollution reduction / stop of production driving bans – use of public transport Problem: No strict implementation by the government!
What is actually done against it? because accelerated economic growth above all fear of economic loss when the production is reduced or stopped environmental authorities have less power than economic authorities No strict implementation by the government!
Consequences severe damages to health lower life expectancy decrease of tourism
Solingen 9300 km Mexico City
Mexico City from The geographical position – three chains of mountains around – contributes to the air pollution in the city 1990: only 8 days per year with good air quality 2012: 237 days per year with good air quality
What has been done to reach that improvement of air quality? dislocation of factories with high emission to the outskirts of the city improvement of the quality of fuel two traffic lanes instead of three on the roads raise of the motor vehicle tax and the parking fees more and better subway and bus connections introduction of a bike-sharing system more bike paths and sidewalks
Solingen 200 km Amsterdam
Amsterdam - a big city with clean air
one lane on the road instead of two raise of parking fees better infrastructure for bikes more filling stations for electric-powered cars subventions for producers of electric- powered cars extension of the car-sharing net
We can do more against air pollution