Urbanization in China Speaker: Huizhong Shen College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China
Climate Urban area NL data: DMSP-OLS ( ) MODIS (2010) Seto projection (2030) NL data intercalibration
Climate Urban area DMSP-OLS ( ) MODIS (2010) Seto projection (2030) Beijing built-up area (MODIS)
Climate ShanghaiShenyangPearl River Delta DMSP-OLS GLC30
Climate BeijingZhengzhou DMSP-OLS Landsat TM/ETM
Population distributions LandScan (1998~2012) GPW v3 ( ) CAS-China ( ) Climate
Population distributions National census: 1982, 1990, 2000, projection Provincial population: Logistic growth model Urban/rural: UN method Climate
Rural/urban energy consumption Questionnaires from Beijing residents Climate
Per capita consumptions - empirical model Residential: Rural Urban Climate UrbanRural
Per capita consumptions - empirical model Transportation Climate
Per capita consumptions - empirical model Regional adjustment Climate predict Empirical model Report
Energy structure – technology split method Transition of fuel type S-Curve Climate Coal Oil Gas Elect Straw Firewood Biomass Hebei province – rural, 1980~2030 Coal / fuel excluding biomass
Climate Spatial allocation Urban Rural Transport Shanghai p ≥ 95%
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