Development, underdevelopment and sustainable development
Concept To say if a country is developed or not we have to pay attention to certain factors. Some of them are not correct: Per Capita Income: $/year. Not very useful because the wealth can be totally uneven. Some people can have a lot while others are in the most extreme poverty. (United Arab Emirates) Life expectancy: No, because there are some countries that can have a high life expectancy but they are not developed (Cuba) Literacy. NO. The ex-communist republics cultural level is very high but some of them are not developed. Human Development Index: This index combines several factors so it’s more useful: Per Capita income, Literacy, Life expectancy, welfare, good standards of living, primacy of the primary sector, nutrition…
Theories to explain underdevelopment Neoliberal: Every country was undeveloped at some point of its History. They will become industrialised countries with time. Radical: The underdevelopment is chronic because it is based in uneven relations with the developed countries. They sell cheap raw materials and buy expensive manufactured products. Marxists: It depends on the excesive increase of the population and on the role of the leaders of these comunities, who don’t want to invest in development because they don’t want to lose their importance.
Developed countries Characteristics: A lot of means of production Third Industrial Revolution (Technology) Tertiary Sector Ageing Population Policies to balance inequalities (subsidies) Urban civilization COUNTRIES Western and central Europe, USA, Canada, Barbados, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan, Japan.
Underdeveloped countries Characteristics: More population than resources or most of the population can’t have access to them. Primary Sector Giant cities Developed areas and others undeveloped Commercial dependence of the developed countries Young population COUNTRIES: REST OF THE WORLD
Sustainable development Concept: Guarantee the needs of today without compromise the needs of future generations. Origin in the 60’s but it starts being important in the 80’s with Brundtlandt Commission. In 1997 KYOTO PROTOCOL to reduce the CO2 emissions