Chapter 2:What Happens in the Sacraments Religion 11
Tuesday, September 8: Quick Write-copy and answer the following question How do you “say yes” to God’s Word by your own words? By your own actions?
Lesson Activities 1.Do-now 2.Prayer 3.Chapter 2 Lecture 4.Chapter 2 Inquiry
Lesson Objectives 1.Reflect on how the Church celebrates the Paschal Mystery of Christ through its liturgy 2.Consider the meaning of redemption and Christ’s redemption of all people for all times
Celebrating our Redemption
Chapter 2 Inquiry 1.Pg. 32 For Reflection 2.Pg. 38 For Review 3.Pg. 40 For Review 4.Pg. 54 For Review 5.Write out all definitions of bold words AND summarize in your own words a.REMINDER - This assignment will be turned in through
Wednesday, Sept. 9: DO NOW-copy and answer the following question How does Christ act through the sacraments to communicate his grace?
Lesson Activities 1.Do now 2.Prayer 3.Lecture 4.Group Activity: Student-Teaching
Lesson Objectives 1.Recognize how the Holy Spirit transformed Christ’s disciples at Pentecost 2.Understand the role of the Blessed Trinity in the liturgy and the sacraments 3.Describe and analyze the meaning of: Real Presence; transubstantiation; tabernacle; Blessed Sacrament; Eucharistic adoration; Anamnesis; Epiclesis
Group Activity Task: In groups of 5-6, you will create a lesson through google slides about an assigned concept below: -Real Presence -Transubstantiation -Pentecost -Paraclete -Anamnesis -Epiclesis Requirements: -Title page, definition of concept, and image of concept -Explain why the concept is important to our faith (1 paragraph) -Explain how the concept contributes to the Mystery of our Faith (1 paragraph)