Strategic Communications Training of Trainers X State MDA 1
Welcome Note Opening Remarks Programme Information 2
Roadmap Training Objectives Strategic Communication for MDAs: Brief Overview Defining Communication Objectives Breakout Exercise: Defining Communications Objectives Q & A Wrap Up & Next Steps Evaluations 3
Participant Introductions Name MDA you represent Job Title What you hope to gain from the training? – Participant priorities 4
At the centre of it all 5
Training Objectives Improve: MDA appreciation and understanding of the need for communications plans, dept’s, personnel. Ministry capacity to develop and design effective communications strategies for policy-making or reforms. Capacitate: Ministry officials to use strategic communications within their MDAs and supporting Ministries of the state Participants to use the Toolkit, Guidebook and supporting materials to deliver strategic communications training in State MDAs 6
What is strategic communication? Getting the right messages & information… to the right people … (and by the right people) at the right time … using the right media … with the right effect! A structured approach that combines information (one-way) and dialogue (two-way) methods to achieve success
The Virtuous Circle of effective policy communication Pro-active, open, targeted communication Greater public & media trust; More interest in policy, coverage participation More & better media coverage; Higher public enagement, support Better public dialogue, feedback = better public policies & services = more support for Government Higher demand for info; Better chance for Govt re-election; support for future programs
Survey Results BMO Responses How often Govt communicates with BMOs? Semi-Annually How involved are BMOs during policy design stage? Majority :not involved How informed are civil servants on policies? Minimally informed Where would you like to see improvements in Govt communication? 1)relevant policy-makers more accessible 2) forums, channels for ongoing dialogue on business environment policies 3) more effort by Govt to engage the private sector in policy-making 4) engaging the media on business environment issues Government Responses How often Govt communicates with BMOs? Monthly How involved are BMOs during policy design stage? Majority: involved How informed are civil servants on policies? Majority: effectively informed Where would you like to see improvements in Govt communication? 1)relevant policy-makers more accessible 2)engaging the media on business environment issues
Coffee Break 10
Defining Communications Objectives 11
Governments develop Stakeholders advise Fills the policy vacuum Brings greater consistency and improved outcomes Aligns the activities of all groups affected by the policy or reform issue Governments decide, then civil servants implement Policy Development for Business – Best Practices
1) Consultation-- to develop/formulate the policy 2) Informing & building support-- after policy decided 3) Implementation monitoring, evaluating & demonstrating impact For each stage, the approach, priorities and objectives will be different Identify the objective-- Inform? Engage? Build support or advocate? Prioritise the stakeholders Craft the messages Decide the tools to use 3 Communications Stages for Effective Policy-making
Everyone goes through the same steps Different stakeholders are at different stages at different times Identifying Stakeholders: the communication progression Awareness Knowledge Interest Willingness to Act Action!
Setting our objectives – Identifying Problems & Challenges Must know where we want to get to… … before we begin travelling or even plotting our route Both starting point & completion point of any strategy Much of the success of a comms strategy depends on how the objectives are formulated Often neglected or not well-thought out …. causes many problems.
Can you think of a case when the communication was not successful because the objective was unclear or wrong?
Setting our objectives S.M.A.R.T. S: specific M: measurable A: achievable R: realistic T: timely, time-based
Is this a S.M.A.R.T. objective? ”Increase support for payment of customs duties nationwide” Discuss
How can we make it S.M.A.R.T.ER ? ”Increase support for payment of customs duties nationwide” Discuss
Identifying Constraints Why is this so important? Defining our objectives is crucial, but we can’t achieve them without knowing what stands in the way and figuring out ways to address them! What might be some things that keep us from: reaching key stakeholders? catalysing public dialogue?
Defining Communications Objectives 21 Break-Out Group Exercise
Q & A, Wrap-up & Next Steps 22
Participant Evaluations 23
Thank you