Alison Hadley Teenage Pregnancy Unit Department for Education Teenage Pregnancy: TPU update
The next chapter ▪Building on the progress made ▪Re-housing teenage pregnancy work under new priorities ▪Capturing and sharing effective practice... with diminishing resources, unsettled workforce and lots of unknowns!
Ministerial priority ▪Progress to date, evidence review and consultation responses informing ministerial discussion ▪Priority statement in July from Sarah Teather (LD), Minister for Children and Families ▪ Joint priority statement in autumn from Sarah Teather and Anne Milton, DH Minister for Public Health
Key Government priorities ▪Reducing child poverty ▪ Narrowing health inequalities and improving public health ▪ Narrowing educational inequalities and improving skills and employability ▪Focusing on the most disadvantaged children, young people and families
Re-housing teenage pregnancy work: the priority ‘umbrellas’ for prevention and support ▪Child Poverty Strategies ▪ NHS reform and the Public Health Service ▪ Early intervention ▪Refocusing Children’s Centres to reach vulnerable families
Child Poverty Strategies ▪ Child Poverty Act places a statutory duty on Government and all LAs and named partners to undertake a needs assessment and develop a coordinated and comprehensive Child Poverty Strategy by Spring 2011 ▪Named partners: District Authorities, PCTs and SHAs, the police, YOTs & probation service, transport authorities, and Job Centreplus ▪ Child Poverty Unit (dfe) publishing needs assessment toolkit for LAs at end September ▪TPU contributing to toolkit and developing some additional teenage pregnancy child poverty briefing
NHS reform and public health service ▪ NHS White Paper - consultation responses by 5 October. New architecture and abolition of PCTs & SHAs by 2013 ▪Kennedy Review of NHS services for children and young people. DH consultation document published 16 September. Responses by 11 Oct. ▪Public Health White Paper, publication December. Proposed public health service led by DPH in LA, from April LAs responsible for public health commissioning with ring fenced budget, likely to be 2-4% of NHS budget. ▪Stakeholders strongly advocating for inclusion of contraception, abortion and sexual health services in the new Public Health Service
Other relevant reviews underway ▪Early intervention review – chaired by Graham Allen, Nottingham North Lab MP. Reporting at end Jan 2011 ▪Childhood and Families Taskforce – including workstrands on relationships (led by PM) and teenagers (led by DPM) – reporting October/November ▪Review of poverty and life chances, led by Frank Field (Lab) – reporting December ▪Violence against women and girls – Government strategy, led by Home Office, March 2011
Children’s Trusts and Partnership Working ▪Children Act basic duty of partnership working remains. LAs still have a duty to make arrangements with partners to improve the well being of children and young people ▪Government removing specific requirements on LAs to have a Children’s Trust Board and publishing a Children and Young People’s Plan ▪Statutory guidance on Children’s Trusts withdrawn ▪Duty to cooperate on schools, colleges and Jobcentres removed
Performance management ▪New arrangements being developed for sector led improvement and challenge for LAs – with minimal intervention from Government. In place for April 2011 ▪DH continuing performance management of Vital Signs and plans until March 2011 – including under 18 conception rate and chlamydia screening. ▪Teenage pregnancy ‘script’ provided to SHA performance leads – focused on improving access and uptake of effective contraception. Discussions with PCTs expected to start in October.
Collating and sharing effective practice ▪ C4EO – call for effective practice extended to end Oct ▪C4EO additional support to help local areas calculate cost effectiveness of interventions ▪National Support Team helping to compile compendium of teenage pregnancy best practice, in liaison with C4EO ▪ Examples should be sent to ▪Effective practice to be included in future arrangements for sector led improvement and support – from April 2011
Specific teenage pregnancy policy update Data ▪LYPSE analysis to help make the case for early identification ▪Data matching pilot – conception data and pupil level database – Nov ▪ Core data set for local performance management of teenage pregnancy progress Campaigns ▪Future of Sex. Worth Talking About ▪Brook Christmas campaign: Have Fun, Be Careful SRE/PSHE ▪Forthcoming curriculum review ▪Wider interest in relationship focus in SRE ▪Funding of PSHE CPD programme Related programmes ▪You’re Welcome, Healthy Schools, Healthy FE ▪Targeted Youth Support
Specific teenage pregnancy policy update CASH = Reproductive and sexual health services ▪ Additional SHA contraception funding for ▪ Contraception/sexual health and QIPP. Forthcoming briefing paper on cost effectiveness and ready reckoner on implants – October/November ▪ Briefing on reducing repeat conceptions – October ▪ Brook guide – Young men, sex and pregnancy – publication in October Workforce training on relationships and sexual health ▪ Importance of workforce training to increase local capacity ▪ 12 examples of local effective practice to demonstrate impact
Life without RTPCs What can TPU provide: ▪Quarterly and annual data provision ▪Quarterly policy update ▪Response to queries – but limited capacity ▪ Liaison with SHA sexual health leads ▪ Link to Sex Education Forum free network for professionals What we will need from you: ▪One contact per LA (maximum 2) with , landline and mobile number ▪Updated contact details if TP lead changes to