KINROSS HIGH SCHOOL S1 –S3 CURRICULUM Languages and Literacy (English & Modern Languages) Mathematics and Numeracy (Mathematics) Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics) Expressive Arts (Art, Music, Drama, Dance) Social Studies (History, Geography, Modern Studies, RMPS) Technologies (Design & Manufacture, Graphic Communication, Digital Media, Computing Studies, Business Management, Home Economics.) Health and Well Being (PE, PSE, HWB) Religious and Moral Education Compulsory Curricular Areas HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL & ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE
KINROSS HIGH SCHOOL S1 –S3 CURRICULUM: SCHOOL CRITERIA Desire to ensure pupils can study in all curricular areas An element of choice available at the end of S2. Opportunities for pupils to choose multiple courses (in Science, Modern Languages, Humanities, Arts & Technologies) Introduction of further subject and vocational courses in S3 to increase choice and personalisation. Natural progression to Senior Phase with all subject options available. HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL & ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE
KINROSS HIGH SCHOOL S3 CURRICULUM Pupils continue to study English, Maths, PSE, P.E.& R.E, They will also continue with their Modern Language Fre/Ger for 3 ppw Then there are a number of option choices Sciences (choose 1) Physics Biology Chemistry 3ppw Sciences (choose 1) Physics Biology Chemistry 3ppw Expressive Arts (choose 1) Music Art Drama Dance 3ppw Expressive Arts (choose 1) Music Art Drama Dance 3ppw Technologies (choose 1) Design & Manufacture Graphic Communication Computing Digital Media Business Education Home Economics 3ppw Technologies (choose 1) Design & Manufacture Graphic Communication Computing Digital Media Business Education Home Economics 3ppw Free Choice Choose 2 from the following; Spanish, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Music, Art, Drama, Dance, Design & Manufacture, Graph Comm, Computing, Digital Media, Geography, Business Management, History, Modern Studies, RMPS, PE, Hairdressing, College Taster Courses 3ppw Free Choice Choose 2 from the following; Spanish, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Music, Art, Drama, Dance, Design & Manufacture, Graph Comm, Computing, Digital Media, Geography, Business Management, History, Modern Studies, RMPS, PE, Hairdressing, College Taster Courses 3ppw Humanities (choose 1) Geography History Modern Studies RMPS 3ppw Humanities (choose 1) Geography History Modern Studies RMPS 3ppw HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL & ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE
THE PROCESS Discussion at Parents` Evening February 25 th Careers Fair March 3 rd Completed form to be handed in by Friday March 4 th Importance of correct choices Undersubscribed/Oversubscribed classes HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL & ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE
KINROSS HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR PHASE S4-S6 Study for qualifications Challenge and Depth to learning Wider Achievement Planning beyond school More formal assessment Further development of 4 capacities Promotion of active and healthy lifestyle HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL & ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE