Design & Manufacture Course outline3 Outcomes Outcome 1 6 sub-outcomes leading to production of a design folio Outcome 2 4 sub-outcomes leading to production of a design proposal and a Manufacture schedule. Outcome 3 5 sub-outcomes leading to evaluation of a product.
Outcome 1 1.1Analyse a Brief – factors 1.2Research design factors 1.3Justify design factors 1.4Product specification 1.5Form a design proposal 1.6Incorporate factors in proposal
Outcome 1 Pupil Evidence A Design Brief graded and retained by the teacher – this will contain everything that each pupil has to demonstrate; both in terms of understanding and of explaining their knowledge of all design elements pertaining to the Design Process.
Outcome 2 2.1Graphic or model showing a design proposal 2.2Idea generation/synthesis 2.3Presentation drawing/specification 2.4Manufacture schedule
Outcome 2 Pupil Evidence A model or rendered graphic of a synthesised proposal retained by the teacher A detailed Design specification A chronological sequence of operations required to complete the construction of the proposal
Outcome 3 3.1Evaluate relevant design factors 3.2Strategy/method of evaluation is evident/justified 3.3Evaluate a product against competitors, present/justify results 3.4Submit a reasoned conclusion 3.5Environmental impact
Outcome 3 Pupil Evidence A completed evaluation report on a product, graded and retained by the teacher.
Teacher help Pupils have been issued with a list detailing everything they could possibly be tested on Class tests; graded and feed-back given Individual pupil difficulties identified and specifically targeted Provide pupils with exemplar materials so they are aware of the standard they need to aspire to at National 5 level Issue, mark and give feed-back on homework Provide individual record-of-work folders for each pupil for them to record activities, take notes, etc (this will be especially helpful when revising for National exams)
Parent pack A copy of the presentation A copy of the curricular help list that has been issued to pupils An actual class test that pupils have completed An exemplar of a design folio targeted specifically on evaluating a product
Parent help Ask you child often how they are doing in the subject, if there are difficulties how are they solving them Check homework, especially after teacher marking to see how they are coping Ask to see their personal record folder containing their course notes and test them on the content