Act 2 Pages 77-82
After reading pages 77-79… What evidence is there on these pages that the Headmaster is bigoted in any way? Have we seen this before? What impression does it give you, as a modern Western reader, of the character?
‘Get me the scholarships, Irwin, pull us up the table, and [the job] is yours.’ (Act 1, p. 11). At the beginning of the play, Felix seems to have high hopes for Irwin. To what extent does he begin to come off his pedestal in this scene? Find quotations to support your ideas.
Sing As We Go (Gracie Fields) From a 1934 British musical film starring Gracie Fields. In this morale-boosting depression movie, set in the industrial north of England, Fields stars as a resourceful, spunky working class heroine, laid off from her job in a clothing mill, who has to seek work in the seaside resort of Blackpool. This gives her the opportunity both to fall into many misadventures and, of course, to sing. The film provides us with a snapshot of life in a seaside resort in the 1930s. The final scene of the millworkers returning to the re-opened mill while Fields leads them in the rousing title song has become an almost iconic film cliché. What ideas do you have about the inclusion of the song (sung by Posner) in this part of the play?
After reading pages 79-82: What impression do we get of Posner’s family here? To what extent has Posner changed since the ‘shared lesson’ scene? What concerns does Posner seem to have in this scene?
‘I’m beginning to get it. Turning facts on their heads. It’s like a game.’ (p. 80) What impression do you get from this quotation about: - Dakin’s perception of education? - Irwin’s influence? - Bennett’s ideas about the retelling of history in a ‘journalistic’ way?
Why do you think it is significant that both Dakin and Posner are starting to write like Irwin? Scripps: Have you looked at your handwriting lately? Dakin: Why? Scripps: You’re beginning to write like him. Dakin: I’m not trying to, honestly. Scripps: You’re writing like him, too. Posner: No I’m not. Dakin writes like him. I write like Dakin.
Fiona: ‘The Western Front’ Where/how has Dakin used the image of battle/ conquering before, when referring to Fiona? How does he use it now? To what extent do you think the fact that Dakin ‘broke through with Fiona’ is significant?
What is suggested by Scripps’ description here? Posner: Our eyes meet, looking at Dakin. Scripps: Oh, Poz, with your spaniel heart, it will pass. Posner: Yes, it’s only a phase. Who says I want it to pass? But the pain. The pain. Scripps: Hector would say it’s the only education worth having. Posner: I just wish there were marks for it. What do you make of Bennett’s use of language/structure/ tone here? To what extent is Posner being portrayed as a tragic character? What do you think Scripps means here, about Hector? Do you agree? What do you think of Posner’s response here?
Essay: Posner is the most tragic of the students in The History Boys. To what extent do you agree with this idea? Remember to explore critical interpretations and context in your answer.