Areas of Learning: Personal, Social & Emotional Development Sharing and taking turns. Treating each other kindly and helping each other. Understanding how they and others feel. Understanding and following rules and expectations. Being independent. Dinosaur School with Miss Moseley
Areas of Learning: Communication and Language Improving attention and listening skills. Ask and answer questions. Talk about things they experience: see, taste, smell, touch, hear. Make up or retell stories and act in role as different people or characters.
Our Classroom – Role Play and Small World Opportunities for: Remembering, retelling and making up stories Working together Learning about the world Speaking and listening
Areas of Learning: Physical Development Moving in different ways on, around and under obstacles and each other. Throwing, catching, kicking, rolling and hitting beanbags, balls etc. Balancing. Fine motor skills – improving grip and control ready for writing. Keeping healthy and safe. Dressing and undressing.
Our Classroom – Outdoor Area Opportunities for: Negotiating space and obstacles Working together, taking turns and sharing Learning about the world Speaking and listening Some children also go to Forest School!
Areas of Learning: Literacy Development Enjoying listening to, joining in with, taking about, retelling and making up stories and rhymes. We use ‘Sign and Shine’ to learn key words and letter sounds. We also learn signs to hep us retell stories and sing songs.
Our Classroom – Writing Area Opportunities for: Mark making & drawing ‘Sounding out’ words using phonics Writing for lots of different reasons We write in lots of other classroom areas too!
Our Classroom – Book Area Opportunities for: Enjoying different types of books Talking about and sharing stories we love Listening to stories, rhymes and songs Finding information We read in lots of different areas!
Areas of Learning: Mathematical Development Recognising numbers and counting accurately. Recognising numbers Counting objects Adding, taking away and comparing amounts Finding out about shapes, measures, time and money.
Our Classroom – Maths Area We use maths in lots of other areas too!
Areas of Learning: Understanding the World Finding out about other people and places – different traditions, celebrations, languages etc. Exploring the world around them – plants, animals and the environment. Using technology.
Areas of Learning: Expressive Art and Design Exploring colour and techniques – painting, printing, colour mixing, collage etc. Making models – ‘junk’ and playdough. Physical skills - using scissors, brushes and other tools and manipulating buttons, beads etc. Working together and problem solving Music, singing and dance Role play and story telling.
Our Classroom – Creative Area