Christopher O’Neill My Interview Analysis
Investigative Interview Introduction: The interviewer would give a brief introduction to the interviewee, giving the audience a background of the person before asking the questions. 0:00-1:00 In this interview on Charlie Rose, Charlie gives a very short but very relevant background to Quentin Tarantino. Charlie Rose makes Quentin feel relaxed as they re able to joke around at the beginning of the interview. Question Types: The questions that Quentin is being asked are very open so he is able to expand his answers rather than have a yes or no response. Active listening: One of the most important things a good interviewer must have is good listening skills, they have to be able to ask questions about certain topics that the interviewee has brought up, Charlie gives Quentin a lot of time to speak and always responds with good questions. Being Rapport is very important as it makes the interviewee feel the interviewer cares about what is being said. Continued:
Body language: This is very important as it makes you look interested in what the person is saying, doing things such s nodding your head every once in a while, keeping eye contact and agreeing with the interviewee are a few good ways to make the interviewee comfortable Adversarial: There isn’t a strong disagreement between the 2 men, in hard news cases you would find the interviewer and the interviewee disagreeing with each other on certain important issues. Serious: While certain investigative interviews can be very serious, this one is more of an insight into a up and coming talent. this documentary would be a good example of a more serious investigation as it trying to uncover the secrets of scientology. 8:55-13:27 a very reliable interview from a person high up in the church of scientology. 36:05-37:24 another good example of investigative interviews, the interviewer is trying to get a good understanding of the church of scientology.
Hard News/combative interviews Hard news would be used to describe serious news of widespread importance, stories which fall under the umbrella of hard news often deal with topics such as Politics, business, or international news. Adversarial: This is a prime example of the 2 people involved in the interview coming to a disagreement, these types of interviews can turn into a debate between the interviewer and the interviewee. Serious: This is a serious issue as this interview was post Colorado mass shooting, Pierce Morgan is very passionate about the subject matter and you sense that in the interview. Humorous: Hard news wouldn’t be as humorous as investigative news or light- hearted news as the subject matter would be serious, the interviewer can be quite aggressive.
Open/closed questions: Open questions are good for the interviewee to expand on their answer, close questions are simple yes and no answers, these type of questions don’t make for a very interesting interview. Suggestive question: Pierce Morgan is hoping for a anti-gun response from Jesse Ventura, suggestive questions are questions which tell the interviewee how to answer, they can come across as quite aggressive. Direct questions: some interviews have a certain agenda that they are working towards, they may in fact want the interviewee to say a certain thing, direct questions are a way to achieve that, these questions tend to persuade the interviewee to answer the question with a certain answer. Interpretive interview: These are interviews in which the interviewee is asked to explain something and give a opinion on a certain issue, this interview is very opinionated. 11:27-15:15 This could be an example of a bad hard news interview, Sean Hannity constantly interrupts the interviewee and changes the subject whenever he is confronted with a good argument, he asked very closed questions in an attempt to make everything black and white, he becomes very aggressive, it’s such a bad interview that people in the background begin to laugh at Sean Hannity.
Light-hearted news/Entertainment This would be the opposite of hard news, these news reports would not be as downbeat as hard news, it usually made for entertainment purposes. Body language: This is very important as it makes you look interested in what the person is saying, doing things such s nodding your he every once in a while, keeping eye contact and agreeing with the interviewee are few good ways to make the interviewee comfortable, this would be very common in light-hearted interviews as they aren’t as serious as hard news. Sound bites: Sound bites are parts of the interview that have been selected an put out to advertise the interview, good examples of this would be on Conan O’Brian’s YouTube page.
Promotional Interview This can fall into lighthearted interviews, many of the mainstream shows usually promote a celebrity's new album or film that just about to be released in order to promote it. if you watch the beginning of this video you can see that David letterman puts Jay-z’s new album clearly in frame. If it was a film they would play a clip of the film. Usually these interviewers will be paid by marketing companies to promote their product, usually days before it’s released. Fox news which is a more hard news channel would allow people on to promote their new book that’s about to be released.