Tips for Interviewing Allison Nichols Evaluation Specialist
Tip 1 Before you start, put the following informational sheets in a prominent informational sheets in a prominent place: place: Tips for Interviewers Tips for Interviewers Written introductory statement Written introductory statement A description of what the respondent might like to know about the project or your organization. A description of what the respondent might like to know about the project or your organization.
Tip 2 Make the introduction friendly and peppy. Most people will not terminate the conversation until they have heard the whole introduction.
Tip 3 Tell the respondent that his/her opinion is really important. A common objection is, “I don’t know anything about the topic, so I won’t be able to answer the questions.”
Tip 4 Read the questions precisely as written.
Tip 5 Keep the conversation moving. The way the first questions are asked and answered tends to set the pace and tone of the interview.
Tip 6 Answer the question “What do you mean by that?” in the following ways. “I’m sorry, I don’t have that information.” “It’s important that the question be answered as it is written, maybe I could read it to you again.” “I will write down the concern you have with the question so that those who analyze the information will understand.”
Tip 7 If you think the respondent misunderstood the question ask if you can re-read the question. “Could I re-read the question and the answer I’ve written down just to be sure I have everything you wanted to say?” “Could I re-read the question and the answer I’ve written down just to be sure I have everything you wanted to say?” “I think I may not have read the question correctly, so may I read it again to be sure?” “I think I may not have read the question correctly, so may I read it again to be sure?”
Tip 8 Use neutral probes as needed. Yes, I see.” Yes, I see.” “Uh-huh.” “Uh-huh.” Do not say... Do not say... “Then what you really mean is...” Do say... Do say... “Could you be a little more specific?” “I’m not sure I am entirely clear about what you mean. Could you explain it a little more?” you explain it a little more?”
Tip 9 Write down everything. If a respondent qualifies an answer, write it down If a respondent qualifies an answer, write it down If a comment (probe) you offer stimulates a new response, write it down. If a comment (probe) you offer stimulates a new response, write it down. Attempt to get it in verbatim form. Attempt to get it in verbatim form.
Tip 10 Write answers down while mentally preparing to read the next question. Avoid long blank spots created by the need to write lengthy verbatim answers.
Tip 11 Listen intently for indication of changing mood and make a statement to put the interviewee at ease. “I’m sensing that you’re getting tired, the remaining questions will only take a few more minutes.”
Tip 12 If the respondent becomes incensed or abusive be nice! Do not hang up! Keep cool! “Yes, I see. Uh-huh.” “Yes, I understand you do feel quite strongly about this matter. But, we really do need the information” If all else fails: “I think I can understand your feelings, and your not wanting to complete the interview. Thank you very much anyway. Good bye.”
Tip 13 When you finish the interview, immediately record the time and calculate length of the interview.
Tip 14 When you finish the interview, immediately go over every single answer to make sure it was done correctly.
Tip 15 Rewrite answers to open-ended questions that you even suspect might be illegible.
Tip 16 When you finish checking over the survey, give the completed interview form to your supervisor or other person as instructed.
Tip 17 After you have finished the interview process, do not tell anyone the substance of any interview or part of an interview, no matter how fascinating or interesting it was.
Tip 18 After you have finished the interview process, avoid giving your own summary of findings. Just because 90 percent of your respondents feel a certain way, does not mean that 90 percent of everyone else feels the same way. Just because 90 percent of your respondents feel a certain way, does not mean that 90 percent of everyone else feels the same way.
Practice Pick a partner and practice interviewing using the questions provided. Pick a partner and practice interviewing using the questions provided.