Corporate Social Responsibility. The case of cement companies operating in the harbor of Durres Marsida ISMAILI
Corporate Social Responsibility According to Patrizia Torrecchia The European Commission definition of CSR: “the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on society”. To be social responsible, enterprises “should have in place a process to integrate social, environmental, ethical human rights and consumer concerns into their business operations and core strategy in close collaboration with their stakeholders” Torrecchia, Patrizia. Corporate Social Responsibility in Idowu, O. Samuel, edt. a “Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance”. Springer, 2014, p
CSR and sustainable development CSR is deeply linked to the concept of sustainable development and both are “moving targets” that can be achieved only by a process of continuous improvement. CSR can be seen as the way firms balance environmental, social, and economic aspects, trying to be transparent and accountable and establishing better practices to create wealth and improve society.
Sustainable development The term and process of ‘sustainable development’ evolved out of the environmental movement between the 1960s to the 1980s. It was driven by an increasing awareness about the limits to global resources and is expressed in a number of popular publications and international conferences. Silent Spring, by Carson in 1962, The Population Bomb by Ehrlich and Ehrlich in 1968, The Limits to Growth by the Club of Rome and the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972, the first World Climate Conference in 1979 or the Global 2000 Report to the President by Council of Environmental Quality and the United States Department of State in 1980.
Sustainable development The publication of a report by the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) called ‘Our common future’, popularly known as the Brundtland Report in The most prominent definition of sustainable development. ‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs’. Important to eliminate poverty and hunger, educate, house and employ people, secure peace, security and freedom and to preserve the Earth’s life support systems for future generations. 2 Reiser, Dirk. Sustainable Development in Idowu, O. Samuel, edt. a “Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance”. Springer, 2014, p
The cement sector in Albania: producers Cement Production: Antea Cement –Titan Group The biggest FDI in Albania of 200 million Euro, from 2005 onward. The European Company of Inspection and Certification, S.A, in 2009 has awarded the company with a «Certificate of the Management System of the Social Responsibility». Fushe-Kruje Cement Factory: From 1996, with Seament Albania Company in Durres, one year later it expanded in Elbasan and in Fushe-Kruje, in 2000 with a licence from the Albanian Governmentfor producing cement.
CSR of cement companies The OSCE study is based on analysing CSR in three areas: 1. The staff/employees. 2. Community. 3. The environment. Also the report analyses: 1. The collaboration with local governmental units, central government, and nonprofit organizations; 2. Faced problems 3. Future plans of companies. The best practice in Albania: TITAN GROUP: The profesional technical school in Thumana (Mecanics): 2010-ongoing.
Some governmental regulations, National Environmental Agency Law no. 60/ 2014 date ``Per Lejet e mjedisit`` Law no , datë “Për mbrojtjen e mjedisit”, i ndryshuar. Law no , Date “Per mbrojtjen e ajrit nga ndotja`` Council of Ministers Decision, VKM, no. 435, datë “Për miratimin e normave të shkarkimeve në ajër në Republikën e Shqipërisë” VKM no. 1189, datë , "Për rregullat dhe procedurat për hartimin dhe zbatimin e programit kombëtar të monitorimit të mjedisit ", VKM, no. 803, datë “ Per miratimin e normave te cilesise se ajrit"
Bibliography 1. Idowu, O. Samuel, edt. a “Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance”. Springer, OSCE. “Analysis of the situation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Albania: Practices and challenges of the mining industry” Report, Albdesign, medha-ne-shqiperi/ medha-ne-shqiperi/