Rizal Exiled in Dapitan
Dapitan during the Arrival of Rizal .
Dapitan This place had long been a politico-military outpost of the Spaniards in the Philippines. One of the forefronts of Spanish culture, religion, and civilization in Muslim Mindanao Headed by a politico-military commander and with a parish priest, tasked with the conversion of the island into Catholicism.
Cebu Rizal arrived at Dapitan on July 17, 1892, on board the steamer Cebu. The steamer carried a letter from Father Pablo Pastells, superior of the Jesuit Society in the Philippines, to Father Antonio Obach, Jesuit parish priest of Dapitan. The letter states that Rizal could live in the parish once he retracted all his statements against the Spanish rule. Rizal objected
Ricardo Carnicero The politico military commander of Dapitan Where Rizal lived during his first few days in Dapitan. Was able to know that Rizal was not a common criminal, much less a filibustero A Don Ricardo Carnicero – a poem written by Rizal on the occasion of the captain’s birthday.
Rizal wins in Manila Lottery Butuan – a mail boat that brought the happy tidings that the Lottery Ticket No. 9736 jointly owned by Rizal, Captain Carnicero and Francisco Equilior (Spanish resident of Dipolog) won the second prize of P20,000.00 in the government owned Manila Lottery. P6,200.00 – Rizal’s share P2,000.00 given to his father P200.00 given to his friend Jose Ma. Basa in Hong Kong The rest he invested purchasing agricultural lands along the coast of Talisay, about one kilometer away from Dapitan.
Rizal and Pastells Debate on Religion Superior of the Society of JEsus
In all his letters to Father Pastells, Rizal reveled his anti-Catholic ideas which he had acquired in Europe and embitterment at his persecution by the bad friars. Father Pastells tried his best to win back Rizal to the fold of Catholicism. Gave Rizal a copy of the Imitation of Christ, a famous Catholic book by Father Thomas a Kempis Rizal gave him a bust of St. Paul which he had made.
Rizal Challenges a Frenchman to a Duel Juan Lardet – a French businessman purchased many logs from the lands of Rizal, it so happened that some of the logs were of poor quality. He expressed his disgust to a friend who informed Rizal what transpired and the latter challenged the French man into a duel Captain Carnicero – told the Frenchman to apologize rather than accept the challenge. The Frenchman apologize for his insulting comment
Fr. Francisco de Paula Sanchez Rizal’s favorite teacher one of the three Jesuits instructed to persuade Rizal to discard his errors of religion. The only Spanish priest to defend Rizal’s Noli Me Tangere in public.
He assisted Rizal in beautifying the town plaza. On his birthday, Rizal gave him a manuscript entitled, Studies on the Tagalog Language – a Tagalog grammar which Rizal wrote and which he dedicated to his beloved former teacher. Father Jose Vilaclara – friar curate of Dipolog Father Antonio Obach – friar curate of Dapitan Were also instructed by Father Pastells to persuade Rizal.
Rizal’s Life in Dapitan Rizal was visited by his relatives in Dapitan He built his house by the seashore of Talisay He has three houses in Dapitan Taught arithmetic to young boys Have fruit trees and domesticated anmals
Rizal and a Friar Spy Florencio Namanan – assumed name of Pablo Mercado and posing as a relative secretly visited Rizal at his house. He introduced himself as a friend and relative showing a photo of Rizal and a pair of buttons with initials PM as evidence of his kinship with the Rizal family. Offered his services as a confidential courier of Rizal’s letters and writing for the patriots in Manila.
Florencio Namanan Later Rizal learned that the man was still in Dapitan, telling people that he was a beloved relative of Dr. Rizal. Loosing his temper, he went to Captain Juan Sitges (succeeded Captain Carnicero) He was hired by the Recollect friars to a secret mission in Dapitan
Rizal a Physician in Dapitan Most of his patients were poor so he offered his services for free. Some of them gave him fruits, vegetables and fish as their payment. He operated his mother in August of 1893. He operated Don Ignacio Tumarong and paid him P3,000.00 Don Francisco Azacarraga paid him P500.00
Water System for Dapitan Rizal held the title expert surveyor while he was in Ateneo. In Dapitan, he applied his knowledge of engineering by constructing a system of waterworks in order to furnish clean water to the people.
Community Projects for Dapitan 1. Drained the swamps in order to get rid of malaria that infested Dapitan. 2. P500.00 payment of an English patient was used to equip the town with its lighting system, consisted of coconut oil lamps placed in the dark streets of Dapitan. 3. beautification of Dapitan – he remodeled the town plaza with the help of Fr. Sanchez They made a huge relief map of Mindanao out of earth stones and grass.
Teacher Jose The school started with three pupils and in the course of time the enrolment increased to 16 and later 21. Instead of charging them with tuition fees, he made them work in his garden, fields, and construction projects in the community. Rizal taught them reading, writing languages (Spanish and English), geography, history, mathematics (arithmetic and geometry), industrial work, nature study, morals and gymnastics.
Formal classes were conducted between 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm
Rizal’s Contribution to Science Rizal built up a rich collection of concology which consisted of 346 shells representing 203 species. Draco Rizali – flying dragon Apogonia Rizali – a small beetle Rhacophorus Rizali – a rare frog
Literary Works at Dapitan Two important literary works of Rizal produced, as an exile were the poems: Hymn to Talisay – intended to be a college song for the pupils he was teaching in Talisay This poem was used against him at his trial My Retreat – this poem portrays Rizal’s serene life in his place of rustication. He wrote the poem in response to his mother’s request that Rizal should revive his interest in poetry writing.
The Song of the Traveler – a heart-warming poem written by Rizal when he was granted freedom to travel in Europe and work in Cuba as a physician.
Josephine Bracken An Irish girl of sweet eighteen, slender, a chestnut blond, with blue eyes Was born in Hong Kong of Irish parents James Bracken and Elizabeth Jane MacBride Her mother died of childbirth and she was adopted by George Taufer who became blind
Josephine Bracken and Rizal No ophthalmic surgeon could cure Mr. Taufer’s blindness so he went to Dapitan Manuela Orlac – a Filipina companion who accompanied the two. They presented a card of introduction by Julio Llorente, Rizal’s friend and schoolmate. After a whirlwind romance of a month, they agreed to marry but Father Obach refused to marry them without the permission of the Bishop of Cebu.
George Taufer When he heard of their projected marriage, he flared up in a violent rage. He tried to commit suicide by cutting of his throat with a razor. To avoid a tragedy, Josephine went with him in Manila
George Taufer returned alone to Hong Kong. Josephine stayed with the family of Rizal in Manila. Francisco – son of Rizal who died due to premature giving birth of his mother. He was eight month old then
Rizal and the Katipunan Andres Bonifacio – The Great Plebeian Founded the Katipunan on July 7, 1896.
Dr. Pio Valenzuela Best friend of Bonifacio An emissary to Dapitan Venus – steamer that brought him to Dapitan Raymundo Mata – a blind man whom he brought with him to solicit Rizal’s expert medical advice.
Rizal Objected the Katipunan The people are not ready for a revolution The arms and funds must first be collected before raising the cry of revolution
Rizal Volunteers as a Military Doctor in Cuba Rizal offered his services as military doctor in Cuba, which was then in the throes of a revolution and raging yellow fever epidemic. Upon the advice of his best friend, Ferdinand Blumentritt, Rizal wrote to Governor General Ramon Blanco, the successor of the Gov. Gen. Despujol offering his services as military doctor in Cuba. Months passed and he received no reply from Malacañang.
July 1, 1896 – he received a letter from the Governor General notifying him of the acceptance of the offer.