Recycling means using things that have already been used, to make new things. RETHINK – REDUCE – REUSE – REPAIR – RECYCLE – REFUSE Do you Do Hey team, when you think of recycling. What do you think of? 6 R’s
Did you know that landfill space will run out in approximately 7 years, which is why it is so important to consider the 6 R’s Can you remember what the 6 R’s are ?!
The average household in the UK produces more than a tonnes of waste every year together, this comes to a total of 31 million tonnes per year – which is the equivalent weight to three and a half double-decker buses, a queue of which would go around the world two and a half times!
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What was Busta doing? What animals did Busta see flying around the landfill site? What else did Busta see on the landfill site? Did Busta like the smell of the landfill site?
I don’t want to go to landfill!
New toilet Roll and Paper New cardboard cereal boxes New paperboard WOO! YEAAH!
I know them!
NEW Aluminium Cans NEW Car parts NEW Bikes Busta has a skateboard made from recycled plastic!
Glass can Become... Did you know that glass is processed sand. Like the sand in gold course bunkers!
NEW Glass which can be re-used again and again…
Cardboard Aluminium Plastic Nappies Sweet Wrappers Glass AerosolsEnvelopes Food
This is our FAVOURITE game! Good luck wastebusters!
Hey, before you go - come and learn the Busta and Pong Recycling song! Click here.
Check out the Wastebuster Universe Game!