Page73 Page 72 Warm Up: Ancient Greece/Rome Pre- Assessment (number a blank sheet of notebook paper 1-10) WIO: Answer the following questions in complete sentences: 1. WHY does the winning leader of you Bracket Buster deserve to be the winner? 2. What great reforms, policies, laws, and/or decisions did this leader make to better their civilization? 3. Why do you think this leader is the greatest leader of all those we have learned about so far? Date: A B Class Work: 1)Warm-Up, Check HW 2)Go over Bracket Buster HW - Food 3)Ancient Persia – Leveled Reading and Reading Guide 4)HW – Leaders Bracket Buster and WIO HW: WIO and complete Leaders Bracket Buster for Ancient Rulers; Darius I, Xerxes, Cyrus the Great, Emperor Qin, Hammurabi, Egyptian Pharaohs, Genghis Khan, and Barack Obama How did the leaders of Ancient Persia influence the relations with Greece? Ancient Persia Readings
Page 75 Page 74 Warm Up: Brainstorm a list of what you already know about Ancient Greece. WIO: Ancient Greece – 3 things you learned about Ancient Greece 2- 2 things you want to know more about 1- 1 question you still have Date: A B Class Work: 1)Warm-Up= Mind-Mining 2)Check HW-Go over Leaders Bracket Buster- share WIO responses 3)Ancient Greece WebQuest 4)WIO 5)HW HW: Finish Webquest and WIO How do art, architecture, theater, philosophy, and religion contribute to the government and social policies of Ancient Greece? Ancient Greece WebQuest
Page77 Page 76 Warm Up: Answer questions 1-7, individually, on Greek Mythology Writing Project Brainstorming sheet. WIO: Project Reflection: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 1.What do you think will be the easiest part of the Greek Myth project? 2.What do you think will be the hardest part of the Greek Myth project? 3.What can I do to help you? Date: A B Class Work: 1)Warm-Up – Pair/Share 2)Discuss WebQuest – WIO last class 3)Go over Persia Reading 4)Discuss Myth Project/Rubric 5)Brainstorm/Write for Myth Project 6)HW HW: 1.Complete Myth Project Brainstorming sheet (Shape Sheet) How can we apply what we learned about Greek mythology in LA to our current culture/unit? Greek Myth Project Brainstorming
Page79 Page 78 Warm Up: Free Write: If a civilization only had one option to either train all of its citizens to become great warriors or to educate all of its citizens to become great learners, which do you think it should choose and why? Answer in at least 3 complete sentences WIO: Now, has your opinion changed for the warm-up question? Explain why or why not with evidence from class to justify which method you think is best. Date: A B Class Work: 1)Warm-Up/Check HW 2)Q & A for Myth Project 3)Read “Brains vs. Brawns”/Fill-In 4)Go Over “Brains vs. Brawns” 5)Quotes – Athens or Sparta? 6)Pros/Cons Chart of Athens & Sparta 7)Mini-Debate/Class Discussion HW: 1.Study for QUIZ NEXT CLASS – NB **Persia, Greek Vocab, Athens vs. Sparta** 2. Work on Myth Project Compare and Contrast the Greek City-States of Athens and Sparta. (Intelligence v. Strength) Athens vs. Sparta
Page 81 Page 80 Warm Up: Student/Teacher survey of class so far for reflection. On the back or bottom, list your goal for 2 nd semester and what you can do to achieve your goal. Please answer honestly! WIO:BLOOM’S QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Based on the question levels that you were given after the quiz, you need to choose 5 question stems from the green sheet, and use the stems to write review questions about Ancient Greece. **Put QUESTIONS ON SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. **PUT ANSWERS ON WIO! Date: A B Class Work: 1)Warm-Up 2)Explain Bloom’s Question Activity and Reading selection 3)Quiz 4)Complete Reading- Geography and Economics of Ancient Greece 5)WIO HW: 1.Finish Bloom’s Questions about Ancient Greece 2.Work on Greek Myth How did the geography and economics of Greece influence its’ development into city- states? Geography and Economics of Greece
Page83 Types of Government of Ancient Greece Page82 Warm Up: Reviewing reading sheets from Greek Geography and Rise of City States. Check answers in pairs. Reading was last class (p. 81) Classwork: Date: A B Homework: Complete Final Draft of Greek Myth Project **Need to have Rubric and Brainstorming sheet attached!** What are the advantages and disadvantages of the four types of government within Ancient Greece and World civilizations? 1)Warm-Up/Check-HW-5 Question Stems. (WIO p. 80) 2)Check Answers on Greek Geo and City-States Reading (p. 81) 3)History Alive Simulation- “The Rise of Democracy” and types of Government 4)Mini-Assessment on Greek Government WIO: Paragraph about Government today Circles: Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph explaining which types of government you would prefer to live under and explain why using evidence from your notes. Squares/Triangles: Write a 5-7 sentence paragraph describing how our government (democracy) has been influenced by the governments of Ancient Greece. Think about how we create new laws, how we choose our leaders, etc.
Alexander the Great’s Conquests Page 84 Warm Up: Alexander the Great Reading and Fill- In Sheet (Tape fill-in sheet here) Page 85 Class Work: Date: A B How did the conquests of Alexander the Great influence the cultures of Ancient Greece, Persia, and other neighboring civilizations? 1.Warm-Up/Collect Myths 2.Go over Warm-Up 3.ClassZone- Alexander the Great 4.Map Activity- Alexander the Great 5.Reflection WIO: Homework: Answer the assigned question in complete sentences. Minimum of 5 sentences for a response. Write the paragraph in today’s WIO. Circles: Why do you think the Greeks were not supporters of Alexander the Great and his father? What would your opinion of them have been? Squares: Why do you think Alexander the Great was so successful in conquering so many civilizations? How was he different than other leaders we have talked about so far this year? Triangles: How do you think the conquests of Alexander the Great influenced the cultures of Ancient Greece, Persia, and other neighboring civilizations?
Greek Achievements Page 86 Warm Up: Alexander the Great Mapping Activity Reflection: 1.Were the directions, for this activity, easy for you to follow? 2.Were there any parts that you struggled to understand/complete? What parts? 3.What was the easiest part of the activity for you? 4.Did this activity help you to better understand how significant Alexander’s conquests were? Why or why not? Page 87 Class Work: Date: A B 1.Warm-Up/Check HW p “Greek Thinkers” Song 3.Paired Activity on Greek Achievements. 4.Group Collaboration for Class Jigsaw 5.Jigsaw-Greek Achievements 6.Reflection 7.WIO/HW WIO: Ranking of 8 Greek Achievements Rank, in order of most to least significant influence, the 8 Greek Achievements that were discussed in today’s class. Explain your top and least choice in a complete sentence. Homework: Write down at least 2 Questions that you have about Greece SO FAR. Use p in NB. Test is next Thursday/Friday!! If no questions: Write 2 possible test questions that I could ask. What were the notable art, architecture, philosophies, and intellectual achievements of Ancient Greece?