Jeopardy $100 CharactersQuotesPlotMisc.Vocabulary $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 Final Jeopardy Final Jeopardy
1 - $100 This person’s nickname is Mom; he is one of the counselors at Camp Green Lake This person’s nickname is Mom; he is one of the counselors at Camp Green Lake Mr. Pendanski Mr. Pendanski
1 - $200 Stanley’s great-great-grandfather Stanley’s great-great-grandfather Elya Yelnats Elya Yelnats
1 - $300 This person’s nickname is “Sweet Feet” This person’s nickname is “Sweet Feet” Clyde Livingston Clyde Livingston
1 - $400 Sam the onion man’s donkey (full name) Sam the onion man’s donkey (full name) Original Mary Lou Original Mary Lou
1 - $500 The first name AND nickname of the new camper who came to Camp Green Lake after Zero ran away The first name AND nickname of the new camper who came to Camp Green Lake after Zero ran away Brian A.K.A. Twitch Brian A.K.A. Twitch
2 - $100 “I want you to carry me up the mountain. I want to drink from the stream, and I want you to sing the song to me.” “I want you to carry me up the mountain. I want to drink from the stream, and I want you to sing the song to me.” Madame Zeroni Madame Zeroni
2 - $200 “If you must know,” said ________. “I liked you better when you smoked.” “If you must know,” said ________. “I liked you better when you smoked.” The Warden The Warden
2 - $300 “You can keep my pig as a wedding present.” “You can keep my pig as a wedding present.” Elya Elya
2 - $400 “Well, I’ll show it to Mom,” said ______. “See what he thinks. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get the day off.” “Well, I’ll show it to Mom,” said ______. “See what he thinks. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get the day off.” X-Ray X-Ray
2 - $500 “It causes him stress,” said ________. “I know you mean well, Stanley, but face it. Zero’s too stupid to learn to read. That’s what makes his blood boil. Not the hot sun.” “It causes him stress,” said ________. “I know you mean well, Stanley, but face it. Zero’s too stupid to learn to read. That’s what makes his blood boil. Not the hot sun.” Mr. Pendanski Mr. Pendanski
3 - $100 What was the “sploosh” that Zero had been drinking? What was the “sploosh” that Zero had been drinking? Hundred year-old peach nectar Hundred year-old peach nectar
3 - $200 What did Zero do in exchange for Stanley’s teaching him to read and write? What did Zero do in exchange for Stanley’s teaching him to read and write? Zero dug some of Stanley’s holes each day. Zero dug some of Stanley’s holes each day.
3 - $300 What was the name of the boat that Zero was hiding under in the desert, and why was this name significant? What was the name of the boat that Zero was hiding under in the desert, and why was this name significant? The boat’s name was Mary Lou, and that was the name of Sam’s boat. The boat’s name was Mary Lou, and that was the name of Sam’s boat.
3 - $400 What is the turning point in the story and why? What is the turning point in the story and why? The turning point in the story is when Stanley carries Zero up the mountain to God’s thumb, ending the Yelnat’s family curse. The turning point in the story is when Stanley carries Zero up the mountain to God’s thumb, ending the Yelnat’s family curse.
3 - $500 Name one of the lessons that this book teaches, and explain why you think this lesson fits. Name one of the lessons that this book teaches, and explain why you think this lesson fits. Answers may vary. Answers may vary. Examples: Good can come from bad. Sometimes we make mistakes so we can learn from them. Good friends can “carry” you through tough times. Examples: Good can come from bad. Sometimes we make mistakes so we can learn from them. Good friends can “carry” you through tough times.
4 - $100 The red nail polish has this in it. The red nail polish has this in it. Rattlesnake Venom Rattlesnake Venom
4 - $200 Why don’t they need fences at Camp Green Lake? Why don’t they need fences at Camp Green Lake? They don’t need fences at Camp Green Lake because there is no food or water for miles, so survival would be nearly impossible. They don’t need fences at Camp Green Lake because there is no food or water for miles, so survival would be nearly impossible.
4 - $300 What does Stanley picture while the lizards crawl all over him and he thinks he will die? What does Stanley picture while the lizards crawl all over him and he thinks he will die? A snowy day with his mother. A snowy day with his mother.
4 - $400 Explain how Stanley changes while he is at Camp Green Lake. Explain how Stanley changes while he is at Camp Green Lake. Stanley becomes stronger both physically and mentally. His heart also begins to harden because of the circumstances at Camp Green Lake. He ends up finding his true, compassionate, caring self by the end of the story. Stanley becomes stronger both physically and mentally. His heart also begins to harden because of the circumstances at Camp Green Lake. He ends up finding his true, compassionate, caring self by the end of the story.
4 - $500 Why did Kate Barlow “die laughing”? How is this an example of dark humor? Why did Kate Barlow “die laughing”? How is this an example of dark humor? Kate Barlow died laughing because she thought it was funny that Trout Walker and Linda Miller would never find her treasure. This is an example of dark humor/irony because Kate is dying, which is a serious thing, yet she is laughing because her death got her out of sharing her treasure with bad guys. This is an example of Louis Sachar trying to make a serious topic funny. Kate Barlow died laughing because she thought it was funny that Trout Walker and Linda Miller would never find her treasure. This is an example of dark humor/irony because Kate is dying, which is a serious thing, yet she is laughing because her death got her out of sharing her treasure with bad guys. This is an example of Louis Sachar trying to make a serious topic funny.
5 - $100 Unrealistic longing for something that probably won’t happen Unrealistic longing for something that probably won’t happen False hope False hope
5 - $200 Being thankful; valuing someone or something Being thankful; valuing someone or something appreciate appreciate
5 - $300 Regret, feeling guilty for something you did Regret, feeling guilty for something you did remorse remorse
5 - $400 absolution; being saved from sin absolution; being saved from sin redemption redemption
5 - $500 Fill in the blanks. Fill in the blanks. Jeffrey is a glass half full person, who is always (1) _____. On the other hand, Ruby is a glass half empty person, and she is always (2) __________. 1 optimistic; 2 pessimistic 1 optimistic; 2 pessimistic
Final Jeopardy What are the three parallel plots that are introduced in Holes? Explain how all of the plots are related. Why is each plot so important to the overall story? What are the three parallel plots that are introduced in Holes? Explain how all of the plots are related. Why is each plot so important to the overall story? Stanley’s, Elya’s, and Kate Barlow’s Stanley’s, Elya’s, and Kate Barlow’s