성수현 최준호 김길조 Exercise Program for the Mental Retardation
Contents 1. What is the mental retardation (definition, cause) 2. The kind of mental retardation (Participation Criteria, Disorder Grade) 3. Exercise Program for the mental retardation
1. The definition and cause of mental retardation 정신지체 ( 精神遲滯 ) 장애인은, 현재 기능에 실질적인 제한성이 있는 것을 지칭한다. 그 기능에는 평균 이하인 지적 기능과 동시에 그와 연관된 적응적 제한성이 두 가지 혹은 그 이상의 실제 적응기술 영역 ( 의사소통, 자기관리, 가정생활, 사회성 기술, 지역사회 활용, 자기지시, 건강과 안전, 기능과 학업교과, 여가, 직업기술 ) 등에 실질적인 제한성이 있는 사람을 지적장애인이라 한다.( 미국정신지체협회 ) 정신지체의 원인은 다양하며 단일적, 복합적 요소들을 가지고 있으며 현재까지도 알려지지 않은 부분이 많이 존재한다. 생물학적 원인과 사회심리적 원인으로 나누어 생각해 볼 수 있다.
1. The definition and cause of mental retardation Cause Errors of Metabolism Subalimentation Infection Poisoning Prenatalinfluence Chromosomal aberration mental/social factor
2. The kind of mental retardation(Disorder Grade) GradeThe standard of disorder 1 급 (severe) 지능지수, 사회성숙지수가 34 이하인 사람으로 일상생활과 사회생활의 적응이 현저하게 곤란하여 일생 동안 타인의 보호가 필요한 사람 2 급 (moderate) 지능지수, 사회성숙지수가 35 이상 49 이하인 사람으로 일상생활의 단순한 행동을 훈련시킬 수 있고, 어느 정도의 감독과 도움을 받으면 복잡하지 아니하고 특수기술을 요하지 아니하는 직업을 가질 수 있는 사람 3 급 (mild) 지능지수와 사회성숙지수가 50 이상 70 이하인 사람으로 교육을 통한 사회적 · 직업적 재활이 가능한 사람 정신지체의 교육적인 분류 - 교육가능급 (EMR) 51~75( 우둔 ) 일반학교 특수학급 - 훈련가능급 (TMR) 26~50( 치우 ) 특수학교 - 완전의존급 (TDMR) 25 이하 ( 백치 ) 보호시설
2. The kind of mental retardation(Special Olympics) Let me win, But if I cannot win, Let me be brave in the attempt.. Summer Game(20) Swim, Athletics, Badminton, Basketball Boccia, Bowling, Horse-riding, Cycling Football(five, eleven) Golf, Gymnastics Weightlifting, Handball, Inline Skating, Yacht Ping-Pong, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Judo Winter Game(7) Alpine Skiing, Nordic Skiing, Speed Skating Figure Skating, Snow Boarding, Snowshoeing Floor Hockey
2. The consideration for the physical activity 1.The pursue of enjoyment and fun 2.Lead to independence 3.Intellectual development 4.Quantity of physical activity
1.Applied Program : Play of the Basic movement 2.Exercise Target : Mental retardation children 3.The Purpose of Exercise Program - Improvement of Basic Movement - Improvement of Basic Movement - Promotion of Physical Growth - Promotion of Physical Growth - Cultivation of Sociality - Cultivation of Sociality - Development of Intellectual capacity - Development of Intellectual capacity 3. Exercise program for the mental retardation Writer : Seong Soo Hyeon
Day DaySectionMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Warm up (10min)Running(5min)Stretching (each of motion 10~30sec) REST Running(5min)Stretching REST Running(5min)Stretching Main Exercise (20min) A log transportation Frog imitation Ball tunnel Cooling down (10min) Walking or Free gymnastics gymnastics Walking or Free gymnastics gymnastics gymnastics 3. Exercise program for the mental retardation Writer : Seong Soo Hyeon
3. Analysis Writer : Seong Soo Hyeon DayFactorMondayWednesdayFriday StrengthOO FlexibilityOOO AgilityO EnduranceOO PowerO BalanceOO CoordinationOOO ElaboratenessO
3. Video Writer : Seong Soo Hyeon 출처 : Special Olympics.. “Unity Acceptance Dignity Courage Strength Pride Confidence Fun..” Confidence Fun..”
3. Exercise program for the mental retardation Writer : Kim Kil Jo 1.Applied Program : Teakwondo Basic Motion 2.Exercise Target : Mental retardation children 3.The Purpose of Exercise Program - Improvement of Movement Ability - Improvement of Movement Ability - Improvement of Balance - Improvement of Balance - Cultivation of Sociality - Cultivation of Sociality
3. Exercise program for the mental retardation Writer : Kim Kil Jo Day DaySectionMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday Warm up (10min)RunningStretching REST RunningStretching REST RunningStretching Main Exercise (20min) Strength Training (play exrecise) Teakwondo Basic Motion Stance & Blocking (Upper Body) Teakwondo Kicking Motion Cooling down (10min) Sing with clap(5min) Body Massage(5min) Sing with clap(5min) Body Massage(5min) Sing with clap(5min) Body Massage(5min)
3. Analysis Writer : Kim Kil Jo DayFactorMondayWednesdayFriday StrengthO FlexibilityOOO AgilityOOO EnduranceOO PowerO BalanceOOO CoordinationO
1.Applied Program : Swimming 2.Exercise Target : TMR Children 3.The Purpose of Exercise Program - Motivation of physical activity - Motivation of physical activity - Improvement of stamina and sports technique - Improvement of stamina and sports technique - Cultivation of Sociality - Cultivation of Sociality - Development of Intellectual - Development of Intellectual 3. Exercise program for the mental retardation Writer : Choi Joon Ho
Change into swimming suit Get one’s body wet (warm water) Take the water Stretching Walking into the water (25meter x 4) Freestyle kick (25meter x 2) Freestyle stroke (25m x 2) Freestyle swimming (25meter x 4) Walking into the water (25meter x 4) Stretching Take a shower 3. Exercise program for the mental retardation Writer : Choi Joon Ho
3. Analysis Writer : Choi Joon Ho F a c t o r Improvement StrengthO FlexibilityO Agility EnduranceO Power BalanceO CoordinationO ElaboratenessO
3. Video Writer : Choi Joon Ho
Thank you for listening..