Megan Rodgers
Willow Springs, MO This is a small rural community with about 2,500 people. Mostly farmland and woods with a few stores and small public education system. The closest city is over an hour away, access to a rural community hospital is nearly half an hour. I have lived in a small rural community nearly all of my life. According to the census bureau, rural is considered any territory, population, or place with less than 2,500 individuals
Healthcare Calling! I originally went and received a bachelor degree in Biology; however, was unsure about what to do with it. I then returned to school full time to pursue an associates in registered nursing and an finishing my bachelors in nursing currently. I always wanted to get into healthcare, but was uncertain what area. I currently love the area I work in (acute care, post cardiothoracic surgery), but I also know this is not what I want with my education and experience later on. I feel that it is so important to continue your education within the nursing field as there are always policies and changing research that everyone in healthcare should be aware of. It also gives us as nurses a broader understanding for areas such as rural communities that are not as familiar to us. This is why I have chosen to continue to pursue my BSN through Missouri State.
Missouri State University! After completing my ASN through Missouri State, I am currently enrolled in Missouri State University’s BSN-completion program to finish the remaining hours required in order to obtain my bachelor of nursing degree.
Cultural Diversity With healthcare today, it is important to be culturally diverse and understand all different cultures, diversities, religions, etc. especially when providing patient care. This is not one of my stronger areas. Part of this I contribute to my lack of exposure and living in a rural community. I know basic words in Español! Not good. There are always needs within the hospital for someone who is fluent in other languages, but they won’t be calling me.
Expectations? Concerns or expectations?? I never know what to expect until it’s upon me so here’s to giving it my best shot!