Fellowship Within His Glorious Church Lesson 5: (Acts 10:1 – 11:18)
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Fellowship as understood in the man and life of Cornelius (10:1-8) –Lesson: One can be good & religious, but still be out of fellowship with God Cornelius was: –a God-fearer (10:2, 22) –a father who “feared God w/ all his household” (10:2) –a kind man who “gave alms generously” (10:2, 31) –a man who “prayed to God always” (10:2, 30-31) –a “just man,” who dealt with people fairly (10:22) –a man who was well-thought by all the Jews (10:22) –a man who wanted others to hear the gospel (10:24) –a man who took religion seriously in “fasting” (10:30) Yet, he was lost & not saved (10:5-6; 11:14)!
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Fellowship as understood in the vision that Peter saw (10:9-16) –Lesson: It is God who draws the boundaries of fellowship, not man. His principle defined here. Peter was keeping to that which he had always followed—the old law (10:12-14). He still did not clearly understand that the O.T. system had been nailed to the cross (Col. 2:14). God said three times—“What God has cleansed you must not call common” (10:15-16). –All animals are now “clean”—old law is void. –Gentiles are now “clean”—gospel to go to them. In fellowship with God—those He has cleansed. It is God who identifies who is in fellowship—those whom God has cleansed.
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Fellowship as understood in Peter’s encounter with Cornelius (10:17-48) –Lesson: God’s fellowship, while not accepted by all, IS available to ALL. God’s fellowship is conditionally for “every nation” – “whoever fears & works” (35)—same conditions Jesus “is Lord of all” as seen by “healing all,” even the Gentiles (36-38; Mt. 8:5-13; Mk. 7:24-30) Jesus “commanded us to preach” (42) “to every creature” in “all nations” (42; Mk. 16:15; Mt. 28:19) God promised “remission of sins” to “whoever believes” with an obedient faith (43,48,35; Rom. 1:5) No one should keep them from being baptized and securing fellowship with God (47-48; Mt. 28:19) Peter pointed out that:
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Fellowship as understood in Peter’s defense before his Jewish brethren (11:1-18) –Lesson: Christians must allow God to say who is in fellowship with Him & then follow His lead. Jewish Christians “contended with” Peter when they heard the “Gentiles had also received the word” (11:1-2; cf. 10:28). Peter explained: –Everything that led up to it (11:4-14) –He was to tell them how to “be saved” (11:14) –As he “began to speak, the H.S. fell upon them” (15) –These events were in lock-step with God’s will (16) –He could not withstand God giving same gift (17) Must make God’s (F) available to all by preaching to all.
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Applying It to Me –Lesson: One can be good & religious, but still be out of fellowship with God –Lesson: It is God who draws the boundaries of fellowship, not man. –Lesson: God’s fellowship, while not accepted by all, IS available to ALL. –Lesson: Christians must allow God to say who is in fellowship with Him & then follow His lead.
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Applying It to Me –Our personal fellowship with God DOES NOT come from: Obeying the Ten Commandments. Being good to your fellow-man. Having a good reputation. A direct operation of the Holy Spirit.
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Applying It to Me –Our personal fellowship with God DOES come from combining the following: A submissive, obedient heart (10:35) Belief in Jesus (10:43) Repentance (11:18) Baptism (10:47-48)
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Applying It to Me –We should never withhold our fellowship from someone with whom God has fellowship. We “must not” think of someone as unclean, common or out of God’s favor if God, according to the specifics of His word, thinks of that someone as clean (10:15). If God extends His fellowship to someone because of their obedience and faithful living, we are obliged to do the same.
Fellowship Within His Glorious Church (Acts 10:1 – 11:18) Applying It to Me –We should never extend our fellowship to someone with whom God does not fellowship. Before one is accepted as “clean,” he must be “clean” and “acceptable” to God (10:15, 35). To enter into fellowship with God, Bible-specified baptism is the “dividing line” that ushers one into God’s favor (cf. Matt. 28:19; Rom. 6:3-22). If a brother or sister fails to continue a life of obedient faith, they forfeit their fellowship with God & force us to withhold ours (cf. 1 Cor. 5:1-13; 2 Thess. 3:6-14; 2 John 9-11).